Originally Posted by ircdirk
I got my Carb Warehouse configurations here:
\WTF\Account\{Server Name or Realm Name}\SavedVariables\Carbonite.Warehouse.lua
other Carb modules also have configurations in this directory.
Thank you, ircdirk. I looked at everything very carefully and I did not see any "SavedVariables" listed under any of my
Realm names. The Saved Variables which do have references to Carbonite are listed under my Account Name. The path is:
C:\Program Files (x86)\World of Warcraft\WTF\Account\{my account name}\SavedVariables
Early this morning, and once again just now, I deleted the Carbonite.Warehouse.lua and the Carbonite.Warehouse.lua.bak files. But, after restarting the game and checking my Warehouse, it still shows bank info for all my characters on all my realms. I really don't understand. Plus, only on one certain realm do I have Warehouse listing single-entries of all my character's names. The other several realms all have duplicate names of each of my characters and duplicates of every item (name) which they have in their banks. And, that includes duplicate gold amounts! I'm very confused. I know it shouldn't be happening like this.
I do understand that Rythal may not have updated the Warehouse yet. But, if it works properly for everyone but me, then something must be wrong in my setup. I just don't know what. Everything is updated and is in the right place, from what I can tell.