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Altoholics Anonymous : Bug List Sort Options Bug Report RSS Feed
ID Bug Date By Status Notes
7753 Spelling in Help Q 09-02-12 09:01 PM lone_starseeker Unconfirmed None.
7750 Bug on logging in 09-02-12 01:43 PM teflaime Unconfirmed None.
7723 Errors from DataStore when trying to apply Glyphs 08-29-12 07:07 PM teflaime Unconfirmed None.
7698 Sharing Data failing. 07-17-12 07:06 AM natassja72 Unconfirmed None.
7696 Message: Note: AddOn Altoholic attempted to call a protected function (CompactRaidFrame1:Show()) 07-09-12 08:30 PM bigblll_2000 Unconfirmed None.
7683 LUA Error 06-04-12 06:13 AM ArPi Unconfirmed
By: ArPi
06-04-12 06:17 AM
7679 error that popped up in swatter 05-04-12 09:14 PM froonium Unconfirmed None.
7674 Auto authorization list fails with chinese character 04-27-12 04:41 PM cielazure Unconfirmed None.
7651 Isnt Loading 03-01-12 09:59 PM gremlin283 Unconfirmed None.
7623 Recipe known does not appear in Altoholic 01-15-12 05:47 PM wadergirl Unconfirmed
By: Sulhir
10-01-12 01:35 PM