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    Kayde's Portal : Bug List Sort Options Bug Report RSS Feed
    FuBar - Critter InFu
    ID Bug Date By Status Notes
    1644 Left Clicking the bar 07-11-06 05:06 AM wirechild Confirmed (Working on Fix)
    By: Kayde
    07-11-06 06:28 AM
    1650 error meassage 07-11-06 05:36 PM fred Unconfirmed
    By: Kayde
    07-12-06 11:16 PM
    3656 Error when logging in... 05-27-07 05:32 AM Henchen Fixed
    By: Kayde
    05-28-07 07:45 AM
    3736 Error on Warlock 06-15-07 05:45 PM Lewzephyr Unconfirmed None.
    FuBar - Player InFu
    ID Bug Date By Status Notes
    3605 Minor XP Bug 05-16-07 08:52 AM OttoDeFe Cant Reproduce
    By: Kayde
    05-17-07 08:49 AM
    3607 Bugsack error message after installing 05-16-07 10:46 PM fred Already Reported
    By: Kayde
    05-17-07 08:45 AM
    3611 "type" must be a string error for both PlayerInFu and CritterInFu 05-18-07 02:46 PM Tenebrus Cant Reproduce
    By: Kayde
    05-18-07 05:38 PM
    3800 FuBar (& minimap) icon does nto appear with latest FuBar versions. 07-08-07 09:09 AM Zidomo Unconfirmed None.