I looked all over for this info and found an old snippet of code that could be used to generate the list of achivementId's. Because the number of AchivementId's is now greater than 20000 rather than post the list, I've decided to show you how I generated it. This is a simple addon consisting of two files, the .toc and core.lua. Place the files into the Addon directory in a directory labeled "AchivementLister". Load the addon in game and execute the slash command /alister The list of AchivementId's will be saved into an account wide saved variable called "AchivementList.lua" Here is a sample of the listing to show what it looks like (this is a table dumped into a lua file):
"ID: 14171 Name: Memento Mori Description: Obtain 10000 Corrupted Mementos.",
"ID: 14172 Name: A Monumental Amount of Mementos Description: Obtain 50000 Corrupted Mementos.",
"ID: 14173 Name: A Mountain of Mementos Description: Obtain 100000 Corrupted Mementos.",
"ID: 14175 Name: Master of Deepwind Gorge Description: Complete the Deepwind Gorge achievements listed below.",
AchievementLister.toc file
## Interface: 110200
## Title: AchievementLister
## Author: Sundur - Galakrond (US) from code on Wowinterface.com by Drshow https://www.wowinterface.com/forums/showthread.php?t=28535
## Notes: Creates a list of achievement id's and names and saves the list into an account saved variable "AchievementList".
## Version: 11.0.2
## SavedVariables: AchievementList
core.lua file:
local AchievementLister = {}
AchievementList = {} -- account variables
AchievementLister.frame = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, UIParent)
local function AchievementListerRunSlash()
local max = 25000
local count = 1
for x=1,max do
local id,name,_,_,_,_,_,description = GetAchievementInfo(x)
if name then
AchievementList[ count ] = "ID: "..x .. " Name: " .. name .. " Description: " .. description
print("AchivementList saved to saved variables 'AchivementList'")
SLASH_ACHIEVEMENTLISTER2 = "/achievementlister"
SlashCmdList[ "ACHIEVEMENTLISTER" ] = function() AchievementListerRunSlash() end