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Altoholics Anonymous : Bug List Sort Options Bug Report RSS Feed
ID Bug Date By Status Notes
8249 CallbackHandler for pets in DataStore (LibPetJournal) 12-04-14 01:42 PM Litvan Unconfirmed None.
9011 Unable to see if items are available in the Guild bank 04-25-21 03:37 AM Loadlin Unconfirmed None.
6027 Repeated notification of instance lock release 08-08-09 10:50 AM lone_starseeker Fixed
By: Thaoky
08-28-09 07:15 AM
7753 Spelling in Help Q 09-02-12 09:01 PM lone_starseeker Unconfirmed None.
8667 Error Message 11-17-16 11:25 AM Luvly Luv Unconfirmed None.
7269 Altaholic Character/Skill Button Bug 02-11-11 03:54 PM Maarkus Unconfirmed None.
7545 Profession Cooldown Alerts Not Tracking Correct Times. 10-17-11 07:22 AM Manbull Unconfirmed None.
5967 tooltip problem with alt items 07-21-09 12:07 PM manvswow Unconfirmed
By: Thaoky
08-28-09 07:11 AM
6839 Character Window > Professions 10-15-10 06:14 PM Meebsy Unconfirmed None.
ID Bug Date By Status Notes
6422 DataStore_Inventory Error 01-28-10 06:02 PM Meebsy Unconfirmed None.