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11-13-10, 01:58 PM   #11
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
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Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 16
for Diatrive (or anyone wishing for an english summary of this topic) :

three weeks ago, Dinendal (author of the topic) asked where to find the last version of the OOBE Konyagi (which was based on Tiras Porah's one), Sigg answered that he was waiting for an answer from Blizzard on some broken functionality.

Last week JaneG asked for any new on that topic, and Sigg said he was only working on the 7.5 version of openRDX (and no more on the 7.4.9), and that he had a working version of the Konyagi OOBE for 7.5, and told him to contact him IG on EU-Rashgarroth once he'll have downloaded the 7.5 branch of openRDX (only available through svn). Cripsii and Kcori then gave explanations/links to help downloading openRDX via tortoise SVN

PS : be careful to download the "7.5_cataclysm" repertory, and not the "7.5" (which isn't up-to-date), even if you are playing on the live servers.
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