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12-03-12, 12:31 AM   #21
A Pyroguard Emberseer
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Originally Posted by Phanx View Post
No. See Billtopia's previous post:

If SendAddonChatMessage had a return value instead of printing the error to chat that could help too.
Ok, I just ran a find command for SendAddonMessage as per your post and it found nothing when it was actually SendAddonChatMessage.

Originally Posted by Phanx View Post
Also, the delay between you trying to send an addon message and the client printing a "player not found" or similar error message to the chat frame is so infinitesimally small that I can't imagine it being unacceptable for something that is really just cosmetic, especially since you'd only "need" to do it for pandaren in /say and /yell. How often does that really happen, anyway?
How often an error happens is irrelevant to a glitch existing in any form. Also, I would like to know how much of a delay you would consider "infinitesimally small". The time for any data request to reach the servers and come back with a reply will always be at least the user's ping time. Depending on the connection, this would vary, but should not be easily dismissed as a negligible amount. Note observed ping rates have been in the range of 200-1000+ ms. This is pretty much the range of 1/5 of a second to a full second delay.
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Last edited by SDPhantom : 12-03-12 at 12:26 PM.
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12-03-12, 12:06 PM   #22
A Flamescale Wyrmkin
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so... thanks for the help on this. The string constant is ERR_CHAT_PLAYER_NOT_FOUND_S and my filter is designed so I don't have to remove it as it will only filter exact matches to pandaren I am looking for. I think I will try out the tooltip method now as that is an instant answer and seems to be a smaller solution in both coding and in table usage.
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12-03-12, 03:31 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by SDPhantom View Post
How often an error happens is irrelevant to a glitch existing in any form.
This isn't an "error" or "glitch" though. You're trying to get information Blizzard doesn't want you to have, or at least doesn't feel is important enough for you to have that it's worth their time to give it to you through the API. I think it's very relevant to consider how often a situation where you "need" to use a hack/workaround to get information that's not directly available really comes up in actual gameplay.

Originally Posted by SDPhantom View Post
Also, I would like to know how much of a delay you would consider "infinitesimally small".
I consider it infinitesimally small when I can do /run SendAddonChatMessage("test", "test", "WHISPER", Someguy") and the "Player not found" message appears immediately according to my human perception of time.

If you have 1000 ms ping, there is either something wrong with your connection or you're bringing it on yourself by playing on a server far outside of your region, but in any case it's hardly the end of the world if you delay showing chat messages from/about opposite faction panadren anyway. It's not like it's actually relevant information.
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12-03-12, 09:28 PM   #24
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Originally Posted by Phanx View Post
This isn't an "error" or "glitch" though. You're trying to get information Blizzard doesn't want you to have, or at least doesn't feel is important enough for you to have that it's worth their time to give it to you through the API.
The topic of the "error or glitch" was in perspective of an addon and not the game client. This discussion is about a suggestion to add more data to a function to continue the consistent functionality of an addon. Not all absence of information is either forbidden or decidedly unimportant. Some lack of data happens because nobody thinks of adding access to it.

Originally Posted by Phanx View Post
I consider it infinitesimally small when I can do /run SendAddonChatMessage("test", "test", "WHISPER", Someguy") and the "Player not found" message appears immediately according to my human perception of time.

If you have 1000 ms ping, there is either something wrong with your connection or you're bringing it on yourself by playing on a server far outside of your region ...
Even though Blizzard doesn't recommend it, people do play on high-latency connections like dial-up, satellite, and cell data cards. Mostly because of limited or lack of access to any low-latency broadband connections. Being someone stuck on either of these high-latency connections is a major pain and I curse it every day, but for now, it's all I could ever get access to from home.

Originally Posted by Phanx View Post
... in any case it's hardly the end of the world if you delay showing chat messages from/about opposite faction panadren anyway. It's not like it's actually relevant information.
This subforum is a "Wish List". Everything here is a suggestion for what we would like Blizzard to consider. I don't maintain Tongues or any other custom language addon, but I anticipated Pandarens as bringing difficulty to those addons. As for as my ChatLinkIcons addon, this is more of a luxury than necessity. I can just as easily use the single icon featured in the character creation screen for both factions. This is what my current version does already. My mention of the other addons was to add examples of where this would be helpful and possibly add their respective authors' support in petitioning this suggestion.

There is an entire history of various data Blizzard granted access to over the years. In vanilla WoW, HP values for any unit other than the player were strictly provided as an integer percent. This changed in BC because of addons that calculated mob HP from how much damage they took before dying, then applied that to exact copies of the same mob. At one time, GUIDs weren't available to addons. The same time Blizzard overhauled the Combat Log system, they added this as a way to track info about a specific entity. Up until LK, Blizzard didn't provide information about mob threat levels. Addons like Omen had to calculate this themselves by taking in damage and healing info from the combat log. There are more examples, but this is all I can think of at the moment. All of which fall into different categories of necessity and luxury, things people suggested and things people worked on to obtain themselves.
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12-04-12, 12:23 AM   #25
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Originally Posted by SDPhantom View Post
In vanilla WoW, HP values for any unit other than the player were strictly provided as an integer percent. This changed in BC because of addons that calculated mob HP from how much damage they took before dying, then applied that to exact copies of the same mob. At one time, GUIDs weren't available to addons. The same time Blizzard overhauled the Combat Log system, they added this as a way to track info about a specific entity. Up until LK, Blizzard didn't provide information about mob threat levels. Addons like Omen had to calculate this themselves by taking in damage and healing info from the combat log. There are more examples, but this is all I can think of at the moment. All of which fall into different categories of necessity and luxury, things people suggested and things people worked on to obtain themselves.
I was around for all of those changes, and they all have one thing in common -- they allowed addons (or the default UI) to give players new access to information directly relevant to real-time gameplay decisions. There's just no situation where (a) it's relevant to your immediate gameplay to know which faction a player belongs to but (b) that information isn't already available through some existing API.

If you think eliminating a one-second-at-most delay to determine someone's faction in the one-in-a-million event of them being an enemy pandaren /saying or /yelling something in Pandaren instead of their faction default language is really so critical Blizzard needs to spend time adding to the API, I guess we just have radically different ideas about what is important. I'd much rather they spend time fixing actual bugs instead, and there are certainly plenty of those for them to work on.
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12-04-12, 10:22 AM   #26
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Originally Posted by Phanx View Post
If you think eliminating a one-second-at-most delay to determine someone's faction in the one-in-a-million event of them being an enemy pandaren /saying or /yelling something in Pandaren instead of their faction default language is really so critical Blizzard needs to spend time adding to the API, I guess we just have radically different ideas about what is important.
They already link the internal data from UnitClass(), UnitRace(), and even UnitSex() to GetPlayerInfoByGUID(). How much more time do you think it would take to link to UnitFactionGroup()'s internal data too? The least it would be is copy/paste existing code and change which data field it pulls from, push the extra LuaString on the stack, and increase the int return of the C function by 1.

If you don't believe me, check the links.

Originally Posted by Phanx View Post
I'd much rather they spend time fixing actual bugs instead, and there are certainly plenty of those for them to work on.
So you're suggesting for the WoWI staff to close down the entire Wish List subforum because you don't want Blizzard to be bothered with what some other addon authors would like implemented in the API?

If I'm not mistaking, this is the entire purpose of this subforum. Description of Developer Discussions » Wish List taken from the main forum page.
A place for AUTHORS to post their requests to Blizzard about api functions/interface features for possible inclusion.
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Last edited by SDPhantom : 12-04-12 at 11:08 AM.
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12-04-12, 11:05 AM   #27
A Flamescale Wyrmkin
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so this is currently what I have the tooltip down to and it works fine (well it did as I made some changes here and have yet to test them)... you call it and it returns true if they are the same faction and false if not. I still think an added return to for GetPlayerInfoByGUID would be a better solution... and since this is a WISH LIST... I can wish all I want lol

Lua Code:
  1. local guidCache = {}
  2. local utip = CreateFrame("GameTooltip", "uTip", UIParent, "GameTooltipTemplate")
  3. utip:SetOwner( WorldFrame, "ANCHOR_NONE")
  5. SameFaction = function (guid)
  6.      if IsPlayerNeutral() then
  7.          return true
  8.      end
  9.      local _, myFaction = UnitFactionGroup('player')
  10.      uTip:ClearLines()
  11.      if guid and tonumber(guid:sub(5,5), 16) % 8 == 0 then
  12.          if not( guidCache[guid] ) then
  13.              utip:SetHyperlink('unit:'..guid)
  14.              local tipName, numLines = "uTipTextLeft", _G["uTip"]:NumLines()
  15.              local faction = _G[tipName..tostring(numLines)]:GetText() == PVP and _G[tipName..tostring(numLines-1)]:GetText() or _G[tipName..tostring(numLines)]:GetText()
  16.              if faction ~= FACTION_ALLIANCE or faction ~= FACTION_HORDE then
  17.                  if myFaction == FACTION_ALLIANCE then
  18.                           faction = FACTION_HORDE
  19.                  else
  20.                      faction = FACTION_ALLIANCE
  21.                  end
  22.               end
  23.              guidCache[guid] = faction
  24.         end
  25.         return guidCache[guid] == myFaction
  26.      end
  27. end

Last edited by Billtopia : 12-04-12 at 11:15 AM. Reason: formatting the tabs
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12-04-12, 01:46 PM   #28
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I'll have to do some further tests with the tooltips for the unit hyperlink. Previously, I've noticed it only returns useful data if the player in question is within the game client's visible range. If it does still work past that range, I might take a look into it and already have some optimizations in mind for the code.

Lua Code:
  1. local guidCache={};
  2. local ttframe=CreateFrame("GameTooltip","FactionIdentifierTooltip",nil,"GameTooltipTemplate");
  3. ttframe:SetOwner(WorldFrame,"ANCHOR_NONE");
  5. function FactionGroupFromGUID(guid)
  6.     if guid and tonumber(guid:sub(5,5),16)%8==0 then
  7.         local faction=guidCache[guid];
  8.         if faction then return faction; end
  10.         ttframe:ClearLines();
  11.         ttframe:SetHyperlink('unit:'..guid);
  12.         local lines=ttframe:NumLines();
  13.         local faction=_G["FactionIdentifierTooltipTextLeft"..tostring(lines)]:GetText();
  14.         if faction==PVP then faction=_G["FactionIdentifierTooltipTextLeft"..tostring(lines-1)]:GetText();
  16.         if faction==FACTION_ALLIANCE or faction==FACTION_HORDE then
  17.             return faction==FACTION_ALLIANCE and "Alliance" or "Horde",faction;
  18.             guidCache[guid]=faction;--  Faction can change from Neutral to either of these
  19.         else
  20.             return "Neutral","";
  21.         end
  22.     else
  23.         return nil,nil;
  24.     end
  25. end

Assuming the tooltip works beyond the game client's visual range and no addons hook into the global metatable for tooltips, this modification should function in the same way UnitFactionGroup() does, but operate on GUIDs instead.
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12-04-12, 02:55 PM   #29
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Okay, I didn't take into account that the faction might change, so you probably should avoid caching it if it's neutral. However, I warn you against skipping OnTooltipSetUnit, I've had issues before making the assumption that a tooltip's text is going to be available immediately after I set it.

Also, don't assume that it's neutral because it doesn't match the alliance or horde string because sometimes the faction isn't mentioned in the tooltip, which I believe always means it's not your faction, but could be either neutral or the opposing faction.

Last edited by semlar : 12-04-12 at 03:04 PM.
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12-04-12, 04:13 PM   #30
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I'm not sure if Tooltip:SetHyperlink() fires OnTooltipSetUnit on unit hyperlinks. Again, all this is pending results of a series of tests I need to do and unfortunately, I can't perform them at work right now. The "Neutral" handling is just a fall through in case it's unable to identify a specific faction. With lack of other options, I don't see any harm in letting it do that as long as it doesn't throw them into either of the Alliance or Horde category blindly. If you insist, you can have it pass nil,nil instead as that's the default response of UnitFactionGroup() for neutral NPCs.
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12-04-12, 05:13 PM   #31
A Flamescale Wyrmkin
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That is why I used IsPlayerNeutral() in my function first as if you are neutral, so every other char near you will be too. Also if it doesn't come back with a faction for a player then it is safe to assume that the player is of the opposing faction (as I did). I suppose that since a clear is issued before the set you could test to make sure that numlines is greater than 0 to make sure that the tooltip has been set... and possibly loop until it is but who knows how long that could hang you up for...
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12-04-12, 05:25 PM   #32
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OnTooltipSetUnit fires when it's populated with unit information whether it's from SetUnit or SetHyperlink.

I don't know for sure that you need to wait for it, but I would be careful.

Last edited by semlar : 12-04-12 at 05:32 PM.
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12-04-12, 05:28 PM   #33
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sure beats the following... this is what I was doing before, modified for the SendAddonMessage and to catch the thrown error if it happens

if it is passed just a GUID it will return true if the person is part of your faction or if you are a panda

if you pass a GUID, and a function to run if true / false and char name and unlimited args for the passed functions ... if a non panda it will automatically call the proper function (if it exists) and return true/false depending... if a panda it queues up the required info in a table, sends the addon message and waits up to 1 second for the error. if the error is thrown, it will call the ifFalse function and remove the panda from the queue... after the 1 second, the addon calls the ifTrue function if supplied and then removes the panda from the queue

it will call ifTrue/ifFalse with GUID, unpack(...)

Lua Code:
  1. local pandaQueue = {}
  2. local pandaE = 0
  3. local pandaDelay = 1
  5. local pandaCheckFrame = CreateFrame("Frame","pandaCheckFrame", UIParent)
  6. pandaCheckFrame:SetScript("onUpdate",function( self, elapsed )
  7.     pandaE = pandaE + elapsed
  8.     if pandaE < 1/10 then
  9.         return
  10.     end
  11.     local e = pandaE
  12.     local count = #pandaQueue
  13.     pandaE = 0
  14.     if count == 0 then
  15.         return
  16.     end
  17.     for x = count, 1, -1 do
  18.         pandaQueue[x].time = pandaQueue[x].time + e
  19.         if pandaQueue[x].time > pandaDelay then
  20.             if type( pandaQueue[x].ifTrue ) == "function" then
  21.                 pandaQueue[x].ifTrue( pandaQueue[x].GUID, pandaQueue[x].event, unpack( pandaQueue[x] ) )
  22.             end
  23.             table.remove( pandaQueue, x )
  24.             return true
  25.         end
  26.     end
  27. end)
  29. local pandaFilter = function( self, event, ... )
  30.     if #pandaQueue == 0 then
  31.         return false
  32.     end
  34.     local arg = {...}
  35.     for x = #pandaQueue, 1, -1 do
  36.         if arg[1] == string.format(ERR_CHAT_PLAYER_NOT_FOUND_S, pandaQueue[x].name ) then
  37.             if type( pandaQueue[x].ifFalse ) == "function" then
  38.                 pandaQueue[x].ifFalse( pandaQueue[x].GUID, unpack( pandaQueue[x] ) )
  39.             end
  40.             table.remove( pandaQueue, x )
  41.             return true
  42.         end
  43.     end
  44.     return false
  45. end
  47. ChatFrame_AddMessageEventFilter("CHAT_MSG_SYSTEM", pandaFilter)
  49. SameFaction = function( GUID, ifTrue, ifFalse, name, ... )
  50.     local isSame = false
  51.     local _, _, _, CompRace = GetPlayerInfoByGUID( GUID )
  52.     CompRace = string.lower(CompRace)
  54.     if IsPlayerNeutral() then
  55.         isSame = true
  56.     elseif CompRace == "pandaren" then
  57.         if type( ifTrue ) == "function" or type( ifFalse ) == "function" then
  58.             local index = #pandaQueue + 1
  59.             pandaQueue[index] = { unpack(...) }
  60.             pandaQueue[index].GUID = GUID
  61.             pandaQueue[index].ifTrue = ifTrue
  62.             pandaQueue[index].ifFalse = ifFalse
  63.             pandaQueue[index].name = name
  64.             pandaQueue[index].time = 0
  65.             SendAddonMessage("FactionTest", "Pandaren Faction Test", "whisper", name)
  66.             return true
  67.         else
  68.             isSame = true
  69.         end
  70.     else
  71.         local PlayerIsAlliance = UnitFactionGroup("player") == "Alliance"
  72.         local Allies = { ["worgen"] = true, ["draenei"] = true, ["dwarf"] = true, ["gnome"] = true, ["human"] = true, ["nightelf"] = true }
  73.         local CompIsAlliance = Allies[CompRace] and true or false
  74.         if PlayerIsAlliance == CompIsAlliance then
  75.             isSame = true
  76.         end
  77.     end
  78.     if isSame then
  79.         if type( ifTrue ) == "function" then
  80.             ifTrue( GUID, unpack(...))
  81.         end
  82.         return true
  83.     end
  84.     if type( ifFalse ) == "function" then
  85.         ifFalse( GUID, unpack(...))
  86.     end
  87.     return false
  88. end

Last edited by Billtopia : 12-04-12 at 08:33 PM.
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12-04-12, 05:44 PM   #34
A Pyroguard Emberseer
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Originally Posted by semlar View Post
OnTooltipSetUnit fires when it's populated with unit information whether it's from SetUnit or SetHyperlink.

I don't know for sure that you need to wait for it, but I would be careful.
One problem would be if you're to call a function and need a return from it, you can't halt execution to wait for a script to fire. The game only allows a single thread to run the Lua engine, so the resulting script would never run since the thread is occupied in the function. In essence, you'd run yourself into an infinite loop and freeze the entire game client.

The only way around this is to recode the entire thing into a request-and-callback code style, which would add another layer of complexity to it.
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12-04-12, 06:16 PM   #35
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I was scraping the tooltip for spell information and can say with absolute certainty that attempting to do it soon after loading/zoning and possibly other situations would result in the tooltip being empty.
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12-04-12, 06:22 PM   #36
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Originally Posted by SDPhantom View Post
The game only allows a single thread to run the Lua engine
That is not entirely true.

Well technically it is but you get my point. (Routes and Weakauras - that I know off - use coroutines to simulate multi-threaded execution)
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12-04-12, 06:32 PM   #37
A Pyroguard Emberseer
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A coroutine represents a thread, but isn't a real one. If you have a coroutine run an infinite loop in the game client, it'll freeze it the same way as if you had code in the main stack do so. This is because the coroutine needs to yield in order for the main stack to continue running. If it never yields, the thread it's running on (the only thread the Lua engine is given) gets stuck. Since MoP though, the game client has a WatchDog thread that activates while in combat and monitors how long the Lua engine thread runs. If the Lua thread exceeds a specific amount of time, the WatchDog thread interrupts it by forcing a Lua error.

Note WatchDog is an old term for a program or circuit specifically designed to detect when another critical program/component freezes and restarts it as necessary.
WoWInterface AddOns
"All I want is a pretty girl, a decent meal, and the right to shoot lightning at fools."
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Last edited by SDPhantom : 12-04-12 at 06:36 PM.
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12-09-12, 01:08 PM   #38
A Flamescale Wyrmkin
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OK... So here is what I have now. It will return Neutral when the player is neutral, as you can only run into neutral players then, it tests the race of all chars and figures out by that, faction, except for pandas which it uses the tooltip. I combined how I was originally testing and incorporated the tooltip for scanning pandas only.

Lua Code:
  1. -- Faction tooltip settings
  2.     local guidCache = {}
  3.     local utip = CreateFrame("GameTooltip", "uTip", UIParent, "GameTooltipTemplate")
  4.     utip:SetOwner( WorldFrame, "ANCHOR_NONE")
  7. -- Returns a faction from a given GUID for a player character
  8.     FactionByGUID = function(GUID)
  9.         uTip:ClearLines()
  10.         utip:SetHyperlink('unit:'..GUID)
  11.         if IsPlayerNeutral() then
  12.             return "Neutral"
  13.         end
  14.         if guidCache[GUID] then
  15.             return guidCache[GIUD]
  16.         end
  17.         local _, _, _, CompRace = GetPlayerInfoByGUID( GUID )
  18.         if CompRace ~= "Pandaren" then
  19.             local Alliance = { ["Worgen"] = true, ["Draenei"] = true, ["Dwarf"] = true, ["Gnome"] = true, ["Human"] = true, ["NightElf"] = true }
  20.             guidCache[GUID] = Alliance[CompRace] and FACTION_ALLIANCE or FACTION_HORDE
  21.             return guidCache[GUID]
  22.         end
  24.         if GUID and tonumber(GUID:sub(5,5), 16) % 8 == 0 then
  25.             local tipName, numLines = "uTipTextLeft", _G["uTip"]:NumLines()
  26.             local faction = _G[tipName..tostring(numLines)]:GetText() == PVP and _G[tipName..tostring(numLines-1)]:GetText() or _G[tipName..tostring(numLines)]:GetText()
  27.             if faction ~= FACTION_ALLIANCE and faction ~= FACTION_HORDE then
  28.                 --compares level is too high so just invert our faction
  29.                 local _, myFaction = UnitFactionGroup('player')
  30.                 faction = myFaction == FACTION_ALLIANCE and FACTION_HORDE or FACTION_ALLIANCE
  31.             end
  32.             guidCache[GUID] = faction
  33.             return guidCache[GUID]
  34.         end
  35.     end

Last edited by Billtopia : 12-11-12 at 07:40 AM. Reason: adjusted some variable names
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12-09-12, 05:53 PM   #39
A Pyroguard Emberseer
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From some of my testing, the same conclusion happens that I had observed earlier pre-MoP. Tooltips from the unit hyperlink only displays useful information past race/class only if said unit is within the game client's visual range. As soon as a unit leaves this range, existing information is discarded and is no longer available.
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