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11-11-07, 06:11 AM   #35
Coffee powered Kaldorei
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Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 1,443
/Begin Rant

I take offense to someone telling me that I do not know what I am talking about. I have been playing WoW since May of 2005. I have done PvP on numerous characters (got to Knight on my Druid under the old system and I do Arena as well). The Armory may not show much now cuz lately I have been spending alot of time in SSC and The Eye before I had freeze my account due to money issues. I have used and discarded many AddOns and UIs over this period of time. And during this period of time I have gotten to know lua somewhat due to my hacking of mods to personalize them for myself. I started out with simple mods like Industrial's or Tekkub's and have learned to go through line by line to find the line that I need to change to customize a mod. I have since progressed onto tinkering with more complex mods and I am in the process of learning lua and the various frameworks so I can start writing my own mods. I have also put together several complete UIs for both myself and my guild. That said if you had read what I and others have said, you would have gotten a clue. I have used enemy CD tracking mods like Antagonist and NECB. However those mods do not pull down player talents builds so that they can adjust CD tracking accordingly. Currently the only mods that do pull down and display talent builds are mods that use the Rock framework (and players have choosen to allow RockComm to display this info). However even then the most those mods display is the end talent build (ie Feral 5/41/15) and not the actual talents themselves. Until Blizzard builds into the client the ability to pull a player's COMPLETE talent built, enemy player CD tracking is mostly useless. If you want this ability then goto the Suggestions forum on the official WoW boards and make the request.

However do take into account that if Blizzard does add this ability AND a mod is written to take advantage of it, such a mod is likely to be extremely heavy on system resources. This one of the big reasons why I dumped both NECB and Antagonist. Most avid PvPers rely on "twitch" reflexes and thus cannot have mods causing lag issues. Watch some PvP videos and you will see that most of the UIs are stripped down as much as they can be so they present the needed information and yet will not cause client-side lag issues. I do this myself when I get into my PvP periods (ie, I am not in progression PvE raiding).

/End Rant

Last edited by Zyonin : 11-11-07 at 06:15 AM.
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