I'm a bit late to this party, but maybe this will still be of some help.
As LudiusMaximus said, you can Save and (re)set previously saved camera angles.
There are 5 possible settings you can save and reset. I think you could use two for looking up, two down and one forwadish.
The default game options already have keybinding for each setting and also keybindings for moving back and forth between the 5 settings.
Alternatively you could install an addon called ConsolePort, which enables yoy to use a console controller (such as that of a Playstation) to play WoW. I don't know whether that would make it easier for you, but I do suggest you check the addon's page, right here, on this site:
As to shouting at you, DON'T TELL ME TO CALM DOWN, IT P**SES ME OFF!
Just kidding, people here are pretty chill.
Best wishes for you and your husband!