RepByZone (
Wowinterface or
Curseforge) needs a logo, and I don't know what to use. That's where you come in. If you design a worthy logo in .tga or .blp (.tga is preferred) format, I'll use it in the addon.
You will get immortalized in RepByZone's in-game GUI as a byline, and your logo will appear in the AddOns menu via the .toc file.
Feel free to respond with your entry to this thread so other people can discuss the images. I wish I could pay you for your work, but that is not possible. You will have to go through life being famous instead!
The contest will close Tuesday, May 16, 2023, at midnight (when the day turns over to May 17, 2023) PST.
Good luck!
Sygon_Paul (aka Myrroddin on Wowinterface)