AnduinLothar's Addon Archive : Bug List Sort Options Bug Report RSS Feed
ID Bug Date By Status Notes
3640 FluidFrames.lua script error on clicking hide tab 05-25-07 08:21 AM Morac Fixed
By: AnduinLothar
10-04-07 03:25 AM
5506 Major Error: Flight Paths 03-08-09 03:42 PM Cubert Unconfirmed None.
3658 No Pet Bar 05-27-07 03:47 PM BOE Cant Reproduce None.
3661 squished bags 05-27-07 07:07 PM elvisdumbledore Fixed None.
4407 Error fires when hovering over map. 04-04-08 06:56 AM Sec Unconfirmed None.
5605 error upon login with v2.3 04-08-09 08:06 PM Kharthus Unconfirmed None.
6275 TargetFrameSpellBar 12-09-09 06:59 PM Nooq Unconfirmed
By: Wagthaa
01-17-10 08:07 PM
6944 FluidFrames\\DraggableFrame.lua:338: attempt to index global 'this' (a nil value)", 10-23-10 07:11 PM Tsurani Unconfirmed None.
6945 FluidFrames\\DraggableFrame.lua:338: attempt to index global 'this' (a nil value)", 10-23-10 07:11 PM Tsurani Unconfirmed None.
7307 pop-out Raid Frame not popping out 02-23-11 05:24 AM bbnn Unconfirmed None.