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Altoholics Anonymous : Bug List Sort Options Bug Report RSS Feed
ID Bug Date By Status Notes
6862 DataStore_Quests broken 10-16-10 01:49 PM Goranth Unconfirmed
By: Goranth
10-17-10 01:42 PM
6879 data store error 10-17-10 07:42 AM zemina Unconfirmed None.
6903 A problem with UI, causes UI to reload. 10-19-10 01:41 PM sunset4403 Unconfirmed None.
6964 error upon mouseover on currencies 10-28-10 10:13 AM Barb_msk Unconfirmed None.
6967 can NOT accept quests 10-28-10 08:42 PM ZGreenDragon Unconfirmed None.
6976 I get this bug everytime I log in with any character 10-31-10 08:39 AM Taynie Unconfirmed None.
6998 Completing Quests issue 11-06-10 05:22 AM Silvermane Unconfirmed
By: Korwynd
11-15-10 06:55 PM
7006 at least once every time I log a toon 11-08-10 06:29 PM HordeHater Unconfirmed None.
7012 error 11-10-10 06:28 PM coondog13060 Unconfirmed None.
7067 Error on Login on my Arcane Mage 11-25-10 05:59 PM gifted_eagle1973 Unconfirmed None.