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06-11-09, 05:46 PM   #1
A Warpwood Thunder Caller
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A few simple issues/inquiries

Thanks for any help with the below issues, I'm not an experienced lua wizard at all. I'm using a self-modified version of oUF_Asym and have a few features/things I need worked out but have no idea how to do it.

#1- Raid frame growth. The frames currently grow from top-bottom-right. I would like them to grow left-right-down.
-- raid
local raid = {}
for i = 1, 5 do
	local raidgroup = oUF:Spawn('header', 'oUF_Raid'..i)
	raidgroup:SetManyAttributes('groupFilter', tostring(i), 'showRaid', true, 'yOffSet', -12)
	table.insert(raid, raidgroup)
	if(i==1) then
		raidgroup:SetPoint('TOPLEFT', UIParent, 'CENTER', -135, -225)
		raidgroup:SetPoint('TOPLEFT', raid[i-1], 'TOPRIGHT', 12, 0)
#2- Raid health color. I was wondering if there is a tag or anything I can add to make the text red and where I would go about adding it.

#3- Raid frame text locations. The name and health text of any frame seem to have a default location (ie- name on the left, health on the right). I've tried
"self.Health.value:SetPoint("BOTTOM", 0, 2)
for both health and name and nothing is changing the location of the texts on the raid frames (tried CENTER, TOP, etc... nothing worked).

#4- Buff filtering. I'd like to see every debuff on my target and only the buffs that I cast. I tried a few things and nothing worked just got errors.
		-- buffs
		self.Buffs = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, self) -- buffs
		self.Buffs.size = 30
		self.Buffs:SetWidth(self.Buffs.size * 6)
		self.Buffs:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", self, "RIGHT", 8, -15)
		self.Buffs.initialAnchor = "BOTTOMLEFT"
		self.Buffs["growth-y"] = "TOP"
		self.Buffs.num = 6
		self.Buffs.spacing = 1
		-- debuffs
		self.Debuffs = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, all)
		self.Debuffs.size = 20
		self.Debuffs:SetWidth(self.Debuffs.size * 9)
		self.Debuffs:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", self, "TOPLEFT", -2, 8)
		self.Debuffs.initialAnchor = "BOTTOMLEFT"
		self.Debuffs["growth-y"] = "TOP"
		self.Debuffs.filter = "HARMFUL|PLAYER"
		self.Debuffs.num = 20
		self.Debuffs.spacing = 1
#5- The reformatting text that makes anything over 1000=1k is not working on raid frames, the text that pertains to every other frame abbreviates any health text over 10k properly, though.
local numberize_raid = function(v)
	if v <= 999 then return v end
	if v >= 1000000 then
		local value = string.format("%.1fm", v/1000000)
		return value
	elseif v >= 1000 then
		local value = string.format("%.1fk", v/1000)
		return value
Sorry for a long post, I'm nearly clueless. And thanks again for any help!

Last edited by Qupe : 06-11-09 at 11:52 PM.
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