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06-08-12, 04:35 PM   #1
A Murloc Raider
rx12network's Avatar
Join Date: Jun 2012
Posts: 4
Help with Table


i just try to beginn with lua.. but got my first problem... i try to make a table with indexes. i think you will know what i mean when you read the code below..

my problem is that the table will fill up in the loop (its ok) but he write just one line and overwrite it again again and again bla...

maybe someone can tell me how to work with auto-adding-rows in the loop.

P.s. sry for my bad eng - im german


ChatFrame1:AddMessage("----------------"); -- make seperator

for i=1,GetNumRaidMembers() do
   local name, rang, grp, lvl, klasse, class, zone, online, tot = GetRaidRosterInfo(i); -- read raidinfos
   if type(charinfo) ~= "table" then --check tableexist
      -- MAKE LIST with standart values if not exist
      charinfo = {}
      charinfo.cname = 1;
      charinfo.crang = 1;
      charinfo.cvisit = 0;
      charinfo.czone = 1;
   else  --otherwise
      if charinfo.cvisit ~= nil then  --check if player meeted befor
         charinfo.cname = name;  --fill db with values
         charinfo.crang = rang;
         charinfo.cvisit = 1;
         charinfo.czone = zone;
         print(charinfo.czone, charinfo.cname, charinfo.cvisit) --check
         ChatFrame1:AddMessage("Noch keine Begegnungen mit ".. charinfo.cname ..""); --chatmessage no visits befor
         ChatFrame1:AddMessage("B: " .. charinfo.cname .. "| " .. charinfo.cvisit) -if visited chatmessage how often
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WoWInterface » Developer Discussions » Lua/XML Help » Help with Table

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