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10-15-10, 10:57 PM   #23
A Defias Bandit
Join Date: Jan 2010
Posts: 2
Nothing Compares

I greatly appreciate the time you've taken to patch Carbonite!

Blizzard does a great job on WoW as a whole but they do a half-assed job at quest tracking making that search for quest locations like a game of "hide-and-go-seek." (Plus they don't include all of the other amazing features that Carbonite of my fav!)

In the short time it has taken you to update Carbonite for 4.0.1 I've absolutely wasted so much time looking for alternatives, playing with the WoW default map tracking and nothing compares. I'm absolutely thrilled I came on your site tonight to find the patch!!! For some odd reason I've started thinking of that old Sinead O'Connor song "Nothing Compares."

Take it easy and I'll provide any error messages I receive during the beta to assist you.

