AnduinLothar's Addon Archive : Bug List Sort Options Bug Report RSS Feed
ID Bug Date By Status Notes
4168 Attempted to call protected function LFGQuery() 01-02-08 04:12 PM RaeVanMorlock Unconfirmed None.
3571 /dm total 05-05-07 11:33 PM mooglelord Awaiting Feedback
By: AnduinLothar
10-04-07 03:29 AM
ID Bug Date By Status Notes
3219 Cant create new outfits v2.53 01-25-07 09:21 PM Pook Fixed None.
1213 shown nothing in titan when an item isn't found 05-25-06 11:40 AM omicron Unconfirmed None.
ID Bug Date By Status Notes
6110 Chats become unusable 09-02-09 12:22 PM Phyxius_Maximus Unconfirmed None.
6099 Bugged input in custom channels 08-28-09 06:25 AM nonameform Unconfirmed
By: nonameform
08-28-09 10:50 AM
6782 won't work 10-13-10 05:20 PM mom120 Unconfirmed None.
7272 ChatBar has been blocked from an action only available to the Blizzard UI. 02-11-11 09:11 PM Marrot Unconfirmed None.
ID Bug Date By Status Notes
6275 TargetFrameSpellBar 12-09-09 06:59 PM Nooq Unconfirmed
By: Wagthaa
01-17-10 08:07 PM
3640 FluidFrames.lua script error on clicking hide tab 05-25-07 08:21 AM Morac Fixed
By: AnduinLothar
10-04-07 03:25 AM