Thread: Ion Alpha
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10-19-12, 10:45 AM   #17
Trimble Epic
An Aku'mai Servant
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Originally Posted by Balurion View Post
I'm still playing with this addon I feel beautiful as the trinity and how the macaroon macaroon although he had many more functions such as saving profiles. but it is simply a possible option for me without at least right click launch on themselves. and can implement this feature at least I'd be very grateful please
I'm going to guess english isn't your first language. I'm also going to guess that you're trying to ask if Ion can be made to respond to right-clicking a button. If i'm wrong, let me know.

So, if you're trying to make a button that does something specific when you right click on it, you can use a macro conditional within a macro to do that. The great thing about Ion (and macaroon and Trinity before it) is that you can afford to make long macros.

The specific conditional you would want is [BUTTON:2]. You can read more about it here.

Let's look at an example. I'm a Shadow Priest. Let's say I want a button that will cast Mind Flay on my target. Here's the macro.

/cast Mind Flay

Now, let's say I want to cast Shadow Word: Pain if I right click instead...

/cast [button:2] Shadow Word: Pain; Mind Flay

Macros resolve from left to right, and stop when they try to cast a spell (usually). So, in this case, I put SW:P first. It checks if I clicked with the right mouse button (2) first, and if I did, it casts SW:P... otherwise, it casts Mind Flay.

Pretty simple.

Alternatively, I could write it backwards like this:

/cast [nobutton:2] Mind Flay; Shadow Word: Pain

What this does is check: Did I click with any mouse button other than right click? If so, cast Mind flay. Otherwise, cast SW:P. The difference doesn't mean anything in this simple example, but I include it to show the "no" version does exists.
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