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07-23-08, 11:19 PM   #213
A Flamescale Wyrmkin
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Join Date: Feb 2005
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Originally Posted by iocontrol View Post
Since Spiel has asked for some input, here are some things that I've grown dependent on in the way of Unit Frame features:

Range. I like being able to see who is within range of me in my raid/party.
Pit Bull does this by partly fading out the frames of those out of range.
Show only those things that I can affect. I don't need to see a million and one icons. I just need to know who is affected by things that I can cure, dispell, cleanse, or otherwise remove. Hue/Color changes to the unit frame background would probably be the best way to represent the various afflictions (Green for Poison, Yellow for Disease, Orange for Curse, Blue for Magical, Red for Aggro).
A handy idea, but if implemented I hope there is an option to turn filtering off.
Show healing in real time. Pitbull managed to be able to show me the amount I was going to heal somebody for in relation to their real hit points. (Meaning, if they took damage, the projected heal amount would move accordingly) ... not so much a necessary thing. Just nice to know so I don't over heal.
Pitbull used a module in conjunction with DrDamage to display potential healing on the health bar during casting.

Click casting. I find the old way of targeting heals, buffs, and debuffs to be unsatisfactory as I do not wield the necessary skills to swap targets fast enough or with the required accuracy.
Probably the only thing needed to do this is make it so that the unitframes can hook into a 3rd party addon if you choose.
I like my raid and party frames to be organized in such a manner that at a mere glance I can tell who is what class, which group they belong to, how much health/power they have left, and if they have aggro.
I agree

Your HUD presents all the necessary information in regards to enemies so I'm not to sure what else would be required.

I'm sure that's asking a bit. But that is what I've grown dependent upon. I hope that it gives you some ideas or at least adds to the weights of certain planned features.
I think other than tweaks to make it "pretty" or go with a text only option, the hud is fine, and unless it breaks, should be left alone. LOVE the health race bar, btw.

I think this addon is very smart in that where the intent is, it excels. It's a strong foundation to build a custom ui around. What I'm thinking is that perhaps what there is now could be tweaked and polished, and then perhaps you could leave certain things open ended, where other people could code modules to plug into the core addon, a la PitBull, Fubar, Cartographer, Titan Bar, et. al. If this would require a complete recoding in favor of a new philosophy, I say it's probably not worth the effort, but if it could be done with what is in place, this probably could be even better and more well recieved than mazzleui was in it first surged onto the scene.

I may be blowing smoke out of my <murlock ate your word>, but that's my thoughts on the subject atm.