What is a Load On Demand Config Number? Do I need one?
First of all, let me assure you that no-one needs these numbers. They are not some secret code that unlocks a JIM AddOn, or anything else for that matter.

The Load On Demand Config idea, simply put, is: JIM AddOns load faster than the average AddOn.

- You will not have to wait a long time to play your character while JIM AddOns configure.
- Setup windows only exist fractions of seconds before you use them.

Most JIM AddOns are programmed with speed in mind. Only the functions needed to get the primary features are defined. That is the simple power of Load On Demand Configuration.

Other programmers of AddOns are invited to tap into this power, thus making the AddOns they create run faster as well. In order to do this, they will need to reserve space in the JIM's Various Options by "requesting a number". How is this number used? Well, if you are an interested AddOn programmer, you can find out. Download any JIM AddOn and open up JIM_toolbox\LoadOnDemandConfig.lua. The instructions are in there, and I can be contacted from these pages for additional information.