Thread: Sexy Interface?
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12-12-08, 06:28 AM   #17
A Fallenroot Satyr
Join Date: Dec 2008
Posts: 21
Originally Posted by hipjipp View Post
The actionbars are self-made ones. HBar is hidden/shown by my other addon HBarHide, which is the button located on the lower-right of your minimap. If you do not wish to use it, or simply start with your actionbars on screen, change the following (or read the comments on the compilation):
lua Code:
  1. BonusActionButton1:SetPoint("BOTTOM", UIParent, "BOTTOM", -230, -300);
  2. MainMenuBar:SetPoint("BOTTOM", UIParent, "BOTTOM", 0, -300);
lua Code:
  1. BonusActionButton1:SetPoint("BOTTOM", UIParent, "BOTTOM", -230, 14);
  2. MainMenuBar:SetPoint("BOTTOM", UIParent, "BOTTOM", 0, 10);

This will cause the actionbars to appear as the do on the screenshots. HBar does only use Blizzards internal actionbars so you'll have as little problem as possible (they're not flawless, but i'm no master coder either).

--- Edit:
HBar was created just because i had the same problem, and i wish to level a few chars at times. HBar and HBarHide was created so i could have minimal actionbars, off-screen, but still be able to show them when i got new skills/abilities or just changed chars.
--- Edit end

Getting to work on that I guess

Btw: I saw some sick features which resembles Crysis nano-suit modes xD Forgot which it was, but it grants you access to trade professions and whatnot by holding alt + <combination>. Sick, sick, sick, awesome! XD

Originally Posted by WaldoJeffers View Post
I call these slick:

Ishtara UI

Lyn UI

And keep an eye on Wimpface UI The man's got moves

Edit: Unreleased, but
Led++ / Tiany's Cool, slick, smooth, smart pic and
Led++ / Tiany's Cool, slick, smooth, smart pic

The first two links ain't bad, but it's not what I'm looking for. The 1st one looks really cool tbh, but that's more what my brother would like xD The second one I find plain in design, mainly the action bars.

Regarding the two links from your edit, the first one shows just the top part, I don't know if that's how it's supposed to be or if my browser is being a douche for once, but the minimap looked impressive. The second link gave it a nice aspect, seeing how it was surrounded with little bars around the character, I'll be looking forward to that

Originally Posted by Dreadlorde View Post
Anything by me.

*slaps u* *comes back and slaps u again*


Last edited by Lonehwolf : 12-12-08 at 06:36 AM.
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