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12-16-23, 09:21 AM   #9
A Murloc Raider
Join Date: Oct 2022
Posts: 6
Sorry my previous post was probably a bit confusing. What I meant was your script worked great and I understand it. Completely separate from it I was discouraged to see that the blizzard API seems to work differently when at a bank in general, as C_Container.UseContainerItem is blocked unless you are at a bank even though it does not say it's protected. This must be because right clicking items at a bank or "using them" just deposits them rather than casts the item spell.

I had tried every way I could find to provoke using an item while at the bank which included RunMacro although that was just an effort to see if anything would work. The entire idea behind this was I wanted to create an addon that when you hold down shift and right click items while the bank window is open it would use the item rather than deposit it. The most practical example personally is enchanting dust going from Lesser to Greater and needing to close the bank, consolidate, then re-deposit. I know this is completely silly but I thought it would be a very easy first addon project for myself to learn from.

Based on your last reply this would be much much more complex to do?
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