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My AddOns
    What does this addon do?
    Acp : Adds an addon manager in game via the 'Addons' menu. Special support for multi-part addons.

    AckisRecipeList: Displays a list of missing recipes for your trade skills. Works with all trade skills, including rogue poisons and hunter beast training.

    AHSearch: Saves Auction House search querce.

    Antagonist: Tracks enemy casting times, buffs and cooldowns.

    ArenaPointer: Estimated Arena points in PvP tab.

    ArkInventory: Allows viewing of your (and your alts) Bags, Keyring, Bank and Guild Bank when ever and where ever you want

    AtlasLoot: Shows the possible loot from the bosses.

    Aurora: For Paladins who forget to set their auras.

    AutoBar Dynamic 24 button bar automatically adds potions, water, food and other items you specify into a button for use. Does not use action slots so you can save those for spells and abilities..

    Bartender3 Simple and Advanced combined - Bartender3 ActionBar AddOn.

    BigWigs Modular, lightweight, non-intrusive approach to boss encounter warnings.

    Buffalo: Customizing your buff display.

    BugSack Toss those bugs inna sack.

    Capping: Statusbar timers and other goodies for your battleground enjoyment.

    Cartographer: Addon to manipulate the map.

    CastYeller: Announces to your party/raid important spells you cast.

    ClearFont2: Funky font switcher.

    Clique: A simple GUI that lets you assign click-casting for any number of unit frames.

    ClosetGnome: A gnome helper that keeps your wardrobe organized. At least tries to.

    CooldownCount: Display Cooldown Count on Spell Icons and Items.

    CowTip: Tooltip of awesomeness. Moo. It'll graze your pasture.

    cyCircled Round, hex, glossy, etc. action button textures for various addons.

    DoubleWide: Pulls the quest log into side-by-side areas so it's double wide instead of cramping the size of the quest list.

    DrDamage TheoryCraft light for casters.

    EavesDrop: A simple combat log that displays events similar to SCT.

    Emergency: Visual and sound effects for a given event.

    EnhancedColourPicker: Adds Copy and Paste Functions to the ColorPicker.

    EquipCompare: Compare equipped inventory items against items in bags/bank.

    ErrorMonster: Filter and redirecter for errors, system messages and information messages.

    Examiner: An advanced inspection mod which you can use to check other players gear, talents, honor and arena team details.

    Fence An auction house AddOn to make the life of each fence easier.

    Fizzle: Show item durability and quality in the character frame.

    FreeRefills: Automatic Refilling of User Defined Items.

    FuBar A panel that modules can plug into.

    FuBar_BattlegroundFu Battleground information for FuBar.

    FuBar_ClockFu A simplistic clock.

    FuBar_DuraTek A simpler durability plugin for FuBar.

    FuBar_FactionsFu Shows your standings with the factions.

    FuBar_FriendsFu: Displays online friends.

    FuBar_GarbageFu Drops the least valuable item in your bags to make space.

    FuBar_GuildFu: Displays online guild mates.

    FuBar_HeyFu: Tracks whispers and conversations

    FuBar_HonorFu Keeps track of honor and PvP statistics.

    FuBar_LocationFu: Keeps track of your current location.

    FuBar_MailFu: You've got mail!

    FuBar_MicroMenuFu: Shows the micro menu on FuBar.

    FuBar_MoneyFu Keeps track of current money and all your characters on one realm.

    FuBar_NameToggleFu: Toggles player names.

    FuBar_PerformanceFu Keeps track of performance of memory, latency, and framerate.

    FuBar_QuestFu: Keeps track of quests.

    FuBar_ReagentFu: Keeps track of your reagents for buffing.

    FuBar_SkillPlusFu: Shows skills in a tooltip and allow them to be used. Also keeps track of Cooldowns.

    FuBar_ToFu: A flight path time-remaining plugin for FuBar

    FuBar_TopScoreFu Keeps track of your top hits, heals, criticals, etc.

    FuBar_TrackerFu: Change minimap tracking mode.

    FuBar_VolumeFu: Controls for the game volume settings.

    FuTextures A collection of textures for FuBar.

    GemHelper: Search, filter and craft gems in the game.

    Grid: A modular, lightweight and screen-estate saving grid of party/raid unit .

    HatTrick; Simple cloak/helm checkboxes in the Character frame.

    HealOrganizer: Organize the healer in a raid.

    HealPoints: Calculates heal values on gear.

    IncomingHeals: Adds small text to show incoming heals on your raid frames.

    Incubator: Mob Respawn Timers.

    ItemPriceTooltip: Adds vendor sell value to item tooltips.

    ItemDB: Item Data Base with built in item viewing browser

    Librameister: An addon which equips the appropriate libram depending on what spell you cast and if your target has BoL.

    LightHeaded: A very simple addon that displays quest information and comments from in game.

    LightQueue: A lightweight alternative to the StinkyQueue addon, makes all players join a battleground at the same time(such as AV).

    LittleWigs: Boss warnings for 5-man instances.

    LoggerHead: Automatically turns on the combat log for selected instances.

    Mendeleev: Adds various information based on PeriodicTable to item tooltips.

    MobHealth Estimates a mob's health.

    MobMap: Ingame position database.

    MoveFrames: Attempts to make all the Blizzard frames movable.

    myBindings2: Rewrite myBindings. An enhanced key bindings interface.

    Niagara: Makes an Interface for ace2 /commands using Waterfall.

    NShakedown: Display all your addons and arrange them around each other, so that they don't overlap.

    Omen: A lightweight, flexible, multi-target threat meter.

    oRA2: A CT_RaidAssist alternative.

    PallyPower: Raid/Party Paladin buffs.

    Parrot: Floating Combat Text of awesomeness. Caw. It'll eat your crackers.

    PingDir: Shows minimap ping direction.

    PingPong: Tells you who pinged minimap.

    PitBull: Unit Frames of awesomeness. Woof. It'll bite your face off.

    Postal: Enhanced Mailbox support

    Prat: A framework for chat frame modules.

    Proximo: Simple enemy unit frames for Arena marche.

    qAHImproved: Improves the Auction House, saves auction duration, shows price per item.

    Quartz: Modular casting bar.

    RiadGroupNumber: Adds group number to messages by people in your raid.

    RatingBuster: Item stat breakdown, analysis and comparation.

    Skillet: A replacement tradeskill window.

    Skinner: Changes the look of the default UI.

    SpellBinder: Bind Spells, Items, and Macros to keys, without using action buttons.

    SpellReminder: Keeps track of HoT, DoT, shout times, and other buffs. Also prompts to renew them.

    Squeenix: Square Minimap and more.

    Talented: The Talent Template Editor.

    TalentSafe: Confirm talent choices.

    Violation: Tracks damage and healing.

    VisulaThemes: Base that provides animated transitions to UI elements.

    WIM: Wow Instant Messenger.

    WitchHunt: Simple Spell Alert.

    WoWEquip: Try on different gear and see their total stats and their differences. In short, an ingame CT-Profiles-like addon.

    XLoot: A remake of the built-in lootframe.

    XLootGroup: Minimalistic Group roll frames.

    XLootMaster: Highly configurable master looter dropdown menu