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Altoholics Anonymous : Bug List Sort Options Bug Report RSS Feed
ID Bug Date By Status Notes
7610 This is the bug report i got 01-04-12 05:14 AM Vivianne Mosca-Clark Unconfirmed None.
8701 Problem with Datastore. 07-02-17 04:32 AM Cluey Unconfirmed None.
7723 Errors from DataStore when trying to apply Glyphs 08-29-12 07:07 PM teflaime Unconfirmed None.
7750 Bug on logging in 09-02-12 01:43 PM teflaime Unconfirmed None.
7753 Spelling in Help Q 09-02-12 09:01 PM lone_starseeker Unconfirmed None.
7760 Error Report from Stubby 09-04-12 12:28 AM Kiebler2013 Unconfirmed None.
7790 Error popped immediately upon login on a supposedly clean install 09-12-12 03:07 PM Barleduq Unconfirmed
By: Pebbles97321
09-17-12 06:09 AM
7827 Events (Agenda) Lua Error 09-30-12 12:15 AM Sulhir Unconfirmed None.
7885 Recipe Issue? 11-29-12 10:16 PM Steil Unconfirmed None.
7895 mouse over mail item 12-13-12 07:28 PM Halfadder Unconfirmed None.