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10-25-10, 09:08 AM   #3881
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Originally Posted by Haleth View Post
You seem to think that everyone who has a pixelated UI does so because it's the 'norm'. This isn't the case. Most people, myself included, just have pixel UIs because we like them. I've tried tons of alternatives, but I just prefer pixel UIs.
Nope. In fact I think there's two kinds of people - those who just plain like pixel fonts and use them properly, and those that like what the previous group has done and imitates them, be it pixel fonts, a certain UI setup, a certain border etc.

It's always been like that. An 'elite' of the UI community comes up with new and innovative stuff, either design or functionality-wise, and the masses incorporate their ideas into their own UIs. This used to be OK until the group of 'elite' designers was reduced to a very small number of people that happen to have the same tastes (in this case, pixelated stuff). The masses now have no one else to copy, resulting in everyone using pixel fonts because it's fashionable and "ZOMG it looks so cool in carebear's UI which will make it cool in my UI".

Now if one of the established 'elite' designers or a completely new person emerges and says "look guys, there's a new cool way to make UIs", the masses will now have someone else to copy, bringing some much needed variety in UI design. As it stands, all we're gonna keep seeing is pixel stuff, which looks nice at first but after 5+ years of the same repetitive stuff it starts getting slightly old.
10-25-10, 09:16 AM   #3882
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Originally Posted by haylie View Post
"ZOMG it looks so cool in carebear's UI which will make it cool in my UI".
Does that make me an elite?

Haha joking aside I can understand where you're coming from.

A few times now I've taken breaks from making and posting UIs because I was sick and bored of looking at pixels and straight lined edges. I even started to use the default UI for a few weeks to try and think of something new but with everybody else doing the pixel theme I just kept hitting a brick wall and I just went to my own screenshots folder.

I think I'm going to stick with the one I posted just now without the pixel fonts. It also allows me to play with multisampling woo! Makes my game look crisp.

Last edited by carebear. : 10-25-10 at 09:18 AM.
10-25-10, 09:44 AM   #3883
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I kinda agree with Haylie, though I do like a certain kind of pixel font and its just the regular marke eigenbau or something simular. I don't like the other pixel fonts. :3

It's hard to make a minimal UI look good unless you have a good font, and pixel fonts tend to go hand in hand with a minimal UI. I'm in the process of trying to update my oUF Layout, and I've always had the Marke Eigenbau with it :P I just like that font.

edit - Here is what Im working with, Im waiting for a stupid dungeon queue but ill post that with group when i get in one :P

Last edited by Ferous : 10-25-10 at 09:49 AM.
10-25-10, 09:53 AM   #3884
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Originally Posted by carebear. View Post
It also allows me to play with multisampling woo! Makes my game look crisp.
You do know they aren't multisampling the UI anymore? *evil grin*
(it still blurs a bit for me but they've tried at least! )
10-25-10, 09:55 AM   #3885
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my latest wip.

Still need to do something to the UF to make if stand out

Comments are welcome
ps. Yes I know I use 2 fonts in my UF, and the move the buffs they will not stick to my Portrait
10-25-10, 10:12 AM   #3886
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Originally Posted by carebear. View Post
Does that make me an elite?

Haha joking aside I can understand where you're coming from.

A few times now I've taken breaks from making and posting UIs because I was sick and bored of looking at pixels and straight lined edges. I even started to use the default UI for a few weeks to try and think of something new but with everybody else doing the pixel theme I just kept hitting a brick wall and I just went to my own screenshots folder.

I think I'm going to stick with the one I posted just now without the pixel fonts. It also allows me to play with multisampling woo! Makes my game look crisp.
Oh I can't count how many times you come to me and said:
"Wimpface, I'm going to stick with the default UI for a looong time. I'm going to take a break from the UI forums as a whole."

Two weeks later, you're back with the same old stuff as always.
Originally Posted by kkam View Post
You do know they aren't multisampling the UI anymore? *evil grin*
(it still blurs a bit for me but they've tried at least! )
Carebear is always up-to-date with all changes.
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10-25-10, 10:42 AM   #3887
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Originally Posted by kkam View Post
You do know they aren't multisampling the UI anymore? *evil grin*
(it still blurs a bit for me but they've tried at least! )

Yea it still blurs the unit frames a little for me, but I kinda prefer it that way. You can see the difference in the two similar screenshots I posted beforehand.

Ah well. I'm messing around with a lot of fonts at the minute.

Just tried a nice hand writing swirly font, which worked quite well if you use it for names only but it didn't fit anywhere else and wasn't practical at all.
10-25-10, 10:54 AM   #3888
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Here is a group shot :P

edit - Heal prediction and hot indicator tags :3 the << is weakened soul
10-25-10, 11:39 AM   #3889
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Jane - What?!

To be honest, I fiddle with UIs as much as I play the actual game. I mean, you are STARING at it the entire time you are playing, so it might as well look good! I personally think that everyone really does have their own opinions. I know that I just like using pixel-perfect UIs. I'm fairly OCD, and having that kind of 'perfection' really puts me at peace, I guess you could say.

I'm not doing something because I think other people will think it looks good, but because *I* think it looks good. I'm making this UI for me, and then I post it here for suggestions from other people, because I know that I am NOT the most creative person in the world. I know FOR A FACT that every single person in here is extremely creative in their own way, and I DO appreciate their opinions, as they will most likely enlighten me to a new way of doing something. I'm not following for the sake of following, I do things because I personally like the way they look.

Also, I'm not saying that I have never copied someone else's idea. Like I just said, I am NOT the most creative person. BY FAR. So when I see an idea that someone else came up with that I REALLY like, I might just tweak my UI in that direction. Not JUST because it came from Led/Ferous/Carebear/Haleth or whoever else, but because I like the idea.

And for my last point, I would just like to say that yes, variety IS a good thing. It comes in many shapes and sizes, mostly unnoticed. If you choose to actually look for it, there are plenty of creative UIs that stand out on their own! They may not be posted here, but they exist And if you don't think there is enough variety, then start working on something new and exciting yourself!

So, as much as I love you and your work Haylie, please don't place people into one of two groups; not everyone fits the mold. After all, this is a game we're talking about here; let's get over our differences (or lack thereof, perhaps?), and just get along I play and design for fun, not so I can win the contest.

I love this forum, because everyone here has their own unique style, and they are very supportive with their comments/suggestions. I'm not posting this to entice more argument, I'm trying to get us all to just relax and get back to playing and having fun! Y'all are awesome, and keep up the good work

/end walloftext
10-25-10, 11:54 AM   #3890
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Originally Posted by haylie View Post
Meh I'm tempted to pick up wow again just to do something new. All this pixel stuff bores me to tears. Minimalism and functionality =/= pixel stuff yo! You're all just beating the dead horse at this point.

And yeah I know I used to be the first to stand up and say "there's no point in innovation just for the sake of innovation if the state we're at is perfect" but come on. The UI scene couldn't get more stale if we'd all star in the Groundhog Day movie.

I just feel that people nowadays are doing UIs just to be doing UIs, without trying to advance in the functionality department or bring something new aesthetically speaking. Everyone is just copying one another and posting e-peen screenshots. Even people like Led or carebear, you've been doing the same stuff in your UIs for like the past two years. Moving the unit frames to the left or right and adding pixel lines does not make a new UI.

Sorry for the rant, my coffee was cold this morning :-(
Originally Posted by haylie View Post
You missed my point. Of course you think pixel stuff looks cool, that's because half the UI scene thinks the same thing and has been thinking it for a long while because other designers back in the day thought it was cool and it became the "norm", so to speak. The problem is that you keep thinking your UI is cool and don't try anything new; and if you don't try anything new you won't discover anything that might be "cooler" than what you already have. You stay in the old mindset of presenting information which prevents you from thinking of new and perhaps more functional ways in which that information might be presented.
None of that actually matters. People follow trends because they like the trend that they see. We don't have a bunch of people standing behind our chairs judging us on how our UI's look, and only an idiot would use a UI specifically because it's popular. We use what we like because each of us has to look at our own screens every time we log in. That's it and that's all lol.

This thread is called "Show off your UI".. not "hey, lets pick apart everything everyone posts because we don't like it!". Less QQ and more showing off I say. If I don't like it, I skip to the next and comment on what I do like. It takes something seriously crappy for me to say that I don't like it, and even then I seldom reply.
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10-25-10, 12:00 PM   #3891
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Originally Posted by Petrah View Post
None of that actually matters. People follow trends because they like the trend that they see. We don't have a bunch of people standing behind our chairs judging us on how our UI's look, and only an idiot would use a UI specifically because it's popular. We use what we like because each of us has to look at our own screens every time we log in. That's it and that's all lol.

This thread is called "Show off your UI".. not "hey, lets pick apart everything everyone posts because we don't like it!". Less QQ and more showing off I say. If I don't like it, I skip to the next and comment on what I do like. It takes something seriously crappy for me to say that I don't like it, and even then I seldom reply.
I agree. I was actually thinking of trying out Tuk UI and modifying to my evel needs
10-25-10, 12:13 PM   #3892
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I don't think Haylie was picking on people in particular about why their UI is all pixel like. I think it's more to do with the fact that 95% of UIs posted are infact minimal pixel orientated UIs.

I agree with the points being made on both sides. Yea we all make the UI to fit ourselves because we're the ones who look at the screen most of the time and we want it to look good but it does become kinda tedious to see the same stuff over and over again just with slight variations of placement and sizing.

It's just the same as when people were using huge panels at the bottom of their UI and the slim ones at both the top of and bottom. Time will pass and the general style moves on.

I'm going to try and avoid using pixel fonts for a little while but that's because I want to use something different for a while. If it doesn't work I can always go back to them or try something different even further.

I've always wanted to make a UI in particular that was inspired by Obble and Zork about a year ago but I just lack both the skills and tools to do it. I'm sure if I sat down and asked around I could get some of the basics done but I hate to pester people too often on how to do things. Unless their name is Wimpface.
10-25-10, 12:15 PM   #3893
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Originally Posted by Ferous View Post
I agree. I was actually thinking of trying out Tuk UI and modifying to my evel needs
I was a die hard nUI fanatic until I got bored one night due to insomnia. I decided the only way I was going to learn any LUA was to find a UI that didn't offer any type of in game config. Low and behold there sat Tukui. Got to digging around, and getting perpetually lost, in the code and ended up having the time of my life. I actually enjoy tinkering and editing his ui... it's hella fun.
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Last edited by Petrah : 10-25-10 at 12:17 PM.
10-25-10, 12:17 PM   #3894
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Originally Posted by carebear. View Post
Unless their name is Wimpface.
I love you too Carebear. <3
You've stolen my raptor though.
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10-25-10, 12:23 PM   #3895
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Originally Posted by carebear. View Post
I agree with the points being made on both sides. Yea we all make the UI to fit ourselves because we're the ones who look at the screen most of the time and we want it to look good but it does become kinda tedious to see the same stuff over and over again just with slight variations of placement and sizing.
The one and only reason someone would get tired of seeing the same thing over and over is if one peruses "show off your ui" forum threads. If no one cared about what other people were doing with their UI's, then we would all be obliviously happy with what we have.

The point is... don't worry about what other people are doing. Do what you like because you are the only one who has to look at it.
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10-25-10, 12:29 PM   #3896
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My current UI, nothing fancy. Since I don't have time to do something more creative. But I thought I better post something to get back on topic.

If nothing is targeted, only thing visible is the minimap (might change that as well, maybe just a little transparency).

Tooltip's name font size is currently twice as big as the rest of the tooltips font size. Just an experiment, looks quite nice on certain tooltips and increases readability. Not sure if I keep it like that, but it's easy to change anyway.
Attached Thumbnails
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Name:	WoWScrnShot_102510_202146.jpg
Views:	731
Size:	1.22 MB
ID:	5090  Click image for larger version

Name:	WoWScrnShot_102510_202157.jpg
Views:	667
Size:	1.29 MB
ID:	5091  
Rock: "We're sub-standard DPS. Nerf Paper, Scissors are fine."
Paper: "OMG, WTF, Scissors!"
Scissors: "Rock is OP and Paper are QQers. We need PvP buffs."

"neeh the game wont be remembered as the game who made blizz the most money, it will be remembered as the game who had the most QQ'ers that just couldnt quit the game for some reason..."

10-25-10, 12:38 PM   #3897
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Originally Posted by Dawn View Post
My current UI, nothing fancy.
Diggin those UF's there Dawn. Out of curiosity though, why do you have them so far up in the middle of the screen? Or is this just your preferred play style?
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10-25-10, 12:44 PM   #3898
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Originally Posted by Petrah View Post
Diggin those UF's there Dawn. Out of curiosity though, why do you have them so far up in the middle of the screen? Or is this just your preferred play style?
Moving them around depending on what I do, it's the default position for when I heal. Raid frames go between them.
I was in a BG with my second spec before I went to my personal daily quest to pwn Anzu.
Rock: "We're sub-standard DPS. Nerf Paper, Scissors are fine."
Paper: "OMG, WTF, Scissors!"
Scissors: "Rock is OP and Paper are QQers. We need PvP buffs."

"neeh the game wont be remembered as the game who made blizz the most money, it will be remembered as the game who had the most QQ'ers that just couldnt quit the game for some reason..."

10-25-10, 01:00 PM   #3899
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The currently Green background changes colors based on your stance or form, and if your class doesn't have anything like that, it's colored based on your class color.
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Name:	WoWScrnShot_102510_135614.jpg
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10-25-10, 01:01 PM   #3900
A Cobalt Mageweaver
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I like being on topic My current UI, I have made some changes since my last post. Finally decided on a good place for NeedToKnow, changed the panel behind the actionbars, and then aligned a few other things accordingly

Solo Shot
Group Shot

I know the threatmeters are 1px to the right in the group shot, this has been fixed :P

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