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Nevcairiel's Portal : Bug List Sort Options Bug Report RSS Feed
ID Bug Date By Status Notes
7518 Totem Bar Scale 09-10-11 12:25 PM Chelrid Unconfirmed
By: Chelrid
09-10-11 12:46 PM
6155 micro menu gone 09-25-09 01:53 PM bulldog1 Unconfirmed
By: bulldog1
09-25-09 05:43 PM
ID Bug Date By Status Notes
3892 Bar 1 Suddenly Loses All Buttons and does not change upon shapeshift but changes when i press shift 08-29-07 12:07 AM Vexir Unconfirmed
By: Vexir
08-29-07 12:13 AM
3749 Stance Swith Actions 06-19-07 09:33 PM Avadakedavra Unconfirmed
By: Ghash
06-19-07 10:50 PM
3551 Bartender 3 - Can not Unhide Interface button on minimap 04-23-07 04:56 PM Marih Unconfirmed
By: break19
06-10-07 12:33 PM
3518 CyCicled no longer supported? 04-06-07 12:06 PM holydiver Unconfirmed None.
3895 Hotkeys 08-31-07 10:45 PM Solister Unconfirmed None.
3395 Typo 03-04-07 12:22 AM AndyBlak Flagged for Future Version None.
3797 Bar1: Button 6,7,8,9,0 Doesnt work 07-06-07 10:35 AM DrigonDraenor Unconfirmed None.
3724 Some buttons disappearing occassionally, and attack button becomes a ? occassionally 06-10-07 12:31 PM break19 Unconfirmed None.