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02-20-07, 01:43 PM   #81
A Flamescale Wyrmkin
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a dirty confession

so i have a little confession to make

i went back to shard ace, (diched necrosis) went back to bongos) ditched trinity) used my own button layout (same bongs bars though for the most part) ya ok so u all were right

but i still say ecastingbar is awsome, and i have an option warlock addon for you to toss in call warlock alert it's grate for telling you backlash/nightfall also has a health/mana warner which is off on my ui

i think trinity might have been my memory eater not sure still trying to get everything figured out

keep it going mazz u rock
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02-20-07, 10:17 PM   #82
A Chromatic Dragonspawn
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Originally Posted by amz370
so i have a little confession to make

i went back to shard ace, (diched necrosis) went back to bongos) ditched trinity) used my own button layout (same bongs bars though for the most part) ya ok so u all were right

but i still say ecastingbar is awsome, and i have an option warlock addon for you to toss in call warlock alert it's grate for telling you backlash/nightfall also has a health/mana warner which is off on my ui

i think trinity might have been my memory eater not sure still trying to get everything figured out

keep it going mazz u rock
That is one of the main things Mazzle was going for a non resource hungry UI. Add-ons and layout and the way they all interact were choices based on memory or resource usage with ease of use and clean looks added in. we appreciate the feedback thank you
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02-21-07, 02:59 AM   #83
A Flamescale Wyrmkin
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ya im still at like 48 mbs which is down about 6 mbps i cant wait for the integration fo the addons memory searchers that blizzard allows to be coded aloowing players to see which addon is eating how much memory

should be sweet
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02-21-07, 04:06 PM   #84
A Scalebane Royal Guard
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Have you tried Instabolt for your backlash/nightfall warner? I really like it, its what I use.
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02-22-07, 05:07 AM   #85
A Murloc Raider
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quoted from teh support forum... link here: click me!

discussing the lack of the firestone button (except when it's not wanted...)

Originally Posted by Mazzlefizz
It's supposed to be hidden. There just wasn't room for it, and there's no mechanism to adjust positioning of the things the UI does position on its own.

possible idea... perhaps a drop down menu kinda like what happens with the shard counter that's in the same area. perhaps if you right click on the health stones it gives you a menu of other stones for useage too?
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02-22-07, 06:55 PM   #86
A Pyroguard Emberseer
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Originally Posted by jetpig
quoted from teh support forum... link here: click me!

discussing the lack of the firestone button (except when it's not wanted...)

possible idea... perhaps a drop down menu kinda like what happens with the shard counter that's in the same area. perhaps if you right click on the health stones it gives you a menu of other stones for useage too?
I would not be modifiying other people's add-ons like that. There just isn't enough room in my layout for all those buttons. I'd try putting those items in the context menu personally.

Also, this is not the right thread for this. It could have reasonably fit in several of the other ones. This one is about action bars and their contents.
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02-23-07, 04:26 AM   #87
A Murloc Raider
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Originally Posted by Mazzlefizz
I would not be modifiying other people's add-ons like that. There just isn't enough room in my layout for all those buttons. I'd try putting those items in the context menu personally.

Also, this is not the right thread for this. It could have reasonably fit in several of the other ones. This one is about action bars and their contents.

>_< i was hoping this would be the right thread, sorry bout that. and i'll just go ahead with the contxt menu thought. seems most logical, also the least amount of work.
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03-01-07, 02:32 PM   #88
A Fallenroot Satyr
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Keypad layout


I use a keyboard with a keypad and find the best way for me to play is with my left hand on the main keyboard and my right hand on the keypad - and very close to the mouse when I need to switch quickly.

I also, unfortunately, have a personality disorder that seems to compell me to have multiple characters, each a different class (I'm working on that...). Currently I play a Pally (lvl 60), a rogue (lvl 48), a hunter (lvl 44), and a warrior (starting over - lvl 11). This caused me a lot of grief early on (the four I listed are just the ones I've settled down on...) until I came up with a keybinding setup that let's me do "good enough" until I get back into the swing of a given character. I have adjusted, via bongos, the layout to reflect the following layout/binding:

Left Hand:
movement keys, self-buff (eating food, potions, etc.). I have switched my movement keys one over after I read that idea in this forum, so now I have:
EDFSWR - movement
T = less often used healing (big potions on non-healers, big heal on the pally)
G = more often used healing (smaller potions & flash of light)
V = debuff or good buff (stoneform, cleanse, whatever, buffing food if nothing else...)
Z, X, C = (currently largely unused) what to do when in BIG trouble. trinkets, bombs (engineers), Divine Intervention (pally), and the like. This changes more between characters.
Q, A = nothing just yet....

Right Hand:
Here is where I put the "hurt" on others....

4, 5, 6, + are my "most used" combat abilities. Normally placed in order of use so that no matter what character I am playing, I can use the same knee jerk reaction of "4, then 5, then 6" and I'm pretty much going to do something I wanted to do...

1, 2, 3 = react to others (mobs) abilities. This is Hamstring for the warrior (mob tries to run), kick, riposte, and evade for the rogue, hammer of wrath for the pally, etc. These abilities come into play only when something happens or changes in the fight.

0 and "." = OH CRAP! I'm about to die!!! "0" is always my panic button and "." is my "panic after my panic didn't work" button. For a rogue "0" is vanish and "." is blind. For a Pally, "0" is bubble, etc.

7, 8, 9, - = abilites I need in a fight but use based on timers, cool downs, etc. Not "reactionary" abilities, but abilites I can only use occassionally or intermittenly in a fight. For example, these are my finishing moves for the rogue.

top bar of the keypad (normally Clear, =, /, and *) = less frequently used than 7,8,9,- row.... Still need them on hand, but only now and then. Ex: "*" for my rogue is Sprint. Don't "need" it often, but when I do, I want to be able to hit it quickly.

Middle bar (above the arrow keys): usually 6 buttons, with "Help", "Home", "page up", etc. on it. I use these buttons for mount, hearth stone, and things I use to start a fight. Page Down (normally the bottom corner closest to the keypad) I use as "stealth" for my rogue, "charge" for my warrior", etc. I also put the Pally buffs here, so I can buff people up quickly when they ask for it (or random strangers as I run by).

This is already long-winded, but you can see that I hit "page down" just before entering any fight, then "4", "5", and "6" at the beginning of a fight, "0" if I'm really in trouble, "." if the "0" didn't work, "T" for a big heal, "G" for a normal heal, etc. This way, regardless of what class I am playing, the basic reactions stay the same. I still have to re-memorize what my reactionary skills are and when I switch back to a Pally I always seem to forget I have extra abilities for undead, so it is not a complete cure all, but it lets me "fake it" long enough to get back into the swing of whatever character I am playing that night. Very nice when I am playing the rogue, and the guild suddenly says they need me right now w/ my Pally....

My suggestion, then, is to have a built in layout that is designed around this idea with the keybindings and paging (for stealth and warrior stances) already set up. I show my rogue and pally as examples of how I use the exact same layout/bindings for two very different classes and adjust for them by using different spell locations. [edit: I can't get the "insert image" option to work, so no pictures - but I can send them via email or other option if you like]

Thanks for all the work you've done on this! Love it!


Last edited by Leeroi : 03-05-07 at 10:35 AM.
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03-05-07, 10:42 AM   #89
A Fallenroot Satyr
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Saving Settings


No idea on the practicality of this request, but you'e done such magic already, I figure you can do this easily....

Is there a way to save not only a give layout (I have a saved profile in Bongos that I made the default) but also save the button layout and all the key bindings? I play on 2 different computers with 4 different characters (see above) not counting banks, etc., and it is killilng me to get everything "back" the way I want it each time I re-mazzify a character. Similarly, it would be great to be able to get the FuBar settings (which ones are enabled, where they are positioned, what settings they have, etc.) saved as well. Then, I can make that the default for all of my characters and even copy the settings file from one computer to another and "poof" I have everything consistent. Part of the joy of trying to play 4 different characters is making sure that everything that CAN be consistent is - even things like where the ExperienceFu info is shown on the FuBar.


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03-05-07, 12:22 PM   #90
A Pyroguard Emberseer
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Leeroi, I think your ideas are interesting. That said, they're more in the domain of having a "Leeroi's Warrior Layout" or something, rather than a modification of the current layouts.

As for your two computer issue, if they are the same aspect ratio, I'd just find a way to synchronize your WTF folders rather Mazzify, alter, Mazzify, re-alter, etc. (You may want to just copy the folders under the Account instead of your actual WTF folder in case some of the graphics settings differ between the machines.) Even if they're not the same aspect ratio, settings for some add-ons, namely the ones that don't save any positional data in their saved variables, should still be copyable. I think FuBar should be OK.

As for a more coherent way to save your button layouts, that is something I want to do. I already use a generalized format that includes the button layout with relative anchors, conditional button contents and keybindings. It just needs an easier way to edit and save them. It will probably be the key feature of 1.2 along with layouts include 2.0 skills. Unfortunately, I just haven't been working on the project much lately, so I don't know when that will happen.
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03-05-07, 12:33 PM   #91
A Flamescale Wyrmkin
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for the record i play on 2 comps one is a laptop with a 1.3 aspect and the other is my leet macpro with 1.6 i transfered my wtf, and addons folder
opened ww on my laptop (what i transfered too) opened mazalfier and made the proper adjustments including moving some of my modified bongos bars around
(sincer there in little clusters its easy to do)

it tooks some time but i got it right, and now i can play on both, i just ahd to adjust my video settings from leet computer with nice graphix to laptop...always on efficencymode

mazz, give ur self some credit ur options can handle swaping aspect
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03-06-07, 03:18 PM   #92
A Scalebane Royal Guard
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I've updated joypunk's Warrior Layout for level 70 abilities. I also took this opportunity to rearrange a lot of abilities to optimize the layout for more talent specs (it was previously only setup for cookie-cutter MS/Fury and DW/Fury setups).

Battle Stance
1 Charge
2 Victory Rush
3 Overpower
4 Hamstring
5 Shield Bash
6 Thunder Clap
7 Spell Reflect
8 Mocking Blow
9 Rend

Defensive Stance
1 Intervene
2 Taunt
3 Revenge
4 Shield Block
5 Shield Bash
6 Thunder Clap
7 Spell Reflect
8 Disarm
9 Rend

Berserker Stance
1 Intercept
2 Victory Rush
3 Berserker Rage
4 Hamstring
5 Pummel
6 Whirlwind
7 Empty
8 Empty
9 Empty

Bottom Right Bar
SQ Mortal Stirke/Devastate/Bloodthirst
SE Execute
AQ Heroic Strike
AE Sunder Armor
CQ Cleave
CE Sweeping Strikes/Shield Slam/Rampage
SV Slam
V Concussion Blow/Death Wish
R Bloodrage
SR Last Stand (I don't believe Shift-R is used for anything specific in the UI. If it is already used, change this to Alt-V.)

Shout Bar
A1 Battle Shout*
A2 Demoralizing Shout
A3 Piercing Howl (Talented ability)
A4 Intimidating Shout
A5 Challenging Shout
A6 Commanding Shout*

*I typically swap these two abilities depending on whether or not I'm tanking or doing DPS/PvP.

Everything else in the layout remains unchanged.

Last edited by joypunk : 03-09-07 at 06:30 PM. Reason: Swapped Items on AE and CE
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03-09-07, 06:31 PM   #93
A Scalebane Royal Guard
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Minor edit to the above configuration. Swapped what was on AE and CE. Above list is now correct.
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03-12-07, 03:08 PM   #94
A Murloc Raider
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Originally Posted by shaktiboi
Some racial click abilities are *very* useful (Taurens, Undead, Belf, etc.), while other click racials are not considered useful by many players. Perhaps a user-friendly way to deal with click racials would be to add a drop-down list with associated checkbox options to the Button page of your Mazzify wizard.

For example, if the user chooses to use the pre-configured bongo layouts for a given class, then display a drop-down that lists all the races. With each selected race, show checkboxes for all the click racials possible for that race. If the user chooses Blood Elf for race, for example, then 2 checkboxes appear: one for Arcane Torrent and one for Mana Tap. If the user checks either/both of these boxes, then the mazzify process ensures that hotbar 11 (or 12 or whatever) is displayed and these spells are on the hotbar. You could skip the default bindings for racials, if that's too complicated to deal with, and just let the users assign their own bongo bindings after the fact (or leave them as click-only, if they prefer).

My Belf pally, for example, really misses the ready-availability of Mana Tap (if I customize my bongo layout to include that spell, which I use for pulling, it's removed each time I ding an even level and re-mazzify).
Originally Posted by Mazzlefizz

First 2.0 racials aren't in there. In general, I'd say, yes having options to modify every single possible thing would be nice. You don't like to add certain racials. Somebody else doesn't like to add buffs spells to bars. Somebody else just wants skills with cooldowns. There's tons of checkboxes of that sort that a person could envision. Unfortunately, building a general system that can handle arbitrary removal isn't practical or worth the time IMO. And in this particular case, I don't even think it's all that useful.
What I have been doing with my Draenei Shammy is put my racial (and a few other "usable" items that don't show in autobar and a few chat macros I use a lot) on the context menu. The problem is that every time I get new spells and re-mazzify, I have to fill them back into the context menu.

This works, but it's a bit frustrating to keep setting it up every time. Mazzle... would it be possible to have an option to exclude context menu updates on button config re-mazzifies? Then this would give us an option to "customize" the pre-made layouts if they aren't exactly what we like or are missing 1 or 2 things we like.

I know the context menu is meant for out of combat use, but I tend to keep it open all the time and even the things like my chat macros get wiped each time I update my button config.

Oh, and this is unrelated and should probably be in another thread because it's not about buttons (sorry Mazzle) but I have no mouse-over tooltip on my weapon buffs (rockbiter, windfury, etc) next to my chars unitframe. I sometimes change my buff during combat, and sometimes often enough to forget which I used last, heh.

I don't know if it's due to the location or something else, because when I mouseover, sometimes I get the tooltip for my char info. Could this be looked into and possibly moved if it is due to overlapping or something?

I tried to propose those as suggestions rather than bugs.
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03-13-07, 08:34 AM   #95
A Pyroguard Emberseer
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Originally Posted by Savyor
What I have been doing with my Draenei Shammy is put my racial (and a few other "usable" items that don't show in autobar and a few chat macros I use a lot) on the context menu. The problem is that every time I get new spells and re-mazzify, I have to fill them back into the context menu.

This works, but it's a bit frustrating to keep setting it up every time. Mazzle... would it be possible to have an option to exclude context menu updates on button config re-mazzifies? Then this would give us an option to "customize" the pre-made layouts if they aren't exactly what we like or are missing 1 or 2 things we like.

I know the context menu is meant for out of combat use, but I tend to keep it open all the time and even the things like my chat macros get wiped each time I update my button config.

Oh, and this is unrelated and should probably be in another thread because it's not about buttons (sorry Mazzle) but I have no mouse-over tooltip on my weapon buffs (rockbiter, windfury, etc) next to my chars unitframe. I sometimes change my buff during combat, and sometimes often enough to forget which I used last, heh.

I don't know if it's due to the location or something else, because when I mouseover, sometimes I get the tooltip for my char info. Could this be looked into and possibly moved if it is due to overlapping or something?

I tried to propose those as suggestions rather than bugs.
Yeah, it would be possible, though I'm a bit ambivalent about it. Certain classes have item in those same slots that may need updating when people re-mazzify. Perhaps a better solution is to not wipe slots that either don't change or don't have actual contents in the layout specification. I'll think on it some more.

I, too, have notice the tooltip thing. My guess is that the 3d model which it shares the space with is stealing the mouse enter events. It's on my to-do list of things to check out.
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03-29-07, 08:36 AM   #96
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
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I feel like a total fool.
But these sections of Q & A is just massive, i have been looking around for an answer to the following, but found none (probably me being blind but...).

I play a paladin and when i hit lvl60 some time ago i tried to re-mazzify to avoid all the hassle of manually editing buttonlayout.
Said and done, after that a plentyful of my buff-buttons where gone and several spec-specific spells where missing as well.
Just an example, i was missing:
All "greater buffs"
Holy shield
just to name a few.

I s this the current state of this compilation? Meaning, do i have to fix this myself or has something gone wrong when i Mazzified?
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03-29-07, 08:50 AM   #97
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
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I always liked the hunter set up in the old version of Mazzleui. The only problem I have w/ the new one is trying to change from ranged to melee w/o the auto change based on range. This is how i have set up my Layout that has all of the 2.0 up to 70 skills. I am not saying my key bindings i use because they are set up for a G15 keyboard. I am also spec'd Marksman, but the set up includes all spec's skills.

Top to bottom, left side of mini map. Left to right.

Line 1 Pet bar
Normal set up
10. (after pet bar) Feign Death

Line 2 Pet related abilities

1. Intimidation (if spec'd)
2. bestial wrath
3. Beast lore
4. Eagle eye
5. Eyes of beast
6. Dismiss pet
7. Call pet
8. Revive pet
9. Feed pet
10. Mend pet

Line 3 Traps and extra abilities
1. Shadowmeld(if NE)
2. Tranq shot (if have)
3. Flare
4. Scare Beast
5. Freezing Trap
6. Frost Trap
7. Immolation Trap
8. Explosive trap
9. Snake trap

Right hand side. Top to bottom, left to right

Line 1 Aspect bar
1. Aspect of the Monkey
2. Aspect of the Hawk
3. Aspect of the Cheetah
4. Aspect of the Pack
5. Aspect of the Beast
6. Aspect of the Wild
7. Aspect of the Viper
8. Trueshot (if spec'd)
9. Rapid fire
10. Readiness (if spec'd0

Line 2 Ranged
1. Hunter's mark
2. Auto shot
3. Aimed shot (if spec'd)
4. Steady shot
5. Arcane shot
6. Multi shot
7. Silencing Shot (if Spec'd)
8. Wyvern Sting (if spec'd)
9. Volley
10. Serpent sting
11. Viper sting
12. Scorpid sting

Line 3 Melee
1. Auto attack
2. Raptor Strike
3. Mongoose Bite
4. Counterattack (if spec'd)
5. Deterrence (if spec'd)
6. Wing clip
7. Kill command
8. Scatter shot (if spec'd)
9. Disengage
10. Misdirection
11. Concussive Shot
12. Distracting shot

No matter how a hunter is spec'd no bars would be bigger then 11 buttons long.
Also in my setup I did a paging for the melee and the raged bars. When you hit shift + up it will switch the 2 bars so players can have melee on the bottom or in the middle.

Last edited by shadowhawx : 03-29-07 at 01:51 PM.
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03-29-07, 04:26 PM   #98
A Pyroguard Emberseer
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Thanks Shadowhawx. I'll look at that next time I address the button layouts.

Nomad, read the known issues post, release notes or the FAQ. Your question is answered in all three places.
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04-12-07, 04:16 AM   #99
A Cyclonian
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Originally Posted by joypunk
I've updated joypunk's Warrior Layout for level 70 abilities. I also took this opportunity to rearrange a lot of abilities to optimize the layout for more talent specs (it was previously only setup for cookie-cutter MS/Fury and DW/Fury setups).
Not bad. Still not really prot oriented. I'd like to see Disarm and Spell Reflect in there. These are needed during boss-encounters when tanking. IMO, an effective tanking layout needs to have...
Core Skills:
Shield Slam
Heroic Strike
Shield Bash
Berzerker Rage (typically macro to swap to Berzerker and then fire BRage)

Secondary Skills (use can be delegated to DPS warriors or Offtank)
Spell Reflect (most of the time used to reflect aoe casts)
Thunder Clap
Demoralising Shout
Commanding Shout
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05-02-07, 08:28 AM   #100
A Murloc Raider
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first of all: Sorry for my English

I try to describe my problem. I hope you understand.
As a mage I want to use your mage-template. I play WoW since it started and my keybindings are from 1-12 and shift 1-12. As I saw your bindings I thought: Yea, behind these keybindings is more. And I think, they are very good. I want to play with them...

ok, now my problem: Nearly all keybindings work for me, e.g. 2- Scorch, 3-Fireball.
But there are a couple of bindings that I cannot use. For example: Alt + `
I dont know exactly what spell is it, because im just not ingame. But this keybinding I cannot use. If I'm in the config menu of bongos and hover over the button, and press this "hotkey", bongos creates a new keybinding on the spell: Alt+Shift+´
There are 2-3 more such bindings.
Hope you understand.

Ok ... I could change these hotkeys, which I cannot use. But anyway I want to know why I cannot use these bindings and if is it a bug =)
Again, sorry for my crappy English but I think you understand ^^

P.S I luv ya UI *g*

*edit* As I say, i just can't go ingame but as far as I know "Alt+`" was Blink. Although you say Blink is bound on "^" as you say in a post.
Also Will of the Forsaken is bound to a similar key afaik ... like "Alt+;"
And btw: I play with the English ELP .
Maybe you has the answer =)

Last edited by Mordrak : 05-02-07 at 08:38 AM.
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