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06-03-11, 02:31 PM   #1001
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Originally Posted by Game92 View Post
Finally got that damn threat working on my oUF like i wanted. Let me know what you think

I like it, the ONLY thing I don't like on the UI is that the spacing between things isn't uniform. The distance the chat tab is from the bottom vs the sides (against left and actionbars) Threat meter bottom vs action bar vs Threat and your minimap. As well as your Unitframes.

Sorry if my OCD tendencies came out :<

Aggro Color to KG Panels Borders - Nibelheim
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06-03-11, 06:02 PM   #1002
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Originally Posted by Lily.Petal View Post
I like it, the ONLY thing I don't like on the UI is that the spacing between things isn't uniform. The distance the chat tab is from the bottom vs the sides (against left and actionbars) Threat meter bottom vs action bar vs Threat and your minimap. As well as your Unitframes.

Sorry if my OCD tendencies came out :<
hehe np, this how i like it, and play, everyone has thier own setup of playing.
06-03-11, 06:14 PM   #1003
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My new UI in Action...

Battle for Gilneas (Unrated) 04/06/11 - WoW 4.1 - Discipline Priest (Lev 85) - [ Part 1 ]

Battle for Gilneas (Unrated) 04/06/11 - WoW 4.1 - Discipline Priest (Lev 85) - [ Part 2 ]

(Didn't known witch thread to post this in)
06-03-11, 07:15 PM   #1004
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Originally Posted by Jynks View Post
My new UI in Action...

Battle for Gilneas (Unrated) 04/06/11 - WoW 4.1 - Discipline Priest (Lev 85) - [ Part 1 ]

Battle for Gilneas (Unrated) 04/06/11 - WoW 4.1 - Discipline Priest (Lev 85) - [ Part 2 ]

(Didn't known witch thread to post this in)
Your UI seems all over the place. Forte becomes useless in combat because its tracking way to much, you cant tell what is what on it.

Your health bars are way to big are are right in the middle of your screen, and ontop of that, buffs cover up half of the bars.

your HUD seems useless because you can (or should) be able to see your health and mana in your raid frames all of the time.

your cast bar is HUGE. i cant find a reason for it to be that big or where it is.
The combat log in the middle of the screen doesnt seem very useful, who actually reads that thing in combat? its a bad practice if you do TBH. And your action bars look like they could be collapsed to fill in all of the empty space.
06-03-11, 07:38 PM   #1005
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Originally Posted by Jynks View Post
My new UI in Action...

Battle for Gilneas (Unrated) 04/06/11 - WoW 4.1 - Discipline Priest (Lev 85) - [ Part 1 ]

Battle for Gilneas (Unrated) 04/06/11 - WoW 4.1 - Discipline Priest (Lev 85) - [ Part 2 ]

(Didn't known witch thread to post this in)
While it's nice to have raid frames near the middle of the screen, they should be near bottom center, so you can see what's under you. Also, if you are DPSing, you don't need raid frames in a healer spot.

You do not need party frames since you have raid frames right there.

Your HP bars for raid frames seem... a little big. I can't imagine how crowded it looks when you're in a 40 man BG, or even 25 man raiding.

Cast bar is WAY to big and your combat text covers it.

You do not need a combat chat tab if you're using a battle text, I'd either keep MSBT and change the font to one smaller but easy to read, or get rid of MSBT and stick with combat chat.

Also, try not showing White Damage for incoming damage, and slow down the scroll speed. No point having a battle text or combat log if you can't read it right?

I'd personally would get rid of your FX, and get a numeral CD monitor like NCooldown (can't find link atm for it) or put the CoolDown tracker somewhere where it's not in the way of visibility (visibility is key to anything)

There's just somethings in your UI you do not need or just need to get fixed

Aggro Color to KG Panels Borders - Nibelheim
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06-03-11, 08:55 PM   #1006
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Thanks for your comments guys..... I appreciate it!

Originally Posted by Lily.Petal View Post
While it's nice to have raid frames near the middle of the screen, they should be near bottom center, so you can see what's under you. Also, if you are DPSing, you don't need raid frames in a healer spot.
I never DPS, I only Heal and only PvP. I like to have as much as possible in the center of the view as in PvP almost all the action takes place on the sides of your characters or in the top of the screen there is little if any reason to have a large amount of room under the feet of your toon, I mean all you see is a lot of land.

Originally Posted by Lily.Petal View Post
You do not need party frames since you have raid frames right there.
I like the party frames on the side as well as the raid frames in the center as the center is JUST for healing and de-buffs. I use the party frames for Party Targets, Pets and Pet Targets. So I can have all this information nat a glance but with out any need to clog my health bars.

Originally Posted by Lily.Petal View Post
Your HP bars for raid frames seem... a little big. I can't imagine how crowded it looks when you're in a 40 man BG, or even 25 man raiding.
Originally Posted by nelothi View Post
Your health bars are way to big are are right in the middle of your screen, and on top of that, buffs cover up half of the bars.
I have a few different skin setting for the raid frames that are accessed though a drop down. SOLO, 5man, 15Man, AV. These are all different sizes, so in short yes I do shrink the frames down a bit. I like to have larger frames as the bars have more feedback that way. A tiny sliver of the bar on a small frame can mean a huge amount of health. So by having larger bars you get better feedback on the healing, and the incoming healing. I like the buffs big.. remember I am using a 2250x1600 resolution so i need larger thing, it may look a bit weird shrunken down so small to 720p. The only thing i do not like about the heal bars is that de-buffs cover the entire bar and are sorted by stack.. so unlock GRID you do not have multi icons for each debuff yo can only see debuff type and only one at a time.

Originally Posted by Lily.Petal View Post
Cast bar is WAY to big and your combat text covers it.
Originally Posted by nelothi View Post
your cast bar is HUGE. i cant find a reason for it to be that big or where it is.
I can not imaging having the cast bar smaller. It could be as I am an Australian and we have on a GOOD day 400-500lag at all times. Regardless of our provider. Having the longer cast bar allows me to better time the "grace" period of casting the next spell for a instant cast as the other one is over. Any smaller and the red area of quartz is to small to reliably judge. I find the longer cast bar a must have and use it in ALL my toon set ups. As for the scrolling combat text things, I also have no problem reading this and as I said the cast bar is set up for timing purposes (witch is why it ends at my feet).. So the only parts I am paying attention to is the inches below my feet so the text on top of the bar in the far corner of the screen were I never look is of little concern

Originally Posted by Lily.Petal View Post
You do not need a combat chat tab if you're using a battle text, I'd either keep MSBT and change the font to one smaller but easy to read, or get rid of MSBT and stick with combat chat.
Originally Posted by nelothi View Post
The combat log in the middle of the screen doesn't seem very useful, who actually reads that thing in combat? its a bad practice if you do TBH.
Hmm.. completely disagree here. Combat Chat and Scrolling Combat Text provide completely different functions. The Combat chat is logged into text files for latter phrasing for a start and I have a large cache limit set in prat, so at the end of the battle I can scroll up and read it is there is any information I need. The scrolling text is for onscreen notifications, that I can read during game.. I see no connection between these to modules of the UI... and both functions seam essential to me.

Originally Posted by Lily.Petal View Post
Also, try not showing White Damage for incoming damage, and slow down the scroll speed. No point having a battle text or combat log if you can't read it right?
I think this is a good idea, I'll have a play with that as well as try some different fonts like you suggested earlier.

Originally Posted by Lily.Petal View Post
I'd personally would get rid of your FX, and get a numeral CD monitor like NCooldown (can't find link atm for it) or put the CoolDown tracker somewhere where it's not in the way of visibility (visibility is key to anything)
Originally Posted by nelothi View Post
Forte becomes useless in combat because its tracking way to much, you cant tell what is what on it.
I do not like bar things for cool downs. What I I like about the cooldown bar in forte is that it just is a single bar with all the cool downs slowly ticking. As I can my spells and macros they slightly grow, this is all I need. I have no problem seeing what is on the bar at a glace and what they are doing. As for visibility... it is hardly in the way. All it dose is take up some room under the characters feet witch as I said b4 is practically wasted space, as there is never anything of interest in that area.

Originally Posted by nelothi View Post
your HUD seems useless because you can (or should) be able to see your health and mana in your raid frames all of the time.
Oh I disagree, when you are concentrating on healing so much it is very easy to simply forget to heal yourself.. so I added this small area as a Hud. So even if I am fully focused on a health bar of some Dk taking on 3 people I can also see my own mana and health at all times.

Originally Posted by nelothi View Post
And your action bars look like they could be collapsed to fill in all of the empty space.
Yes I think that this could be done.. the UI is stabilizing now, as in I am very happy with it at the moment, while before I was constantly adding and removing stuff... so after some more playtime, I will start to work on "miniaturization" One thing I am planning is to possibly make the move to macaroon, as I find the 18 macro limit on my toons unacceptable.
06-03-11, 09:35 PM   #1007
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Pretty much done with my UI at this stage. Remember, omen only shows my % of threat, and is next to "DPS" on the right hand bar. recount can be shown/hidden by clicking on the "DPS" text. Im using Chiccachi(sp?) for a chat addon, look it up.

Totem icons above my health is YATA. And yes, im using buttonfacade: Rectangle

Also, with the help of Nibelheim, i was able to change my KGPanel(by the bartender bars) to change the alpha from 0 to 1, or from 1 to 0, on click. No longer do i need to worry about not being able to get to my useless buttons in combat.

Last edited by nelothi : 06-03-11 at 09:39 PM.
06-04-11, 01:19 AM   #1008
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Just a random bunch of styles I played with today, lemme know whatcha think~
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06-04-11, 10:59 PM   #1009
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Originally Posted by Game92 View Post
Finally got that damn threat working on my oUF like i wanted. Let me know what you think

[screenie was here]
I like it, though as someone else said the spacing is a bit off b/t elements - but then again thats just my OCD taking effect. I do really like all the borders, and how you've got them working for you now. Its been neat watching your ui evolve on here And I'm interested in your nameplates ... what in are you using?
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06-05-11, 01:57 AM   #1010
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Originally Posted by nelothi View Post
And yes, im using buttonfacade: Rectangle
I like, what you've got there, only one suggestion: Make your castbar-icon rectangle, too!
06-05-11, 11:45 AM   #1011
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Originally Posted by Unkn View Post
I like it, though as someone else said the spacing is a bit off b/t elements - but then again thats just my OCD taking effect. I do really like all the borders, and how you've got them working for you now. Its been neat watching your ui evolve on here And I'm interested in your nameplates ... what in are you using?
Thank you, toke alot of time to evole the UI, but it was totally worth it.

Hard edited dNameplates

Last edited by Aftermathhqt : 06-05-11 at 11:50 AM.
06-05-11, 12:53 PM   #1012
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Originally Posted by Mischback View Post
I like, what you've got there, only one suggestion: Make your castbar-icon rectangle, too!
afaik gnosis doesnt use button facade.
06-05-11, 05:37 PM   #1013
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Here is my current WiP. Moving more to a PvP functionality.

Let me know what you think.
06-05-11, 06:53 PM   #1014
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@Sauer: I think your font is just huge on everything :< It's like Mind. Blown. But overall I like the UI.

Aggro Color to KG Panels Borders - Nibelheim
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06-06-11, 02:05 AM   #1015
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Originally Posted by Sauerkraut View Post
Here is my current WiP. Moving more to a PvP functionality.

Let me know what you think.
Sauer, love this new version of Karma. I love how the power bar is above the health bar, thus making it easier to see exactly how much it is (unlike the current version, it becomes more and more difficult to read as it gets fuller).

Like the above poster though, not crazy about the font as it does take up too much space.

Perhaps a section in your config file next time for font editing?
06-06-11, 09:29 AM   #1016
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I found I was having the same issues with Karma, that is why I started on this project. So you feel the health text is too big? or all the text. I like to be able to glance quickly and see what is going on, thus the big easy to read fonts.

So far this layout has been working very well. The little indicator arrow moves along with the power bar as does the text. I've found it much easier to manage rage on my warrior than before. I've got a couple things to clean up then it should be ready for release.
06-06-11, 10:12 AM   #1017
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I'm very happy to share this with you! You can't imaginge how happy i am Finally fixed that Debuffhighlight to borders ;>
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06-06-11, 11:48 AM   #1018
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Originally Posted by Sauerkraut View Post
I found I was having the same issues with Karma, that is why I started on this project. So you feel the health text is too big? or all the text. I like to be able to glance quickly and see what is going on, thus the big easy to read fonts.

So far this layout has been working very well. The little indicator arrow moves along with the power bar as does the text. I've found it much easier to manage rage on my warrior than before. I've got a couple things to clean up then it should be ready for release.
Yes the Health Text is what I was referring too. I'd say lower it to what your Power Text is at. I'd also like to say your CD text too, but that's my OCD wanting to keep things from going outside the lines :<

Aggro Color to KG Panels Borders - Nibelheim
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06-06-11, 09:09 PM   #1019
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@ Saurkraut :Thats neuropol font, if I'm no mistaken, and at smaller sizes loses a lot of readability(sp?) but would have to say is my fave all time font. I think it looks great as is, but again, thas just one mans opinion~
06-06-11, 09:29 PM   #1020
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Originally Posted by Kendian View Post
@ Saurkraut :Thats neuropol font, if I'm no mistaken, and at smaller sizes loses a lot of readability(sp?) but would have to say is my fave all time font. I think it looks great as is, but again, thas just one mans opinion~
He uses the same font for his Power Text and it looks just fine. I'm sure he could see what it looks like that way ;D

Aggro Color to KG Panels Borders - Nibelheim
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Custom LUA PowerText - Stuf - Nibelheim, Seerah

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