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10-26-08, 06:31 AM   #161
A Pyroguard Emberseer
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Originally Posted by Balkeep View Post
So there is no way of forcing player, target, focus to update onthefly?

Also who can tell me why this function doesnt work? it supposed to determine if unit has certain buff or not...
local function Buffed(unit, auraName)
	local i = 1
	while false do
		if i == 73 then break end
		if auraName == select(1,UnitAura(unit, i)) then	return true end
		i = i +1
pfff... i feel that i need to start from basics cuz my usual research method is too slow for programming (figuring out how similar things work and adapting them for myself).
Why make another function?
if(UnitAura('player', 'Innervate')) then
10-26-08, 08:32 AM   #162
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OMG it works that way? thx =P

Last edited by Balkeep : 10-26-08 at 04:22 PM.
10-27-08, 03:23 AM   #163
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I am having problem with ComboPoints not properly resetting after fights or when tabbing. This is how I implemented it:

    if unit == "target" then
      self.CPoints = SetFontString(self.Health, d3font, 24, "THINOUTLINE")
      self.CPoints:SetPoint("LEFT", self.Name, "RIGHT", 5, -1)
      self.CPoints:SetTextColor(1, .5, 0)
This didn't work, so I tried something dirty.

I added
      local mycombo = GetComboPoints("target") 
      if mycombo >= 1 then
to the updatehealth func which finally reseted the Combo Points after a fight was over but tabbing still does not work.

GetComboPoints("player") does not seem to work properly too, it does not reset correctly. When I got out of a fight with 5 points it kept that 5 points.

Maybe its my oUF, haven't updated it for a while (Version 1.1.4).

local parent = debugstack():match[[\AddOns\(.-)\]]
local global = GetAddOnMetadata(parent, 'X-oUF')
assert(global, 'X-oUF needs to be defined in the parent add-on.')
local oUF = _G[global]

local wotlk = select(4, GetBuildInfo()) >= 3e4
local GetComboPoints = GetComboPoints

local ename
if(wotlk) then

-- TODO: This shouldn't be hardcoded in wotlk.
oUF[ename] = function(self, event, unit)
	if(wotlk and unit ~= 'player') then return end
	local cp = GetComboPoints('player', 'target')
	local cpoints = self.CPoints

	if(#cpoints == 0) then
		cpoints:SetText((cp > 0) and cp)
		for i=1, MAX_COMBO_POINTS do
			if(i <= cp) then

table.insert(oUF.subTypes, function(self, unit)
	if(self.CPoints and unit == "target") then
Oh...maybe I should have used
      local mycombo = GetComboPoints("player","target") 
      if mycombo >= 1 then
but that is what cpoints.lua does and its not working.
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Last edited by zork : 10-27-08 at 03:28 AM.
10-27-08, 03:28 AM   #164
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Update your oUF, and add: self.CPoints.unit = 'player'.
10-27-08, 12:01 PM   #165
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Can someone explain to me what the possible values of filter to UnitAura actually do? In particular, what do "PLAYER" and "RAID" do (e.g., is "PLAYER" buffs/debuffs the player casted or buffs/debuffs they can remove)?
10-27-08, 12:07 PM   #166
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the one that has it
10-27-08, 01:22 PM   #167
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Originally Posted by arnath_vp View Post
Can someone explain to me what the possible values of filter to UnitAura actually do? In particular, what do "PLAYER" and "RAID" do (e.g., is "PLAYER" buffs/debuffs the player casted or buffs/debuffs they can remove)?
wowwiki says:

This parameter can be any of "HELPFUL", "HARMFUL", "PLAYER", "RAID", "CANCELABLE", "NOT_CANCELABLE". You can also specify several filters separated by a space or | character to chain multiple filters together (e.g. "HELPFUL|RAID" == helpful buffs that you can cast on your raid). By default UnitAura has "HELPFUL" as an implicit filter - you cannot get back BOTH helpful and harmful at the same time. Neither "HELPFUL" or "HARMFUL" have meaning for UnitBuff/UnitDebuff, and will be ignored.
10-27-08, 01:38 PM   #168
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Originally Posted by Coldfury View Post
wowwiki says:

This parameter can be any of "HELPFUL", "HARMFUL", "PLAYER", "RAID", "CANCELABLE", "NOT_CANCELABLE". You can also specify several filters separated by a space or | character to chain multiple filters together (e.g. "HELPFUL|RAID" == helpful buffs that you can cast on your raid). By default UnitAura has "HELPFUL" as an implicit filter - you cannot get back BOTH helpful and harmful at the same time. Neither "HELPFUL" or "HARMFUL" have meaning for UnitBuff/UnitDebuff, and will be ignored.
Thats the 3rd argument, I though you meant the first
10-27-08, 05:07 PM   #169
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I read the WoWWiki documentation but it doesn't describe what "PLAYER" is and I wasn't sure from just the name whether it was auras the player casted or auras the player can remove.
10-29-08, 09:14 AM   #170
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Is it possible to get my healthbars colour by gradiant, but have my 100% colour as class colors? I've attempted it by adding

	if(max ~= 0) then
	    local class, rclass = UnitClass(unit)
		color = ouf.color.class(unit)
		r, g, b = self.ColorGradient(min/max, .69,.31,.31, .71,.43,.27, color[1],color[2],color[3])
to my Health update. But to no avail.
10-29-08, 09:34 AM   #171
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This should do it:
  --happiness table  
  local colors2 = {
    happiness = {
      [0] = {r = 1, g = 1, b = 1}, -- bla test
      [1] = {r = 1, g = 0, b = 0}, -- need.... | unhappy
      [2] = {r = 1, g = 1, b = 0}, -- new..... | content
      [3] = {r = 0, g = 1, b = 0}, -- colors.. | happy
  --update health func
  local function updateHealth(self, event, unit, bar, min, max)
    local d = floor(min/max*100)
    local value = min/max
    local color, smooth_r, smooth_g, smooth_b
    -- gradient color        
    if(value > 0.5) then
      smooth_r = (1 - value) * 2
      smooth_g = 1
      smooth_r = 1
      smooth_g = value * 2
    smooth_b = 0
    --background color,0.15,0.15,1)
    --if percentage = 100 
    if d == 100 then
      if UnitIsPlayer(unit) then
        if RAID_CLASS_COLORS[select(2, UnitClass(unit))] then
          color = RAID_CLASS_COLORS[select(2, UnitClass(unit))]
      elseif unit == "pet" and UnitExists("pet") and GetPetHappiness() then
        local happiness, _, _ = GetPetHappiness()
        color = colors2.happiness[happiness]
        color = FACTION_BAR_COLORS[UnitReaction(unit, "player")]
      if color then
    --if percentage < 100
    --set hp value
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Last edited by zork : 10-29-08 at 09:46 AM.
10-29-08, 12:13 PM   #172
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Originally Posted by zork View Post
I stuck this in my Healthupdate, and got some weird assed coloured bars (as seen here:

Here's the whole healthupdate i'm using

I also wanted it to be more like a gradual change from the raid class colour to yellow to red, rather than a sudden change from the class colour to a vivid green. I couldn't work out how to change that from your code :<

Edit:Found i hadn't stuck an end in between 22-23. So the coloring is fixed now

Last edited by ObbleYeah : 10-29-08 at 12:35 PM.
10-29-08, 05:13 PM   #173
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border issue

I'm having a small issue with some simple border creation.

I started with oUF_P3lim. While modifying it to my liking I decided to add portraits with a gradient as their background and a one pixel border on every side, placed one pixel out from the gradient. This worked great for the player frame, however when I copied this code over to the target frame the border changed to 2px on the left and right sides, and stayed 1px on the top and bottom.

A screenshot of my issue can be seen there.

The code I am using can be found there.

The player portrait frame is found on lines 207 to 223, the targets portrait frame on lines 351 to 368.

I can't seem to find the problem.

Any help would be appreciated much,
10-29-08, 05:28 PM   #174
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Originally Posted by MiKE41 View Post
I'm having a small issue with some simple border creation.

I started with oUF_P3lim. While modifying it to my liking I decided to add portraits with a gradient as their background and a one pixel border on every side, placed one pixel out from the gradient. This worked great for the player frame, however when I copied this code over to the target frame the border changed to 2px on the left and right sides, and stayed 1px on the top and bottom.

A screenshot of my issue can be seen there.

The code I am using can be found there.

The player portrait frame is found on lines 207 to 223, the targets portrait frame on lines 351 to 368.

I can't seem to find the problem.

Any help would be appreciated much,
That is one of the most ****ed up things about this game; Its hard to get the scale right!

Try adjusting your UI scale a little bit, could work
10-29-08, 05:35 PM   #175
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It is definitely having an effect, however its not quite working out exactly how I want it to. I will continue to mess around with it though, thanks!

Edit: Changing the edgesize to 2 and self.Portrait's y position to 51.25 fixed it. Thanks again for the tip P3lim!

Last edited by MiKE41 : 10-29-08 at 05:50 PM.
10-30-08, 03:18 AM   #176
A Defias Bandit
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Hello, i`m trying to get the "old UnitReactionColor" functionality back to my updatename function but with no result Problem is i don`t really know so good LUA. The old function was after "RAID_CLASS_COLORS[select(2, UnitClass(unit))]"
Here is my updatename function
local updateName = function(self, event, unit)
	if(self.unit == unit or (not unit and self.unit)) then
		local unit = unit or self.unit
		local name = UnitName(unit)
		local index = GetRaidTargetIndex(self.unit)
		if(UnitIsTapped(unit) and not UnitIsTappedByPlayer(unit) or not UnitIsConnected(unit)) then
			self.Name:SetTextColor(.6, .6, .6)
			local color = UnitIsPlayer(unit) and RAID_CLASS_COLORS[select(2, UnitClass(unit))]
			if(color) then self.Name:SetTextColor(color.r, color.g, color.b) end
	if unit == "target" then
		updateLevel(self, unit)
10-30-08, 05:05 AM   #177
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Originally Posted by Silviu View Post
Hello, i`m trying to get the "old UnitReactionColor" functionality back ...
Try this:

local updateName = function(self, event, unit)
  if(self.unit == unit or (not unit and self.unit)) then
    local unit = unit or self.unit
    local name = UnitName(unit)
    local index = GetRaidTargetIndex(self.unit)
    if(UnitIsTapped(unit) and not UnitIsTappedByPlayer(unit) or not UnitIsConnected(unit)) then
      self.Name:SetTextColor(.6, .6, .6)
      local color
      if UnitIsPlayer(unit) then
        color = RAID_CLASS_COLORS[select(2, UnitClass(unit))]
        color = FACTION_BAR_COLORS[UnitReaction(unit, "player")]
      --snip end
      if(color) then self.Name:SetTextColor(color.r, color.g, color.b) end
  if unit == "target" then
    updateLevel(self, unit)
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10-30-08, 05:33 AM   #178
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Originally Posted by zork View Post
Try this:
Thank u verry verry much works :P
10-30-08, 09:23 AM   #179
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Just a quick note to say i got it working, thanks Roth <3

Finished healthupdate:

I still need to convert the oldschool style RAID_CLASS_COLORS to the new ouf color code, but i'm happy with it at the minute.
10-31-08, 05:56 PM   #180
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Is it possible to do 2D portraits?

3D portraits working just fine but it would add another option.

I love oUF .
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