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12-27-14, 11:18 AM   #13
A Murloc Raider
Join Date: Dec 2014
Posts: 4
I really like the op suggestions. Except for the driver thing... this just sounds like it would keep them from doing the other features better and from fixing bugs.

Originally Posted by Phanx View Post
Why? How would this feature be useful for anyone, and not just a useless distraction? The Curse Client has a "like" feature and it doesn't provide any relevant information.
Even though i don't like facebook, i have to disagree with you.

The "likes" is the most meaningful information from the list provided. I have downloaded every addon you listed but would not give a like to Atlasloot, Bagnon and Recount. I'm trying Skada to replace Omen and Recount and have them installed here... if skada can provide what i need, i will uninstall Omen and Recount: 1 download for each, i like Omen and may like Skada. I wouldn't agree with Recount being more liked than Bartender but i totally agree with DBM being the first.

If any measure is valid besides the "likes" count is the "installed" count: while the "download" count would give a view of how many people has actually gone through the trouble to get and test the addon, installed count gives a notion of how many people actually keep it and the likes count would give a notion of how many people feel the addon is "good" and are willing to recommend it.

About the "report bug": it is still available on the current version of Curse client... and from a developer who cares about quality* standpoint it would be great as long as it provides a link to the bug tracker instead of the report form and it makes very clear that the bug is reported for the addon and not for the client. Sure, people can make awful reports with related or unrelated bugs but there are several techniques to force better reports.

My take on better bug reports:
1 - "Load out of date addons" is a shitty feature in WoW. Recommend users not to use it.
2 - Make it clear to users for what they are reporting a bug.
3 - Ask the users to disable/remove all other addons before posting a bug for yours.
4 - Ask the users to search previous reports before posting new ones.
5 - Provide a sample report which you find useful and optionally provide a bad report too (just be respectful about it).

* I am one of those. And something i learned from my previous experience is that no software is bug free but we can kill bugs faster if we have third parties looking for them.
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