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08-15-08, 11:21 AM   #481
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Originally Posted by iljott View Post

First off - thanks for the explanation. I see your point to this. I might venture to suggest that you introduce minimap scroll zooming, therefore removing the need for the "+" & "-" buttons (although that might again make the map look weird with just two "rivets".
Actually... the version you have already supports mousewheel zoom on the minimap, as does the Beta 2. The problem is those without a mousewheel need the buttons. I can add a toggle, as I did in your version, to turn the buttons off I suppose but as you point out, I suspect that will have its own visual price to pay. As with all things... trying to make everyone happy is a challenge ~smile~

Secondly, I'm sure you've already done this, but here is a link for the Map mods that everybody has submitted on wowinterface, perhaps something will catch your eye:

I'm sorry I didn't really understand your request 100%, so even though I tried going into some of them, I didn't know what I was looking for!

I appreciate that and, yes, I did look at that list already and didn't find any that, as least on a cursory review, were actually modifying the party/raid blips on the minimap. What I want to do is to be able to hook the minimap party and raid member "icons" that you see in the minimap to add information to them like group number, damage indicators and similar stuff.

The problem is that I have to work with the existing minimap or I lose compatibility with mods like Gatherer, etc. Otherwise, I could go crazy, but I need to hook what we have, not replace it. I'm sure there's got to be a way to modify the icons, I just have to find a mod that's already doing it so I can see what objects it is that I need to access.

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08-15-08, 11:39 AM   #482
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Question A few thoughts I'd like some feedback on...

Now that I've got the new information panel plugin code running and I'm adding all of the panels back in (recount, omen2, etc.) and keeping in mind the "extra space" problem on the minimap panel, I had a few ideas and thought I would run them past the nUI users to see what your feeling on the subject were.

First, in the existing version of nUI, the minimap button bag is available as a side bar in all but the raid and party mode panels. And, of course, the raid and party mode panels don't exist in the Beta 2 info panel list because unit frames now have their own dedicated panel. In the Beta 2, so far, the only panel that is "full size" is the combat log... the rest have (at least for now) got room for the button bag.

However, I was thinking... do we REALLY need to have the button bag on all the panels? Or would it be okay to only have the button bag on the minimap panel? In that case, I could put all of the buttons in the button bag (thus getting the zoom, tracking and world map buttons off the minimap) and it would provide a ton more room for those who have a lot of buttons... I've had more than one person complain the existing button bag doesn't hold enough buttons... so that would solve a couple of problems.

The down side is that you would have to switch to the minimap panel whenever you wanted to access a button. The up side is a much bigger button bag and more room on all of the rest of the panels. In a way, it kind of makes sense for the minimap buttons to only appear on the minimap panel and if I really think about it, I can't think of a minimap button I really need quick access to while I am in combat.

An alternative (which would have to wait until a later release to implement) would be to add a second smaller button bag that you could drag a handful of ciritical "I always need access to these minimap buttons" into that would always be on the right edge of every info panel (including the combat log)... this would make the info panel ever so slightly narrower, but would be a nice compromise.

On a similar note... if we eliminate the button bag from all panels, then I'm thinking I can get a bit more creative with the Omen, KLH and Recount panels (for starters).

For example: in the current version of nUI, when you select Omen2 or KLH and have Recount installed, it shows Recount when you are out of combat and switched to Omen or KLH while you are in combat to try and be efficient with the space... but you can never see both Recount and Omen at the same time. Likewise, you can't seem Omen or KLH to configure them when you aren't in combat, and that's a PITA, too.

My thought is this... if I have the entire panel available to me, then I can choose a panel version to install based on whether you have Recount and Omen (or Recount/KLH) installed or just one or the other. If you have just Recount or Omen installed, then I'll present a full sized info panel that contains just Omen or Recount. However, if you have both installed, then I'll present a split panel that shows Recount and Omen side by side.

The result would be that both the Recount and Omen bars would be a bit narrower than they are in the current version of nUI, but you would be able to see both at the same time in the new version. For that matter, if you had Omen, KLH and Recount installed, then I could give you three panels to choose from... Recount/Omen, Recount/KLH, Omen/KLH

I'm curious what folks think about these ideas... any screams of agony or jumps for joy or just, meh... who cares? ~smile~

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08-15-08, 11:52 AM   #483
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Originally Posted by spiel2001 View Post
I wouldn't call it a bug since it was done that way on purpose. However, the Beta 2 only manages the chat frame and the combat log, so any other frames you have will no longer be affected... you can drag and size them to your heart's content.

I like the "or else" threat. ~smile~
Nice thanks, when will beta 2 be out?

Not so much a threat, more a fact. While i do like your work, i'll have no problem finding another UI that will allow me to arrange my chat windows as i like(not including the General Chat and Combatlog).
08-15-08, 11:54 AM   #484
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From my perspective please put the minimap buttons only on the minimap frame and use the extra space so I can see damage and threat at the same time. Minimap buttons are only really needed to configure stuff and that is a very small amount of total time played. There is no reason to cram them in a spot to keep them visible at all times. Do the rest of that stuff you mentioned with split frames or full frames depending on what is installed. In fact, if you can leave an option so we can go full or split for the installed mods that would be even better. Cool stuff.

08-15-08, 11:56 AM   #485
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Originally Posted by Daikoi View Post
Nice thanks, when will beta 2 be out?

Not so much a threat, more a fact. While i do like your work, i'll have no problem finding another UI that will allow me to arrange my chat windows as i like(not including the General Chat and Combatlog).
And I would have no problem with you finding another UI if you so chose.

As I have posted for the last several days, there should be a release out either tonight or tomorrow.

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08-15-08, 11:58 AM   #486
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Originally Posted by Jungleanimal View Post
From my perspective please put the minimap buttons only on the minimap frame and use the extra space so I can see damage and threat at the same time. Minimap buttons are only really needed to configure stuff and that is a very small amount of total time played. There is no reason to cram them in a spot to keep them visible at all times. Do the rest of that stuff you mentioned with split frames or full frames depending on what is installed. In fact, if you can leave an option so we can go full or split for the installed mods that would be even better. Cool stuff.

I considered having panels for both full and split, but then you're getting into a longer list of panels to switch through or select from when you're in combat. I suppose I could use a system-wide configuration option on whether or not to combine panels... but it would have to be an all or nothing thing and would require a "/nui rl" reload to activate when changed.

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08-15-08, 12:14 PM   #487
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Just use your initial idea, no need to go overboard with it at this late date. I wasn't sure how hard something like that would be to implement. That sounds great.

08-15-08, 12:34 PM   #488
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Originally Posted by spiel2001 View Post
Now that I've got the new information panel plugin code running and I'm adding all of the panels back in (recount, omen2, etc.) and keeping in mind the "extra space" problem on the minimap panel, I had a few ideas and thought I would run them past the nUI users to see what your feeling on the subject were.

First, in the existing version of nUI, the minimap button bag is available as a side bar in all but the raid and party mode panels. And, of course, the raid and party mode panels don't exist in the Beta 2 info panel list because unit frames now have their own dedicated panel. In the Beta 2, so far, the only panel that is "full size" is the combat log... the rest have (at least for now) got room for the button bag.

However, I was thinking... do we REALLY need to have the button bag on all the panels? Or would it be okay to only have the button bag on the minimap panel? In that case, I could put all of the buttons in the button bag (thus getting the zoom, tracking and world map buttons off the minimap) and it would provide a ton more room for those who have a lot of buttons... I've had more than one person complain the existing button bag doesn't hold enough buttons... so that would solve a couple of problems.

The down side is that you would have to switch to the minimap panel whenever you wanted to access a button. The up side is a much bigger button bag and more room on all of the rest of the panels. In a way, it kind of makes sense for the minimap buttons to only appear on the minimap panel and if I really think about it, I can't think of a minimap button I really need quick access to while I am in combat.

An alternative (which would have to wait until a later release to implement) would be to add a second smaller button bag that you could drag a handful of ciritical "I always need access to these minimap buttons" into that would always be on the right edge of every info panel (including the combat log)... this would make the info panel ever so slightly narrower, but would be a nice compromise.

On a similar note... if we eliminate the button bag from all panels, then I'm thinking I can get a bit more creative with the Omen, KLH and Recount panels (for starters).

For example: in the current version of nUI, when you select Omen2 or KLH and have Recount installed, it shows Recount when you are out of combat and switched to Omen or KLH while you are in combat to try and be efficient with the space... but you can never see both Recount and Omen at the same time. Likewise, you can't seem Omen or KLH to configure them when you aren't in combat, and that's a PITA, too.

My thought is this... if I have the entire panel available to me, then I can choose a panel version to install based on whether you have Recount and Omen (or Recount/KLH) installed or just one or the other. If you have just Recount or Omen installed, then I'll present a full sized info panel that contains just Omen or Recount. However, if you have both installed, then I'll present a split panel that shows Recount and Omen side by side.

The result would be that both the Recount and Omen bars would be a bit narrower than they are in the current version of nUI, but you would be able to see both at the same time in the new version. For that matter, if you had Omen, KLH and Recount installed, then I could give you three panels to choose from... Recount/Omen, Recount/KLH, Omen/KLH

I'm curious what folks think about these ideas... any screams of agony or jumps for joy or just, meh... who cares? ~smile~
As you said somewhere oompteen posts back, I don't think there's really a reason to see both Recount and Omen at the same time. Aggro is important during combat but not outside of combat. DPS-type stats are important outside of combat but not during. It's perfectly fine for those two items to share a space, in my opinion. I wouldn't want them any skinnier - the Omen menu bar is already a little bit ugly, skinny as it is in the beta 1 panel. The buttons overlay the title.

I, personally, don't use the button bag because it breaks Poisoner. I haven't brought this up, because it's just as easy for me not to use the button bag, and because Poisoner is an out of date mod and I didn't think it necessary to ask for a nUI "fix" related to something that's no longer in production.

That said, I don't think it's really vital to have the button bag visible at all times. Only showing it in conjunction with the minimap is fine. Someone else pointed out, correctly, that minimap buttons have minimal use -- if any -- during time-sensitive gameplay (ie: combat, or out hunting, etc). Normally, they're city buttons.

Great news that the chatbox control change is in place! I barely ever look at the standard chat box or combat - I use my own "Social" chat window that displays all I need to see, and currently I have to move, size, and place that window every time the UI is refreshed.
08-15-08, 12:37 PM   #489
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Meh --

Actually, I just found a flaw in the theory of offering both the recount and the omen2 + recount and KLH windows as pairs... if you have all three mods installed, then you end up in a situation where recount has to have two different parent windows or has to change parents when you change panels -- the first is not possible, and the second will taint when you're in combat.

EDIT: What I will do, in time, is to create my own damage meter/threat plugin... I'm already doing threat with Threat 2.0 (which makes it work with Omen2) and adding a damage meter (eventually) shouldn't be a huge headache. So... eventually... I could offer a split mode threat/damage. But for now I think I'm going to have to stay with single mode.

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Last edited by spiel2001 : 08-15-08 at 12:42 PM.
08-15-08, 01:45 PM   #490
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Originally Posted by spiel2001 View Post
Now that I've got the new information panel plugin code running and I'm adding all of the panels back in (recount, omen2, etc.) and keeping in mind the "extra space" problem on the minimap panel, I had a few ideas and thought I would run them past the nUI users to see what your feeling on the subject were.

First, in the existing version of nUI, the minimap button bag is available as a side bar in all but the raid and party mode panels. And, of course, the raid and party mode panels don't exist in the Beta 2 info panel list because unit frames now have their own dedicated panel. In the Beta 2, so far, the only panel that is "full size" is the combat log... the rest have (at least for now) got room for the button bag.

However, I was thinking... do we REALLY need to have the button bag on all the panels? Or would it be okay to only have the button bag on the minimap panel? In that case, I could put all of the buttons in the button bag (thus getting the zoom, tracking and world map buttons off the minimap) and it would provide a ton more room for those who have a lot of buttons... I've had more than one person complain the existing button bag doesn't hold enough buttons... so that would solve a couple of problems.

The down side is that you would have to switch to the minimap panel whenever you wanted to access a button. The up side is a much bigger button bag and more room on all of the rest of the panels. In a way, it kind of makes sense for the minimap buttons to only appear on the minimap panel and if I really think about it, I can't think of a minimap button I really need quick access to while I am in combat.

An alternative (which would have to wait until a later release to implement) would be to add a second smaller button bag that you could drag a handful of ciritical "I always need access to these minimap buttons" into that would always be on the right edge of every info panel (including the combat log)... this would make the info panel ever so slightly narrower, but would be a nice compromise.

On a similar note... if we eliminate the button bag from all panels, then I'm thinking I can get a bit more creative with the Omen, KLH and Recount panels (for starters).

For example: in the current version of nUI, when you select Omen2 or KLH and have Recount installed, it shows Recount when you are out of combat and switched to Omen or KLH while you are in combat to try and be efficient with the space... but you can never see both Recount and Omen at the same time. Likewise, you can't seem Omen or KLH to configure them when you aren't in combat, and that's a PITA, too.

My thought is this... if I have the entire panel available to me, then I can choose a panel version to install based on whether you have Recount and Omen (or Recount/KLH) installed or just one or the other. If you have just Recount or Omen installed, then I'll present a full sized info panel that contains just Omen or Recount. However, if you have both installed, then I'll present a split panel that shows Recount and Omen side by side.

The result would be that both the Recount and Omen bars would be a bit narrower than they are in the current version of nUI, but you would be able to see both at the same time in the new version. For that matter, if you had Omen, KLH and Recount installed, then I could give you three panels to choose from... Recount/Omen, Recount/KLH, Omen/KLH

I'm curious what folks think about these ideas... any screams of agony or jumps for joy or just, meh... who cares? ~smile~
personally there are some buttons i do use when i have the recount/ omen up.. these are buttons that i have put there from fubar items i dont need to see on the fubar.. therefore i would like to have buttons that arent a part of the minimap.. like zoom tracker and such available even when the minimap isnt showing. but eaither way you go ill be happy.

anothe option you could do is show them on minimap page and to a split with omen and recount as you are talkinh.. and have a minimap button that would open a box just above the main ui on teh lower right hand side for approx 15 sec then it fades away .. that would be nice for when you need a button and have recount up or the BG map up
08-15-08, 02:18 PM   #491
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Originally Posted by mscott998 View Post
have a minimap button that would open a box just above the main ui on teh lower right hand side for approx 15 sec then it fades away .. that would be nice for when you need a button and have recount up or the BG map up
That's not a half-bad idea there... I could easily add a button to the left of the keyring on the bag bar and use that for the button bag... that way it could be dynamic and always available. Then I can just use the extra space on the minimap info panel for something else... in fact... I think when the day comes that I code my own threat bars and damage meters, I can put them in that space to the right of the minimap. That would give you a view of your local party, threat and damage all in one spot.

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Last edited by spiel2001 : 08-15-08 at 02:20 PM.
08-15-08, 02:30 PM   #492
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Originally Posted by spiel2001 View Post
That's not a half-bad idea there... I could easily add a button to the left of the keyring on the bag bar and use that for the button bag... that way it could be dynamic and always available. Then I can just use the extra space on the minimap info panel for something else... in fact... I think when the day comes that I code my own threat bars and damage meters, I can put them in that space to the right of the minimap. That would give you a view of your local party, threat and damage all in one spot.
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08-15-08, 02:54 PM   #493
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~lol~ Blackfirefox

Here's another tease... Recount is working again as is KLH Threat Meter. Now I just need to get Omen 2 back in and get the HUD back up and running and we're ready for the first release.
Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version

Name:	Recount.jpg
Views:	598
Size:	475.6 KB
ID:	1842  Click image for larger version

Name:	ktm.jpg
Views:	596
Size:	538.7 KB
ID:	1843  

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08-15-08, 03:37 PM   #494
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And there's Omen2...
Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version

Name:	Omen2.jpg
Views:	594
Size:	551.4 KB
ID:	1844  

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08-15-08, 03:52 PM   #495
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Post For the benefit of nUI supporters...

If you are on my list of those who have donated to support nUI's development or are on my team of translators, I've just e-mailed you a copy of the pre-release Beta 2 at the e-mail address I have on file for you. Have a look and let me know your thoughts. If I missed anyone or you don't receive the pre-release, drop me an e-mail at [email protected]

In the meantime, I'll be working on getting the HUD up and running.

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08-15-08, 04:46 PM   #496
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Nice, this is gonna be great <3
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08-15-08, 05:25 PM   #497
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Originally Posted by spiel2001 View Post
And there's Omen2...
In your last few pictures, i havent seen much of the location and clock that is above the minimap in the beta 1. It there a chance to have it placed in the space just below the bar on the top part of the ui.. since you moved the frame rate and latency meters it would be the perfect place..

or place it to the right of the new minimap.. but that spot would affect your plans to have map and omen/recount in one frame.. plus with it at the top you can see server and local time with the zone you are in.. wouldnt have to click to minimap frame just to see that info.

also did you include the feature where it reported unitframes show the persons spec?

Last edited by mscott998 : 08-15-08 at 05:33 PM.
08-15-08, 05:25 PM   #498
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Originally Posted by blackfirefox View Post

I ran in to an interesting issue with Carbonite. I have an Acer Extensa 5420 laptop that had windows vista home premium loaded. Well I got sick of Vista and all the issues and lag and decided to get XP Pro and loaded it on the system.

I reinstalled WoW and all my addons and everything appeared to be working awesome until I played an alt character of mine. I have an alt mage, everytime I teleport it crashes WoW.

I went back through all my drivers and updates to make sure everything was loaded, and it was, current BIOS pack as well.

So I deleted my WTF folder and tried again and same thing, I crash. I deleted all addons and everything was perfect.

One by one I added all my addons and kept trying, everything was perfect until I got to carbonite. Everytime I teleport to a new location it crashes.

Now the weird thing is if I dont use teleport and travel normal the system works great, but when I teleport I get booted and then can get back in no problem and I am at the location I teleported too.

I have put in a bug report with Carbonite and hopefully they will get back to me about it.

But have you seen this before?
Ah yeah i saw your post on the Carbonite website

No i haven't ever experienced or heard that problem problem before.

The only issues i have with it is how heavy it is, but i guess that is wat i get for playin on 5-6yr od computer

I am runnig XP Pro so i will check it out for ya
08-15-08, 05:40 PM   #499
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Originally Posted by mscott998 View Post
In your last few pictures, i havent seen much of the location and clock that is above the minimap in the beta 1. It there a chance to have it placed in the space just below the bar on the top part of the ui.. since you moved the frame rate and latency meters it would be the perfect place..

or place it to the right of the new minimap.. but that spot would affect your plans to have map and omen/recount in one frame.. plus with it at the top you can see server and local time with the zone you are in.. wouldnt have to click to minimap frame just to see that info.

also did you include the feature where it reported unitframes show the persons spec?
Actually, the location and clock are going to go in the space where the mouseover unit frame is... that way I can dual purpose that space and it puts it right dead center in the unit frames.

The talent build will also be added back in, just isn't in atm

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08-15-08, 07:26 PM   #500
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Thanks for the alpha copy of nUI beta 2!

I saved my nUI folder as nui.Saved, as suggested, and moved the new files into my AddOns folder. To be safe, I disabled all of my other AddOns, with the exception of Omen and Recount. I logged in, loaded up... and have some problems :-)

But, this is what testers are for, right?

- My minimap is still the normal, stock, WoW minimap docked in the upper right corner. The only thing not-stock about it is that it has 2 time buttons... one big one, with a little one on top of it.

- I have no unit frames. Not me. Not target. Not party. Zippo. But, the blank space in the lower center part of the dashboard is very clean and nice looking.

- Omen isn't docked in the right panel. It's the normal, free-dragging Omen menu.

- The right panel doesn't appear to have any functionality. There's the red button at the bottom that says Click to change information panels when I mouse over it, but nothing happens when I click. That right panel on the dashboard stays blank.

Apart from that, I like the new "letterbox" look. I'm not sure if the top bar is supposed to fade or not when you're not mousing over it (it doesn't), but I think it looks good there. Not too invasive, and it is attractive.

I love that only the general and combat chat windows are configured by nUI, and my custom windows now stay in place.

I love the new action bar layout. Having three 12 button bars front-and-center is much more ergonomic. That second row is almost like one big, 24 button bar. That's awesome.

Lots of big steps in the right direction.

Anyway, here is what my screen ends up looking like. Again, everything else is disabled other than Omen and Recount (both up to date versions).


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