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06-22-05, 09:20 PM   #41
A Fallenroot Satyr
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- Logging an AH mule on and then off did not change Burrbat's SavedVariables (good)

- Logging Burrbat in and then immediately camping again did not change his SavedVariables (good)

- Logging Burrbat in and opening / closing his Leatherworking tradeskill window and immediately camping lost his Specialty SavedVariable (ding ding ding) but kept his entire recipe list

- Logging Burrbat in, opening his Leatherworking tradeskill window, collapsing all but the "Consumable" section, closing the tradeskill window, then camping lost all but the "Consumable" recipes from his SavedVariable list (ding ding ding)

Hopefully this will help track down the causes of some of the unexpected SavedVariable behavior
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06-22-05, 09:39 PM   #42
A Theradrim Guardian
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I found bug # 1, which in pseudocode looks like this:
(Iterate through all known recipes. If there is a match, set flag = true)
If flag is true (player knows recipe) THEN parse to see if player can learn recipe.

Seems to be working well with mockup data (i.e. Wombat just became an imaginary character on Cenarion Circle named Cherie, who can indeed learn the Wildthorn Mail in her tooltip).

As far as the SavedVariables bug goes, I see the issue and I can easily fix the loss of specs on tradeskill updates. Not so immediately the collapsing of windows - I know where it's being called, but I'll either have to rework my data mining or lose the TRADESKILL_UPDATE event. That'll depend on how easily I can rework the data mining.
Let me patch the specs and I'll attach an updated RB to a message here. You can test that, at least.
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06-22-05, 09:52 PM   #43
A Theradrim Guardian
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Okay, 0.5.1, just for you.

Collapsing tradeskill frames is going to have to be a bug tonight, I think - I have advanced life support training tomorrow and I already have trouble remembering all the bloody drugs to push, without staying up late.

Nonetheless, I see where the problem lies (and I'm surprised no-one mentioned it before): on TRADESKILL_UPDATE, it's reloading the known list from the displayed one.
Maybe what I should do instead is scan it for new additions, and bugger keeping it in the same order as in the tradeskill frame.
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06-23-05, 12:13 AM   #44
A Fallenroot Satyr
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Woot - specialized patterns appear to be reporting correctly now

Checked Tribal, Weaponsmith and Armorsmith ... Elemental isn't reporting, but I would guess that at the moment Kon has lost his Specialty variable and I'm too tired to log him in, /rb specials, and then log in the AH mule again

More tomorrow if I find anything worth mentioning besides "yep it's working great, thanks!"
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06-23-05, 08:31 PM   #45
A Theradrim Guardian
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Try this one on for size - it should no longer truncate your known recipes under any circumstances.

Any more bugs, or shall I call it ready to go and start working on the GUI for 0.6?
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06-24-05, 09:37 AM   #46
A Fallenroot Satyr
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I doubt this is really a problem, as I probably tried to open a tradeskill window too early before the login process had completed, but logging in in Ironforge and immeiately hitting my tradeskill hotkeys to update my RB data resulted in:

[string "RecipeBook.lua"]:467:bad argument #1 to 'getn' (table expected, got nil)
Again, not a logic error in RB per se, just a side effect of the login procss not being complete yet, I susepct.

1-2 seconds later, it worked fine (after all the General spam caught up with my chatframe)


Agreed, it appears to be truncating neither the recipes nor the Specialty.

You mentioned that RB should already handle 2 Specialty values in preparation for the second level of Weaponsmith specialization; in the case where a Weaponsmith is also a Tribal Leatherworker (Burrbat) will it handle 3 once he adds the Master Hammersmith specialization?

I look forward to the GUI, and also to the ability to share RB data .. sharing data will easily solve my situation where I have 1 tradeskiller on a different account and thus Addons don't have direct access to his SavedVariables when I'm on my main account.

Fantastsic work!
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06-24-05, 09:47 AM   #47
A Fallenroot Satyr
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Got that "bad argument" error message again, this time after Burrbat had been online for 5-10 minutes and run around banking, sending and receiving mail, and even making some Blacksmithing combines.

In both cases, it was the Cooking tradeskill window that spit out the error - no idea if that's relevant - pressed immediately after opening another tradeskill window. After opening a third tradekill window (First Aid in both cases, coincidentally), I was able to open Cooking without a problem.
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06-24-05, 11:56 AM   #48
A Theradrim Guardian
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I'm not at home right now, so I can't test the code, but I imagine it's a matter of adding in a check for those rare occasions when player input is faster than tradeskill updates.
As far as multiple tradeskills, it *should* work just fire for your master weaponsmith.

Thanks so much for all the testing time you're putting in for me!
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06-25-05, 10:33 AM   #49
A Theradrim Guardian
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Okay, hit the bug with a nil check that might actually improve parsing in certain situations.

Uploading 0.5.1 to this site and Curse Gaming and moving right along to 0.6 alpha, which will be nestled in between my every-third-night on-call for OB at the hospital, so it may be some time.

That said, I'm going to put in a graphical configuration panel and hopefully make /rb skill output to a frame rather than the chat tab.
Current thought: [] : Checkboxes, O/* : radio buttons
|         RecipeBook Configuration        |
|                                         |
|  Display Recipe Data :  * On O Off      |
|                                         |
|  Output Data to : * Tooltip O Chatframe |
|                                         |
|  Display alt data for alts who :        |
|    [] Already Know Recipes              |
|    [] Can Learn Recipes                 |
|    [] Can Skillup to Learn Recipes      |
|                                         |
|  Display Data for Faction(s) :          |
|    [] Horde        [] Alliance          |
|                                         |
|  Same Faction Alts:                     |
|    Know #  Can Learn #  Will Learn #    |
|  Opposite Faction Alts :                |
|    Know #  Can Learn #  Will Learn #    |
|                                         |

Note: # means a little color chooser square :)
Anything else that should go in there?

Last edited by ayradyss : 06-25-05 at 10:35 AM.
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06-26-05, 03:58 PM   #50
A Fallenroot Satyr
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There may be some folks lurking in the backgroud out there who would also like to select which tradeskills are counted ... for example, perhaps they want to disable cooking, or enable only leatherworking. I don't know any, just thinking there may be some who want that level of configuration as well.

Of course we (that's "we" as in "my stable of tradeskill characters) still look forward to exporting / importing RB data (or send-to-a-friend, however you wish). Presuming that will communicate through a channgel, much like the PartyQuests that use Sky channels.

Looks great!
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06-26-05, 04:26 PM   #51
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Presuming that will communicate through a channgel, much like the PartyQuests that use Sky channels.
In its current iteration (yes, I've been working on it) it doesn't use channels at all. It uses an "invisible whisper" system.

Basically, you'll /rb send <person> <tradeskill> (maybe eventually that'll be dropdown and text box) and RecipeBook will send them a polite little whisper - something like:

I type /rb send Ratstomper Blacksmithing
If you *don't* have RecipeBook installed you'll see: Ayradyss whispers : [RecipeBook_Prefix] Hello, this is Ayradyss's RecipeBook. May I send your RecipeBook my Blacksmithing data?
If you *do* have RecipeBook installed, you won't see that whisper. You'll just see a popup : Ayradyss wants to send you RecipeBook data for Blacksmithing. Accept/Decline?
If you click Accept, your RecipeBook will send a "sure, go ahead" and my RecipeBook will ship the data - skill, specializations, rank, and known recipes - using those same prefix-coded whispers. It'll all be invisible to you.
Then my RB sends another message to say I'm done, your RB sends a response to say you got it, and both clients "hang up the phone".
I'll see : <RecipeBook:> Successfully sent Blacksmithing data to Ratstomper. and you'll see <RecipeBook:> Successfully received Blacksmithing data from Ayradyss.

If you send to someone who doesn't have the RB client installed, they'll get the initial whisper - which, except for the prefix, will be human-readable and make sense - and then after 1 minute of no response, your client will time out.
You can't send data if you have a preexisting session open - i.e. the fastest you can spam RecipeBook sends to someone without the client is once a minute.
It'll be set up with multiple options - you'll be able to auto-accept|prompt|auto-decline from friends or guildmates, and you'll be able to prompt|auto-decline from nonfriends. Anyone you auto-decline to will see a friendly error : <RecipeBook Error:> Ayradyss is not accepting recipe data at this moment. while you'll get a quick message on your screen that you just auto-declined and who you declined from.

My channels are full full full without any mods using them already
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06-27-05, 08:57 AM   #52
A Fallenroot Satyr
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Ah, handshaking is good. As is intercepting text without using extra channels

So, this means that you're also going to update the Friends display so RB users can select a Friend from their list and click on the shiny new Send RB Data button, right?

Features features features

Last edited by Ratstomper : 06-27-05 at 08:58 AM. Reason: For someone who spends as much time as I do typing, I sure typo often :\
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06-27-05, 10:36 AM   #53
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Okay, let's do this one step at a time, hey?

I'll add in some more features once I get the basic config options together. I'm reasonably handy in LUA (as evidenced), but XML is a little bit of a learning experience yet.
I don't want to break it now that it's working.
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07-13-05, 09:05 PM   #54
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Beta version :)

Attached to this message is a beta of 0.6, with *very basic* graphical configuration. I would love for folks to take a look and tell me if it looks good or gives weird errors.
PLEASE back up your savedvariables.lua; this is a stable beta and I don't anticipate problems, but some options may die a screaming horrible death if you try to revert.

I'd like to add the /rb skill output to a frame, nothing pretty but not spamming the RB chatframe, before I release 0.6, but I wanted some feedback as I've never done this much XML in my life before
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07-27-05, 12:06 PM   #55
A Defias Bandit
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"/rb config" dialog looks good, haven't had any strange errors pop up.

Please forgive if this is a faq.

How do you handle (limit) recipes whose names are different from what is shown in the tradeskill window?

For example "Recipe: Mithril Head Trout" always shows as "can be learned" because the skill is listed as "Mithril Headed Trout" in the Cooking list.
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07-31-05, 11:24 AM   #56
A Theradrim Guardian
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At the moment, Isharra, there is no handling for recipes such as Mithril Headed Trout or the various Alchemy transmutes (Recipe: Transmute Arcanite --> Transmute: Arcanite).
My mind rebels against hard-coding an exceptions list; that's rarely good practice if there's another way to do it. As far as Alchemy goes, removing special characters was going to be my theoretical mode of practice - if there are other recipes suffering from the same problem I may need to start coding an exceptions list, much as I hate to do it.

I've been a little slow on getting back with folks this month; it's been busy IRL and I hope that things will improve this next month as I have a little more free time. I'd welcome suggestions for how to resolve the problem.
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08-23-05, 03:39 PM   #57
A Theradrim Guardian
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Hey, Ratstomper?

If you're still around, I may have a beta to throw at you, looking for bugs

You'll like the new features.
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08-23-05, 05:53 PM   #58
A Defias Bandit
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what do I have to do to make this work with multipe accounts? thanks in advance for any help.
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08-23-05, 06:59 PM   #59
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Multiple accounts

I assume you're talking about having data from account A show up on Account B.
I'm actually working right now on making that work - there'll be a command to send data to another player in the upcoming version. Been testing it out and it works great, but I want to make sure things are bug-free

Soon, in other words.
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08-23-05, 09:44 PM   #60
A Defias Bandit
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Thanks a bunch for the reply. Yeah, that's what I meant. I two-box but usually only craft on one box. I could not see the recipes from one account while I was on the other even though I had logged all of my 'toons in and looked at their trade windows. I assumed I was doing something wrong or thought it was saved to the account folder and just needed to be copied over. Love the mod', by the way.
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