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05-10-09, 04:16 AM   #4
A Murloc Raider
Join Date: Apr 2009
Posts: 6

Originally Posted by stormkeep View Post
Carbonite has built in map "note" support like what Handynotes does already, which is the adding of a note that shows an icon on the map with the note text when you mouse-hover. I'm not sure what you mean by them not showing on the minimap though...with my setup carbonite's map is the minimap as well as the big map, so then notes shows up both places. I'm not even familiar with how to make a carbonite minimap that is indepent of the main map.

You can add notes to the carbonite world map by selecting "add note" from the right click menu.
You can then add additional lines of detail to the notes, if you want, from the "Favorites" window (the notes show up there as well as on the world map).
Yes, USERS can right click and "Add Note". I need a way as an addon AUTHOR to send notes to the Carbonite map, manage them, delete them, etc. You gave me an idea though, I'm gonna look inside the heavily obfuscated Carbonite.lua and see what the right click menu's "Add Note" does, but it's quite a bit of work, I'd also have to figure out how they remove notes.

Can I please have an official answer from the Carbonite team? I'd like to know the following:

- The API for adding a note.
- The API for identifying that note.
- The API for deleting a note.
- The API for knowing if Carbonite has taken over the minimap.

I will then write an addition to the Astrolabe library that does as follows:
If Carbonite is Loaded
    If Carbonite_Owns_Minimap
        "Both the Astrolabe AddToMinimap and AddToWorldmap functions add
        the notes to the world map only, since they're one and the same. And
        I'll manage the notes in a way that prevents duplicates from being
        loaded to the same x/y position when addons call both, this means
        Astrolabe supports carbonite without authors using Carbonite having
        to do anything"
        "The Astrolabe AddToMinimap works as normal since the minimap is not
        owned by Carbonite, but the AddToWorldmap function adds the notes
        to the Carbonite world map"

-- All notes will be managed in a "Continent+Zone+X+Y = notetext, noteid"
format to prevent duplicate notes (when carb owns the minimap), and to
allow the deletenote function to work properly. --
Please help me out here, Carb developers, with the necessary details above. This will make LOTS of Notetaking/Coordinate/Waypoint addons compatible with Carbonite WITHOUT CHANGING THE ADDONS, by putting the compatibility code in the library for transparent support. ;-)