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12-05-21, 05:42 PM   #9
A Fallenroot Satyr
Join Date: Dec 2019
Posts: 21
Thanks very much for your answers.

There is a GameToolTip widget type (like a Frame or a Button widget type)

and there is the "GameToolTip" frame (a GameToolTip widget that has been given the name "GameToolTip") that inherits "SharedTooltipTemplate" which has a sub-frame that inherits the "NineSlicePanelTemplate". This is new to 9.1.5.
I'm not sure what you wrote that is new. The '"GameToolTip" frame'? Or that it inherits from SharedTooltipTemplate? Or that SharedTooltipTemplate has the subframe?

So, back to my original question. Before 9.1.5, the line

Lua Code:
  1. backdrop = GameTooltip:GetBackdrop();

Would get the backdrop (the default one I presume) from the GameToolTip widget type. Now, it's trying to get the backdrop from the "GameToolTip frame", which doesn't have that method (that would make sense of the `attempt to call method 'GetBackdrop' (a nil value)` error)? If that changed, what's the new equivalent way to get the backdrop?

Thanks very much!
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