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I need to move my cooldown / range bar because they are on top of my tool bar!
To change the locations of the bars you will need to edit Spiel's original .lua files, this is perfectly safe to do but it is worth remembering that you might want to restore the default skin one day and if you do you will need to restore these values to their original state. Therefore either make a back up of the files or add comment lines within the file itself (if you know how to).

You can make these edits whilst WOW is running, simple adjust the value, save and /rl wow. Repeat until you are happy with the new position.

Moving the cooldown bar:
  1. Locate and open C:\World of Warcraft\Interface\AddOns\nUI\Layouts\Default\HUDLayouts
  2. Choose the folder that represents your HUD set up (mine is Players/Target) - Open the folder
  3. Locate and open nUI_HUDLayout_PlayerTarget.lua (if you have a different HUD set up the PlayerTaregt bit will be different)
  4. hit Ctrl F once it's opened and find 'cooldown_bar' there is only once instance of it
  5. Under the 'anchor' section locate the line:
  6. Code:
  7. yOfs = 8,
  8. The number 8 here is the ofset amount, increase this number to move the bar up the screen. I have mine set at 75 and it sits nicely just above my top action bar.

Moving the Range Text:
  1. nUI_HUDSkin_PlayerTarget_Target.lua (also in the HUDLayouts folder)
  2. Search for 'Range'
  3. scroll down slightly to the 'label' section
  4. locate and edit
  5. Code:
  6. yofs = -45,
  7. I found a value of yofs = 130 works well on my resolution
  8. save file and /rl WOW