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10-22-08, 01:34 PM   #21
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
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Oh, I see the problem now. It's overwriting the saved variables with my defaults at startup. It'll be fixed next release.
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10-22-08, 04:23 PM   #22
A Defias Bandit
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Posts: 2
Hadar thanks for working so hard to get and update for 3.0.2. I myself use the addon mostly for blessings, i disabled all the other wheels put the wheel with the judgments, exorcism, and few others remain is there any way to disable this wheel? Thanks again for all the work and keeping the mod alive.

Edit: Also when ever i logout of my paladins the setting is not saved, meaning i disabled the seal and spec wheel but each time i relog i have to disable them again, not a big issues just giving u a heads up.

Last edited by birdeye : 10-23-08 at 04:57 PM.
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10-24-08, 01:49 PM   #23
A Defias Bandit
Join Date: Oct 2008
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Hi Hadar

Here is the translation for the german client if you want to use it next time.

-- Hadar's Holy Hope
-- German localization

if ( GetLocale() == "deDE" ) then

HHH_OPTIONS_TITLE = "Hadar's Holy Hope ("..GetAddOnMetadata("Hadar_HolyHope", "Version")..")";
HHH_OPTIONS_SUBTEXT = "These options control the properties of Hadar's Holy Hope Add On.";


might = "Segen der Macht",
wisdom = "Segen der Weisheit",
kings = "Segen der K\195\182nige",
sanctuary = "Segen des Refugiums",

salvation = "Hand der Erl195\182sung",
freedom = "Hand der Freiheit",
sacrifice = "Hand der Aufopferung",
protection = "Hand des Schutzes",

gmight = "Gro\195\159er Segen der Macht",
gwisdom = "Gro\195\159er Segen der Weisheit",
gkings = "Gro\195\159er Segen der K\195\182nige",
gsanctuary = "Gro\195\159er Segen des Refugiums",

sojustice = "Siegel der Gerechtigkeit",
solight = "Siegel des Lichts",
sowisdom = "Siegel der Weisheit",
sorighteousness = "Siegel der Rechtschaffenheit",
somartyr = "Siegel des M\195\164rtyrer",
soblood = "Siegel des Blutes",
sovengeance = "Siegel der Vergeltung",
socorruption = "Siegel des Verderbnis",
socommand = "Siegel des Befehls",

hammerofjustice = "Hammer der Gerechtigkeit",
avengingwrath = "Zornige Vergeltung",
divineshield = "Gottesschild",
righteousdefense = "Rechtschaffene Verteidigung",
cleanse = "Reinigung des Glaubens",
holywrath = "Heiliger Zorn",
exorcism = "Exorzismus",

divinestorm = "G\195\182ttlicher Sturm",
crusaderstrike = "Kreuzfahrersto\195\159",
repentance = "Bu\195\159e",

holyshock = "Heiliger Schock",
divinefavor = "G\195\182ttliche Gunst",

holyshield = "Heiliger Schild",
avengersshield = "Schild des R\195\164chers",

divineillumination = "G\195\182ttliche Eingebung",

hammerofwrath = "Hammer des Zorns",
redemption = "Erl\195\182sung",
divineintervention = "G\195\182ttliches Eingreifen",

consecration = "Weihe",
divinestorm = "G\195\182ttlicher Sturm",

jolight = "Richturteil des Lichts",
jowisdom = "Richturteil der Weisheit",
jojustice = "Richturteil der Gerechtigkeit",

sacredshield = "Heiliger Schild",
divineplea = "G\195\182ttliche Bitte",

righteousdefense = "/cast [help] Rechtschaffene Verteidigung; [target=targettarget, help] Rechtschaffene Verteidigung; Rechtschaffene Verteidigung;",

["Kings"] = "Symbol der K\195\182nige",
["Hearthstone"] = "Ruhestein",

["Length"] = "Länge",
["Active"] = "Activ",
["Lock"] = "Frame Lock",
["UnlockText"] = "Frames sind jetzt entsperrt",
["LockText"] = "Frames sind jetzt gesperrt",
["Tooltips"] = "Tooltips",
["Blessing"] = "Segen",
["Seal"] = "Siegel",
["Mount"] = "Reittier",
["Off"] = "Aus",
["Partial"] = "Partial",
["Total"] = "Full",
["Spec"] = "Spec",
["Redemption"] = "Erl\195\182sung",
["Show"] = "Show"

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10-25-08, 01:47 AM   #24
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
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Great! Thank you!
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10-26-08, 02:29 PM   #25
A Murloc Raider
Join Date: Oct 2008
Posts: 7
Hello Hadar. I have translated this great addon to russian but it doesnt work i dont know why

this is translation

Originally Posted by DeVonj View Post
-- Hadar's Holy Hope
-- Russian localization
-- translate by Dannte of Gordunni, Aliance

if ( GetLocale() == "ruRu" ) then

HHH_OPTIONS_TITLE = "Hadar's Holy Hope ("..GetAddOnMetadata("Hadar_HolyHope", "Version")..")";
HHH_OPTIONS_SUBTEXT = "Настройки аддона. Перевел аддон Даннтэ , Сервер Горднни , Альянс.";


might = "благословение могущества",
wisdom = "благословение мудрости",
kings = "благословение королей",
sanctuary = "благословение неприкосновенности",

salvation = "длань спасения",
freedom = "длань свободы",
sacrifice = "длань жертвенности",
protection = "Длань Защиты",

gmight = "великое благословение могущества",
gwisdom = "великое благословение мудрости",
gkings = "великое благословение королей",
gsanctuary = "великое благословение оберега ",

sojustice = "печать справедливости",
solight = "печать света",
sowisdom = "Печать мудрости",
sorighteousness = "печать праведности",
somartyr = "Печать Мученика",
soblood = "печать крови",
sovengeance = "печать мщения",
socorruption = "Seal of Corruption",
socommand = "печать повиновения",

hammerofjustice = "молот правосудия",
avengingwrath = "гнев карателя",
divineshield = "Божественный щит",
righteousdefense = "праведная защита",
cleanse = "очищение",
holywrath = "гнев небес",
exorcism = "экзорцизм",

divinestorm = "Божественная буря",
crusaderstrike = "удар воина света",
repentance = "покаяние",

holyshock = "шок небес",
divinefavor = "божественное одобрение",

holyshield = "Щит небес",
avengersshield = "щит мстителя",

divineillumination = "божественное просветление",

hammerofwrath = "молот гнева",
redemption = "искупление",
divineintervention = "божественное вмешательство",

consecration = "освящение",
divinestorm = "божественная буря",

jolight = "правосудие света",
jowisdom = "правосудие мудрости",
jojustice = "правосудие справедливости",

sacredshield = "Sacred Shield",
divineplea = "Divine Plea",

righteousdefense = "/cast [help] праведная защита; [target=targettarget, help] праведная защита; праведная защита;",

["Kings"] = "Знак королей",
["Hearthstone"] = "Камень возвращения",

["Length"] = "Длина",
["Active"] = "активно",
["Lock"] = "закрепить",
["UnlockText"] = "закреплено",
["LockText"] = "откреплено",
["Tooltips"] = "подсказки",
["Blessing"] = "благославления",
["Seal"] = "печати",
["Mount"] = "верховое животное",
["Off"] = "выкл",
["Partial"] = "частично",
["Total"] = "все",
["Spec"] = "спец",
["Redemption"] = "искупление",
["Show"] = "показать"


Last edited by DeVonj : 10-27-08 at 12:15 AM.
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10-26-08, 02:54 PM   #26
A Defias Bandit
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Posts: 2
Addon not quite working, its not showing all the protection spells in the circle, even when i click it. Its missing Holy shield, avenging wrath, hammer of justice.
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10-26-08, 03:48 PM   #27
A Murloc Raider
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I understand what i was doing wrong i correced it and it works. But i find some bugs in addon F.ex. two icons of cosecration and two icon of hammer of wrath also missin avenger's shield , holy shield and Hammer of the Righteous plz Hadar fix it
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10-26-08, 11:50 PM   #28
A Murloc Raider
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also i cannot find Divive intervention hmmmm i test HHH in different builds (holy,prot,retri) and find that retri spells appears (Crusader strike, repetence, divine storm) but holy and prot (holy shield, avenger's shield) doesnt why?

Last edited by DeVonj : 10-27-08 at 12:09 AM.
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10-27-08, 05:45 AM   #29
A Murloc Raider
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Hadar i find some incorrects in my translation this is 100% working localization please repack beta 2 version
also you can see a little bit change what i make i remove consecration and avenger wrath from spec and replace it by divine intervention and avenger shield

And i have an idia there are 2 icons of Hammer of wrath . I want you to replace hammer of wrath in the DPS with Hammer of the Righteous if u can
Attached Files
File Type: lua Localization-RU.lua (3.6 KB, 730 views)
File Type: lua Hadar_HolyHope_Spell_Defs.lua (6.9 KB, 730 views)

Last edited by DeVonj : 10-27-08 at 06:27 AM.
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10-27-08, 03:18 PM   #30
A Murloc Raider
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I've noticed for quite some time in Holy Hope that the redemption button shows whether its toggled on or not. It seems to be a lack of an if() statement to hide or show it, like the others have.

I always fix it locally by adding this if statement in (currently around line 681 in Hadar_HolyHope.lua in beta 2):

	if (HHH_Config.RedemptionToggle == 1) then
Sorry for just now getting around to posting it here.

I've also attached a modified spell defs file. Its based on beta 2, and all I've done is add in Seal of Corruption and Seal of Blood to the "Seals" circle. I added them at Seal of Vengeance and Seal of Martyr's spots, so technically they'd overlap. But since a paladin can only ever have one of the two (they're Horde/Alliance versions of the same spell) I figured this was actually the best way to do it

Hopefully you can include the fixes in the next version. Thanks!
Attached Files
File Type: lua Hadar_HolyHope_Spell_Defs.lua (7.2 KB, 706 views)

Last edited by romracer : 10-27-08 at 03:36 PM.
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10-27-08, 04:44 PM   #31
A Defias Bandit
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Just downloaded the newest version after completely deleting the older one. Some errors:

The Holy/Ret/Prot circle doesnt change when I right click on it, just the name changes. The buttons remain the same.

Still missing buttons around the circle for Holy Shield and Avenger's Shield.
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10-27-08, 06:01 PM   #32
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
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The "Spec" circle is far from complete right now. It should basically work and change buttons, so I'll check on it. Spell buttons don't show up at all if you don't currently have the spell, though. I still have reservations towards how to set up the spec circle in a useful way. Feel free to comment on that.

The Redemption button should toggle on and off in the latest version, but there may be a bug in the initial start up so that it is always going to show up until you go into the options and toggle it again. In the old versions, I think you are correct in that the toggle didn't work at all.
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10-28-08, 12:32 AM   #33
A Murloc Raider
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Hadar plz replace ru localization with new file what i uploaded cuz previous is incorrect
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10-28-08, 04:23 AM   #34
A Wyrmkin Dreamwalker
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Originally Posted by romracer View Post
I've noticed for quite some time in Holy Hope that the redemption button shows whether its toggled on or not.
Yes, I can confirm that.

But for me, I deaktivated it, it came, I liked it so I will use it in the future
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10-28-08, 04:26 PM   #35
A Murloc Raider
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Originally Posted by Hadar View Post
The Redemption button should toggle on and off in the latest version, but there may be a bug in the initial start up so that it is always going to show up until you go into the options and toggle it again. In the old versions, I think you are correct in that the toggle didn't work at all.
Oops, you're right. The toggling works fine, but on startup the state driver for "dead" is always registered. So you do indeed have to go into the options and toggle it on and back off again, so the state driver unregisters.

If you change my if statement from before to this instead, then it solves the startup problem as well. This is around line 681 (at the end of the ShowHide_Anchors() function):

	if (HHH_Config.RedemptionToggle == 0) then
		UnregisterStateDriver(HHH_RedemptionButton, "dead");
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10-28-08, 04:40 PM   #36
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
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Almost exactly what i did to fix the problem. Thanks for the help in pointing out the issue.

The corrected Russian translation file will be with the next update (maybe tonight) so bear with me.
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10-29-08, 12:45 AM   #37
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
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I need the translations for:

"Hammer of the Righteous"
"Shield of Righteousness"
"Divine Protection"
"Beacon of Light"

I'd need them for the French, German and Russian localization files that I have currently. If you guys could post what the correct translations are I'd appreciate it.


Last edited by Hadar : 10-29-08 at 01:32 AM.
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10-29-08, 02:19 AM   #38
A Murloc Raider
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"Hammer of the Righteous" = "Молот праведника"
"Shield of Righteousness" = "Щит праведности"
"Divine Protection" = "божественная защита"
"Beacon of Light" = "Частица света"

russian translation
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10-29-08, 06:05 AM   #39
A Defias Bandit
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"Hammer of the Righteous" = "Hammer der Rechtschaffenen"
"Shield of Righteousness" = "Schild der Rechtschaffenheit"
"Divine Protection" = "G\195\182ttlicher Schutz"
"Beacon of Light" = "Flamme des Glaubens"

German translation
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10-29-08, 06:30 AM   #40
A Defias Bandit
Join Date: Apr 2008
Posts: 2
French translation
"Hammer of the Righteous" = "Marteau du vertueux"
"Shield of Righteousness" = "Bouclier de pi\195\169t\195\169"
"Divine Protection" = "Protection divine"
"Beacon of Light" = "Guide de lumi\195\168re"
Khain, Paladin, Kirin Tor - EU
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