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06-30-07, 10:51 PM   #1
A Pyroguard Emberseer
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MazzleUI 1.1 Released!

OK, I think it's done. Unlike the first two version, MazzleUI 1.1 is a direct result of the users who made donations. As you can tell from the lack of updates, my interest in the project was waning. But a good number of users stepped up and convinced me to once again start putting a ton of time towards the project. If people continue to contribute with their time (reading the FAQ and forums first!) and donations, I will similarly continue to reciprocate with more frequent updates and new features.

Due to the many changes, I highly recommend doing a clean install. In other words, rename your old interface and WTF folders and start from scratch. You can always copy important hard-to-recreate settings over later, for example your Cartographer gathering nodes.

Anyway, here is the change log.

1.01 to 1.1 Changes

  • Feature Addition: Camera adjustments added for every new mob in WoW Patch 2.1
  • Feature Addition: Mazzifier now has a skin chooser that will allow you to choose from a number of different sets of artwork. You can currently choose from: Elven metal theme (the traditional backround), 123Noob's Night Elf Skin, 123Noob's Undead skin, 123Noob's Everquest skin, 123Noob's Black Metal (now the default), Dreadlorde's Discord, and Kappatre's Slate skin. Skin structure may be expanded in the future to allow significantly different layouts.
  • Feature Addition: Added three new skins:
  • Feature Addition: Added option to turn off snap to layout feature of the MazzleUI's version of Bongos. This will allow people to more easily make radical changes to their button layouts.
  • Feature Addition: New raid target mini-buttons. There are now 9 small icons inside your target frame for quickly assigning raid icons. These will only appear if you are the raid or party leader.
  • Feature Addition: The previous MonkeyQuest hotspot will now toggle the nQuestLog's minion and detail frame if visible.
  • Feature Addition: User can now click-cast on the 3d character models. This should resolve issues for users at the 1.25 and 1.33 aspect ratios, where it was difficult to find a place to click-cast on the party frames. The click-casting option can be toggled on and off in the Mazz3D section of MazzleOptions. The mazzifier will set it to be on in 1.25 and 1.33 aspects, and off in 1.6.
  • Feature Addition: Mazzifer now has a new install option, "Auction Mule". This is a minimal, fast-loading set with core MazzleUI, auction house and mail add-ons. When user selects this option, all other add-on selection options are ignored.
  • Feature Addition: Mazzifier will once again titillate your character with Mazzlegasms. User can now choose how they communicate their pleasure (yelling, saying or holding it in.)
  • Feature Addition: Mazzifier's add-on selection questions now split up into three pages that are better organized.
  • Feature Addition: Mazzifier will now check exactly what forms a druid has learned and set the Bongos stance changing rules based on that information. This should clear up all problems with druids that have not learned aquatic form.
  • Feature Addition: Mazzifier now knows which add-ons have positional information in their settings. If you change the aspect ratio, it will flag those add-ons as needing updates.
  • Feature Addition: Mazzifier will no longer warn you about disabled add-ons that need mazzification via an annoying dialog box. It will now be an embedded widget in the add-on settings page.
  • Feature Addition: Mazzifier will now unbind all default blizzard paging bindings for druids, warriors, and rogues. (May have caused problems before.)
  • Feature Addition: Mazzifier has several new questions for new optional add-ons like a replacement casting bar and mob respawn timers.
  • Feature Addition: Mazzifier now asks how you like your nametags and nameplates set. Will configure blizzard settings and enable Aloft if nameplates is chosen.
  • Feature Addition: Mazzifier now configure and places the nQuestLog minion. The Mazzifier will also bind 'L' to toggle nQuestLog in the same way that MonkeyQuest and MonkeyQuestLog's window was toggled. You can change this binding in the MazzleUI section of keybindings. (nQuestLog did not have this binding)
  • Feature Addition: Mazzifier now configures and places Deadly Boss Mods. Question added to Mazzifier to choose which boss mod you want. Capping disabled if DBM is chosen.
  • Feature Addition: Mazzifier will now configure and place Decursive.
  • Feature Addition: Mazzifier will now configure and place Hourglass.
  • Feature Addition: MazzleUI will now hide the north indicator on the minimap.
  • Feature Addition: Mazzifier now configures and places Incubator.
  • Feature Addition: Mazzifier now configures and places KLH Threatmeter.
  • Feature Addition: Mazzifier now configures and places Quartz.
  • Feature Addition: Mazzifier now configures Sanity2.
  • Feature Addition: Mazzifier now configures Fizzwidget's Track Menu. (To make it grow up and anchor right. Override removed as a result.)
  • Feature Addition: Mazzifier now configures AHSearch. (initialized to contain a couple categories and various primal searches)
  • Feature Addition: Mazzifier now configures Aloft. (initialized to look somewhat similar to the style used in the unit frames, store minimal information and show ToToT)
  • Feature Addition: Mazzifier now configures FarmerFu. (initializes tracked items to various primals)
  • Feature Addition: Added two new entries in the MazzleUI fubar menu. One will reload your UI. The other will take you immediately into Bongos key binding mode with one click.
  • Feature Addition: New option added to hide nQuestLog when logging in. This option can be found in the MazzleUI General category under Automation.
  • Feature Addition: New option to hide KLH Threatmeter when logging in. This is probably a temporary measure since KTMCPUManager seems to break KTM's ability to hide based on status. This option can be found in the MazzleUI General category under Automation.
  • Feature Addition: Tons of new options and descriptions added to MazzleOptions. References to DeuceCommander changed to point to the appropriate category in Niagra.
  • Code Improvement: Add-on structure changed to allow easier updating via WAU (WoW Ace Updater). This involved making a few remaining embedded libraries (the ones used by only 1 add-on) unembedded and adding a few .svn folder to avoid updating add-ons that would break things. User should now be able to install WAU, point it to your add-ons folder and simply tell it to update without externals. Also added all the new unembedded libraries to MazzleOptions.
  • Code Improvement: Layout part of Mazzification now only positions windows and applies the skin that the user selects. It has been renamed to "Look'n'Feel". The configuration of Discord Unit Frames is now a normal add-on mazzification. (Original the layout option configured all of the discord add-ons. That is obviously no longer the case. This will also allow for far more flexible skins in the future.)
  • Code Improvement: Mazzifier will now bind the shifting actions directly to bongos class bar rather than to the shifting spells. (May have caused problems previously.)
  • Code Improvement: Mazzifier will only change the saved aspect ratio when mazzifying the 'Look'n'Feel'. This should make it easier for people who want to mazzify certain aspects in an atypical way. For example, this would help people who run MazzleUI on different machines with different aspect ratios that want to use the same exact button layouts on both machines.
  • Code Improvement: Mazzifier's add-on settings page now dynamically-generated. The new page is scrollable and allows an arbitrary number of add-ons to be mazzified.
  • Code Improvement: Removed conflict list and put all those items in Warned list. If people choose to *switch* to something in conflict list (which wouldn't be a conflict any more), automatic disabling would be bad.
  • Button Layout Change: Changed extra downranked healing touches buttons in druid layout to be rank 4 and 5, based on some druid feedback. That seems to be what the druids I talked to use in raiding situations nowadays.
  • Button Layout Change: Added BC racials to all layouts.
  • Layout Change: To avoid overlap with SCT, spell alerts and timer add-ons, all BigWigs and DBM timers and warnings have been moved to the right of the HUD.
  • Layout Change: Moved focus to be above player pet. This causes less overlap with player buffs and allowed me to increase the size of the focus debuff icons, which is nice for classes that are trying to monitor CC on a focus target.
  • Layout Change: Party pet frames in 1.33 and 1.25 layouts are now above the unit frames like the 1.6 layout. You may seem some overlap with target buffs/debuffs if your target has a lot of them, for example on a raid boss encounter. This should make the pet frames look more sensical in full groups. Removed code that dynamically moved pet frames based on location of MT windows, etc.
  • Layout Change: Target frame's raid icon moved upwards make room for new raid icon mini-buttons.
  • Third-Party Add-On Modification: Added new interface code for nQuestLog to display LightHeaded comments.
  • Third-Party Add-On Modification: Fixed broken control-clicking in item reward links in nQuestLog. Also fixed dressing room items.
  • Third-Party Add-On Modification: Disabled gfxtoggle's calls to SetBaseMip so that it doesn't cause the UI and minimap to lose their textures when entering efficiency mode.
  • Bug Fix: Added another check to see if sRaidFrames are initialized before laying out raid frames.
  • Bug Fix: Added BadWhispers submitted french localization for MyBindings2.
  • Bug Fix: Changed Autobar mazzification to handle setting structure changes.
  • Bug Fix: Changed how MazzleUI changes the visibility of raid frames to accomodate changes in sRaidFrames settings.
  • Bug Fix: Disabling ClearFont will no longer prevent Mazzification from finishing.
  • Bug Fix: Efficiency modes will correctly switch name tag settings again. All name tag settings reset in case people fooled around with them trying to get them to work before.
  • Bug Fix: HUD and target buttons updated to handle changes in CheckInteractDistance. HUD ranges will display different text and inspect button will stay visible to 30 yards.
  • Bug Fix: HUD mana percentages will now show correct values. Targets without mana will not show any text.
  • Bug Fix: Mazzifier now able to correctly re-enable SuperInspect and BugSack for mazzification when their dependencies have been manually turned off.
  • Bug Fix: Mazzifier should now handle foreign language class names correctly when configuring button and add-ons.
  • Bug Fix: Mazzifier will no longer throw error when mazzifying SmartBuff on a brand new character.
  • Bug Fix: Mazzifier will now always hide distracting windows. (Previously it only did it on new installs.)
  • Bug Fix: Mazzifier will now correctly place downscaled spells again and items again, for example Frost Nova rank 1 and Brilliant Wizard Oil.
  • Bug Fix: Not really a bug, but MazzleUI efficiency modes will no longer toggle nametag and nameplate settings in different contexts. This was removed for 2 reasons: (1) to stem the questions from the vast majority of users who refuse to read documentation of any sort, and (2) seemed less useful to me since I always keep Aloft on now.
  • Bug Fix: oRA override updated to handle oRA2_Optional being a standalone add-on. This should fix the problem with people who use WAU no longer being able to use MazzleUI menu to hotswap their MT window locations.
  • Bug Fix: Re-enabled cyCircle option in the Mazzifier.
  • Bug Fix: Recap frame will once again be hidden when Mazzifier is pulled up.
  • Bug Fix: Right-click on MazzleUI logo will once again rotate raid views
  • Bug Fix: ShardAce should no longer ever show the Firestone button
  • Bug Fix: sRaidFrames settings re-done. Among other things, raid frames will again be organized by group so layouts will be positioned correctly.
  • Bug Fix: To avoid the odd bug that crashes non-intel Macs, the Mazzifier will no longer completely compress bars for which the character has no skills. (You'll get an empty bar of size 1.)
  • Bug Fix: Updated MazzleOption's custom gui for OmniCC to handle the add-on's new settings.
  • Bug Fix: Added BadWhisper's localization fixes for SmartBuff. This was one of the reasons French users could not Mazzify correctly.
  • Bug Fix: BigWigs once again placed correctly.
  • Bug Fix: DBM settings once again set correctly. (The add-on seems to handle them oddly.)
  • Bug Fix: Made changes to how the second phase of the Mazzifier works so that add-on frames that are positioned based on MazzleUI-moved frames won't get initialized until MazzleUI is fully enabled. Previously, this caused problems on the first time a character was Mazzified. Some frames would not get placed correctly since their anchors did not yet exist.
  • Bug Fix: Mazzifier will now create a temporary bottom panel and HUD during phase one, so that add-ons based on their position will be correctly placed even if they will be disabled for that character.
  • Bug Fix: Removed connection of pet frames from 1.25 layout. Also moved focus frame to be above pet frame to be consistent with all other layouts.
  • Bug Fix: Mazzifier will now disable SWStats_FixLogStrings on english client. (not needed and some say interferes.)
  • Settings Change: Fubar will now be locked and will hide tooltips when in combat.
  • Settings Change: Prat settings updated for new settings structure.
  • Settings change: Removed all harmful spell settings from Mazzifier's Clique configurations. (I don't think most people use offensive click casting.)
  • Settings Change: Settings for Recap redone. In addition to updates for new structures, Sync will be enabled by default.
  • Settings Change: Settings updated for new OmniCC settings structure.
  • Settings Change: Turned on chronometers option to track your own effect over time effects, i.e your dots and hots.
  • Settings Change: XLoot group window moved closer to top of the screen so that it doesn't overlap resurrection window
  • Settings Change: Added Quartz configuration for the mirror bar. Will appear below HUD and match the parameters of the casting bar.
  • Settings Change: Disabled antagonist casting bar. Added settings to use and place Quartz target castbar, focus castbar, and focus buffs (for helping with CC).
  • Settings Change: Disabled ShardAce's auto sort option since it does not always initialize itself to the proper bag.
  • Settings Change: Simplified autobar mazzification. Now uses single character setups that should work better across multiple classes. All buttons cleared out except the seven most common.
  • Settings Change: SmartBuff splash screen moved to be next to Smartbuff button. This should keep it from overlapping other text in the middle and make the purpose of the button more obvious.
  • Settings Change: Trinket menu will now only show pop-up when right-clicked.
  • Settings Change: Mazzifier will now enable Quartz and Decursive by default.
  • Add-On Change: Replace SmartDebuff with Decursive. SmartDebuff hotspot changed to handle Decursive instead. Removed SmartDebuff as an efficiency mode option.
  • Add-On Change: Replaced oCD and SCT Cooldowns with Hourglass (not main branch, but user-submitted version modded to add bigwigs-style emphasis and display options). Removed SCT Cooldowns as an efficiency mode item, and replaced oCD toggling with Hourglass toggling in the timer bar efficiency mode.
  • Add-On Change: Removed DamageMeters, DamageMetersFu. Also removed damage meters toggling from MazzleUI efficiency modes.
  • Add-On Change: Removed Fubar PetInfoFu. ( Seemed to be causing lockups and crashes for a lot of people.)
  • Add-On Change: Removed Fubar RestFu. (Probably less useful now that fewer people are leveling multiple characters)
  • Add-On Change: Removed TradeDispensor. (Seems a lot less necessary with smaller raid sizes)
  • Add-On Change: Removed FuXPFu. (Less need now that fewer people are levelling. Also a bit redundant.)
  • Add-On Change: Removed Periodic Table 1 and 2. (No longer needed by any add-ons)
  • Add-On Change: Replaced ClearFont2 with Tuller's slimmed-down ClearFont2d. Added GUI options in MazzleOptions for Clearfont 2d's options since it doesn't have a waterfall GUI like the full version.
  • Add-On Change: Replaced MonkeyQuest and MonkeyQuestLog with nQuestLog. (Similar quality of display with additional funcitonality)
  • Add-On Change: Replaced Tinypad with Omnibus. (much more feature rich) Make sure to read the release notes BEFORE INSTALLATION if you want to import your old notes into Omnibus.
  • Add-On Change: Replaced SkillsPlusFu light with SkillsPlusFu. (Former wasn't updated as often.)
  • Add-On Change: Replaced EQCompare with TekCompare. (Lighter-weight.)
  • Add-On Change: Replaced DeuceCommander with Niagara. (Gui options instead of dropdown menus.)
  • Add-On Change: Replaced CharacterInfo with Sanity2. (Powerful search features, allows you to view inventories as a list. We do lose ability to see stats of other characters.)
  • Add-On Change: Added ArenaUnitFrames, a very powerful set of faux unit frames for the entire other team in an arena.
  • Add-On Change: Added Arena Pointer, an add-on that shows estimated points gained for current arena team rankings.
  • Add-On Change: Added La Vendetta's Deadly Boss Mods, a very nice boss encounter add-on with lots of interesting notifications.
  • Add-On Change: Added Incubator, timers that show time left before trash mobs respawn in certain instances.
  • Add-On Change: Added KTMCPUManager, an add-on that turns off the very expensive KTM threat list when it is not needed, for e.g. when out of combat or solo.
  • Add-On Change: Added LightHeaded, an add-on that shows you wowhead quest comments in-game.
  • Add-On Change: Added Little Wigs, an adjunct to BigWigs that provides timers for 5-man instances.
  • Add-On Change: Added MoveFrames, an add-on that lets you move all Blizzard frames and save their location.
  • Add-On Change: Added Quartz, a castbar add-on with latency indicator and various buff timers. This add-on is currently optional. You must answer a question in the Mazzifier to enable it.
  • Add-On Change: Added SimpleActionSets, an add-on that lets you save the contents of your buttons. This add-on will automatically be disabled during normal use.
  • Add-On Change: Added Nymbia's SpellBinder, an add-on that lets you create key bindings directly to spells, skills and items. This also allows you to edit the 'hidden' bindings that the Mazzifier sets up.
  • Add-On Change: Added WhoFavorites, add-on that lets you save commonly used /who requests. (Used to be part of MazzleUI but broke at some point.)
  • Documentation Change: Added warning to install instructions and Mazzifier that the contents of your previous button layout will be lost if you mazzify your buttons and have the 'place actions' setting checked.
  • Documentation Changed: Added warning to Mazzifier about losing your buttons if you uninstall UI and pointers on how to avoid. Added complete step-by-step instructions in the instructions.txt detailing how to save and restore your button layouts with SimpleActionSets.
  • Documentation Change: Added Tigerheart tribute. (Please read!)
  • Documentation Change: Removed obsolete information from the in-game FAQ and updated many others.
  • Documentation Change: 8 new questions and answers added to FAQ.
MazzleUI Home Page:
Info, FAQs, Forums, Download can be found at that link.

Last edited by Mazzlefizz : 06-30-07 at 11:43 PM.
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06-30-07, 11:44 PM   #2
A Pyroguard Emberseer
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OK, it's live.
MazzleUI Home Page:
Info, FAQs, Forums, Download can be found at that link.
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06-30-07, 11:49 PM   #3
Fishing Trainer
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Huzzah! No more "update your addons" posts! (at least not for a little while maybe... ) hehe
"You'd be surprised how many people violate this simple principle every day of their lives and try to fit square pegs into round holes, ignoring the clear reality that Things Are As They Are." -Benjamin Hoff, The Tao of Pooh

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07-01-07, 01:57 AM   #4
An Aku'mai Servant
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07-01-07, 02:37 AM   #5
A Murloc Raider
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Thank you very much for the update. MazzleUI is the best-built UI I've ever used. Hail to the king, baby.
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07-01-07, 02:53 AM   #6
An Aku'mai Servant
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Whoop just gonna install, il shout if i get confused about anything, should be easy though.
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07-01-07, 05:24 AM   #7
A Cyclonian
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Originally Posted by Seerah
Huzzah! No more "update your addons" posts! (at least not for a little while maybe... ) hehe
But i promised you that we get a lot of posts that stands not inside the Bug Report Thread

@Mazzle: Again a great work, thanks a lot !!!

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07-01-07, 06:09 AM   #8
A Frostmaul Preserver
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Thumbs up

the day everyone been longing for lol.
  • Sever: Twisting Nether
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07-01-07, 06:21 AM   #9
A Murloc Raider
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Hurray! <3
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07-01-07, 06:43 AM   #10
A Kobold Labourer
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Mazzle, Thanks for a wonderful UI. Appreciate your time and hard work. Just two questions...when I try to use my netherdrake and hit the shift+~ always pulls up my kodo. How do you fix that? Also, did you use the updated version of Joypunks warrior setup? It looks like it's the same one as the previous version? Or am I doing something wrong(which is probably the case) :P. Thanks for your assistance and GREAT UI!!!
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07-01-07, 07:01 AM   #11
A Cliff Giant
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Psurulz read this mate, especially number 4
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07-01-07, 09:30 AM   #12
A Chromatic Dragonspawn
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I quite love you mazzle!
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07-01-07, 11:30 AM   #13
A Murloc Raider
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Three cheers for mazzle


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07-01-07, 01:52 PM   #14
A Cliff Giant
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Thank for all the time and effort Mazzle i will continue to support you with donations everytime i can

My WoWInterface Portal
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07-01-07, 02:20 PM   #15
A Cyclonian
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Thank you Mazzle.
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07-01-07, 03:08 PM   #16
A Murloc Raider
Join Date: Feb 2007
Posts: 9
Wow, it's great..!!

Thanks a lot Mazzle...

Also I must admit I had a bit of a moment when my char just screamed MazzleGazzle in Shattra just now..

Very funny

Also a bit touching the parts after aswell.

Thank you

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07-01-07, 03:19 PM   #17
A Pyroguard Emberseer
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I'm going to see if I can use it now !


Funtoo - Plan 9 - Windows 7
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07-01-07, 07:20 PM   #18
A Murloc Raider
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Posts: 8
Thank you very much, Mazzle. =)


Please don't blame me for my English, I'm from Germany. ^.^
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07-01-07, 08:54 PM   #19
A Fallenroot Satyr
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Registered an account just to let ya know that the new version rocks!! I only discovered MazzleUI yesterday, so after a while of troubleshooting things... oh, say at about 1:30am I checked the forums. The main problems I was having consisted of Raid frames and Cartographer (which I was eventually able to fix with an update via WoW Ace Updater). As soon as I ditched my 1.0 install and loaded 1.1 everything really clicked. Very intuitive, and not yet broken by updated patches etc. Thanks again for the hard work, and I will be donating as soon as I can (student, so may be a few weeks =o).

Oh, btw, 4 of my friends have tried Mazzle since last night. Thought I'd toss that in there.
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07-01-07, 09:38 PM   #20
A Kobold Labourer
Join Date: Sep 2006
Posts: 1
Works great on Mac, we all love you Mazzle!

What else can be said? It's the best UI out there in my opinion. Once I get paid I'll donate again just to show my appreciation!

~Shadow Priest Thetan
~The Grim
~Twisting Nether Server
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