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12-16-07, 07:22 PM   #3
An Aku'mai Servant
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Join Date: Nov 2007
Posts: 32
Thanks for the feedback :-)

sometimes it bugs out and won't let me click names and issue commands, but only rarely.
Some kind of voodoo stops it doing stuff occasionally. I suspect it’s to do with people entering or leaving the raid, or at least it seems to be the main culprit for lots of funny stuff going on during development. For the moment try /bgg show , which should reset everything.

And another nitpicking thing, if you include yourself in a command it says "and me help farm", which sounds like a retard, so I just don't include myself in commands and go anyways.
It’s great someone’s using that aspect of the program- I never had the nerve to myself and have been concentrating on doing fancy things in WSG lately. And you don’t want an addon making you seem like a retard. I’ll think about this for 1.1. Here’s the problem:

Jim, Sarah and I should help at the farm gramatically correct but sounds a bit Shakespearian for /bg chat

Jim, Sarah and me should help at the farm

...sounds like Cookie Monster.

Jim, Sarah and myself should help at the farm

...might be a compromise, though one of my friends in the corporate world rants about the misuse of 'myself' all through the corporate world. Hehe. I’ll make the handling of the 1st person more customizable. Cheers!
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