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Altoholics Anonymous : Bug List Sort Options Bug Report RSS Feed
ID Bug Date By Status Notes
8210 Guild Bank counted twice 10-25-14 09:06 AM Bartheleme Unconfirmed None.
8850 Missing Main 08-30-18 01:45 AM Bartock Unconfirmed None.
7696 Message: Note: AddOn Altoholic attempted to call a protected function (CompactRaidFrame1:Show()) 07-09-12 08:30 PM bigblll_2000 Unconfirmed None.
6572 Tool Tip Shows Previous Guild 04-29-10 11:23 AM Biosteel Unconfirmed None.
8845 will not add alts 08-26-18 12:25 AM Bossrash Unconfirmed None.
6078 Deleting Guildbanks/Realms 08-23-09 09:00 AM Carnacki Fixed
By: Thaoky
08-28-09 07:23 AM
8197 Account Sharing: NameOfChar is in combat, request cancelled 10-18-14 03:59 PM caya Unconfirmed
By: GWDragon
11-29-14 12:55 PM
5789 Double data in database 05-01-09 07:17 AM Chronicles Not a Bug
By: Thaoky
06-12-09 11:58 AM
7674 Auto authorization list fails with chinese character 04-27-12 04:41 PM cielazure Unconfirmed None.
8701 Problem with Datastore. 07-02-17 04:32 AM Cluey Unconfirmed None.