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Whitetooth's Portal : Bug List Sort Options Bug Report RSS Feed
ID Bug Date By Status Notes
4466 [Bug] Mage talent calculation (Arcane Fortitude) 04-21-08 03:26 PM Alnazarin Unconfirmed None.
3899 Spirit => mp/5 isn't correct 09-08-07 12:38 PM Mars85 Unconfirmed None.
3614 Stat summary 05-20-07 02:35 PM Lesyde Unconfirmed None.
3610 Misscalculation of Rogue AP with subtelity talents 05-18-07 09:04 AM dumax Unconfirmed
By: dumax
05-18-07 11:01 AM
3581 Stat summery Adding Head/Shoulder/Leg Enchants twice 05-10-07 10:56 AM Spark Unconfirmed None.
3570 Gems 05-05-07 02:50 AM And Unconfirmed None.
3561 Error with 1.1.7 04-28-07 01:59 PM teedog Unconfirmed None.
ID Bug Date By Status Notes
4278 Error-Message 03-03-08 09:44 AM Xaiznah Unconfirmed None.
3506 Error 04-03-07 04:32 PM Lesyde Unconfirmed
By: Whitetooth
04-13-07 07:03 PM