Thread: Love and Hate
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12-05-11, 01:42 PM   #9
A Kobold Labourer
Join Date: Sep 2007
Posts: 1

Hi Maul,

Been a fan since Trinity and looking forward to MMB (Mauls Mysterious Bars)!

A lot of what I like about Macaroon is already posted above.

I've a few "opportunities for improvement" for the future...

Bar "Vault" or copy
I'd really like to be able to copy a whole bar to another profile or character.
The main reason is that Pet/Possess/Vehicle bars are painful to set up the way I like and I want it exactly the same on nearly all my characters.

Pet/Possess/Vehicle bar - ease of setup
I find it tiresome to create (say) a Pet bar... having to edit each button individually to set the pet IDs in the layout I want. Then again for Possess, Vehicle etc.

Two different ideas....
1. Allow me to pick up the whole button (ie: Rather than pick up the Pet ability from a button, instead pick up Pet ID 1 and move it intact to a different button - even a button currently defined as Macro).

2. Button assignment wizard
I'm thinking something like creating a bar with say 12 empty buttons in my desired layout and then clicking the "Pet Bar Wizard" function. This would then enable the Pet state for that bar and then let me click on buttons to assign the Pet IDs one by one (first button clicked gets Pet ID 1, 2nd button clicked gets Pet ID 2 etc.). This would let me quickly set which Pet IDs I want where.

Custom icon selection
Even before the current custom icon issues, Macaroon seems to reference the icons relative to their position in the list rather than absolutely. So everytime a new icon was introduced by Blizzard, all my custom icons would change.
Is it possible to reference them by name or something?
Also finding the icon I want make my eyes water. Perhaps the icon selection screen could be full screen and zoomable? Perhaps we could search by ability or item name that uses the icon?

Layout replication function
I like to have all my profiles in the same layout. If I want to change the position, size or arrangement of a button or bar, I need to manually change it on every profile.
Not sure how feasible this is, but I'd like to be able to somehow apply a layout change to every profile (obviously without changing the buttons macro/action/functionality).

Flyout button - drag & drop
It would be cool to drag an ability or usable item and drop it on a flyout button to add it to the flyout. <cough>Autobar</cough>

Flyout button - automatic by item class
Set a flyout button to show all the items in your bag of a particular item class (eg: "Consumable - Food & Drink" or "Consumable - Bandage" etc.). <repeat cough above>

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