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05-02-07, 12:33 PM   #4
A Flamescale Wyrmkin
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Join Date: Feb 2005
Posts: 106
it's best to find something thematically appropriate, as Xinh suggested. Here are some examples that I've gone by:

-Night & Blood Elf: I try to go with names that either have a smooth, lyrical quality about them (i.e. Sarouuthel, Aliestras) or a pair of words that could describe the character in some fashion (Goldeneye, Shadowhawk, Songheart) Usually for blood elves I look for a slightly darker sound, or something that sounds slightly more "civilized" than a name I would give a night elf
-Undead: Either the same naming convention you would use for a human, or one word that might sum up the character (i.e. Basher, Claw, Meat) as perhaps some undead would no longer prefer their given human name
-Orc: Harsh sounding names with a fair amount of connsonants. Think klingon, or perhaps something you'd imagine one of Jabba the Hutt's bodygaurds might be named (Malathok, Nargesh, Dal'Na'Tok)
-Troll: Similar to orc, but a bit smoother (Zaalrush, Oushaan, Jak'anth)
-Gnome: Bunch of techincal words cobbled together, just like Xinh suggested
-Dwarf: Think scottish or russian. (Dougan, Ivesk, Maceddon)
-Tauren: Something appropriately tribal and mystic. I don't have any good examples on this one
-Dranei: I like to take liberties with demonic or alien sounding names with this one (Daegon, Tsolaris, Yogsogeth, Amion)
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