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ckknight's Portal : Bug List Sort Options Bug Report RSS Feed
ID Bug Reverse Sort Order Date By Status Interface Comment
2595 \addons\fubar\libs\AceAddon-2.0\AceAddon-2.0.lua:343: bad argument #1 to 'lower' (string expected, g 12-09-06 08:10 PM yakkatak Fixed FuBar 3.6.5 None.
3351 [Waypoints] The arrow does not appear 02-20-07 07:21 AM Kallysta Unconfirmed Cartographer None.
3613 Zooming Out and Details 05-20-07 09:06 AM Kayde Unconfirmed Cartographer None.
3706 Zone Level 06-04-07 01:03 PM syed Unconfirmed Cartographer None.
2551 Zip file corrupted. 12-08-06 09:57 AM trep Unconfirmed FuBar - LocationFu
By: trep
12-08-06 09:58 AM
2552 Zip file corrupted. 12-08-06 09:58 AM trep Unconfirmed FuBar - ExperienceFu None.
2507 Zip Bad for 2.0 version. 12-05-06 05:21 PM Durzil Unconfirmed FuBar - ExperienceFu None.
4248 Yellow star on the map and disappearing UI 02-11-08 02:42 PM Zardok Unconfirmed Cartographer None.
2777 XP/hr display WAY off 12-18-06 05:28 PM delvi Unconfirmed FuBar - ExperienceFu
By: delvi
12-29-06 11:15 AM
3795 Wrong sum when items in backpack need repairs 07-05-07 11:24 AM Morkeleb Unconfirmed FuBar - DurabilityFu None.
2965 wrong mod in link 01-04-07 08:09 AM Mareid Unconfirmed FuBar - DurabilityFu None.
2951 Wrong map in instance 01-03-07 07:35 AM astalavista Unconfirmed Cartographer None.
2126 Wrong lib included 09-12-06 05:19 PM diggla Unconfirmed FuBar - HonorFu None.
1702 Wrong fee on repair 07-20-06 05:23 PM Supernico Unconfirmed FuBar - DurabilityFu None.
1077 Wrong class coloring 05-11-06 04:10 AM venRaged Unconfirmed FuBar - Top ScoreFu None.
2016 Wrong calculations 08-29-06 02:32 AM razoon Unconfirmed FuBar - HonorFu None.
3965 WoW 2.3 error 09-30-07 09:14 PM KBtibbs Unconfirmed FuBar - LocationFu None.
2836 WorldMap disabled? 12-23-06 03:15 AM wulfing Unconfirmed FuBar - LocationFu None.
4992 World Units Always Fade Out 10-23-08 10:21 AM Caiginn Unconfirmed CowTip 3.0 None.
4210 World map features not working. 01-20-08 03:38 PM xXHellsMessengerXx Unconfirmed Cartographer None.