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FuBar 3.6.5
ID Bug Date By Status Notes
3679 Nop more rightclick menue 05-29-07 03:01 PM legine Unconfirmed
By: legine
06-15-07 01:32 PM
3726 Unable to click/Overflow not working... 06-12-07 06:39 AM Eldanar Unconfirmed
By: Eldanar
06-12-07 06:46 AM
3666 Right click not funtioning 05-28-07 08:08 AM plaguetail Unconfirmed
By: Excellence
06-08-07 12:32 PM
3505 Pet Bars not properly positioned in combat when Auto-Adjust Frames enabled. 04-03-07 02:02 PM Roughknight Unconfirmed
By: huldu
05-14-07 05:23 PM
3542 no fubar 04-20-07 10:35 PM bertlezat Unconfirmed
By: bertlezat
04-21-07 06:34 AM
3443 FuBar2 messing with Ace2 plugins minimap icons. 03-15-07 08:32 AM hash Unconfirmed
By: hash
03-17-07 06:55 AM
3391 Error after loading FuBar 03-02-07 06:12 PM Nazaref Unconfirmed
By: Radiance
03-05-07 06:22 AM
3340 huge fubar 2.0 + regular blizz minimap bug 02-18-07 07:51 AM nimchip Unconfirmed
By: nimchip
02-22-07 12:12 PM
ID Bug Date By Status Notes
3717 Mini-map Icon 06-07-07 01:27 PM DkPond Unconfirmed
By: DkPond
06-07-07 03:27 PM
3587 r35104 one time error 05-11-07 10:48 AM picachu Unconfirmed
By: picachu
05-12-07 03:51 AM
3558 Cartographer throws 1 error per second in BG's 04-27-07 12:20 PM Wowgamer233 Unconfirmed
By: Wowgamer233
04-27-07 06:47 PM
3356 Red question marks on map 02-20-07 05:16 PM wolverine77 Unconfirmed
By: dw420
02-28-07 03:06 AM
3367 Updated to 1-27-07, ver r26329, instance notes are not all positioned correctly 02-24-07 10:17 AM pokyoky Unconfirmed
By: ThunderNimbus
02-25-07 05:22 PM
3350 Instancenotes in ST seem to be positioned wrong and instanceloot not working for bosses. 02-19-07 10:42 PM Neural_Overload Unconfirmed
By: Neural_Overload
02-19-07 10:44 PM
FuBar - HonorFu
ID Bug Date By Status Notes
3635 Battleground players window 05-24-07 10:54 AM AniaWoW Unconfirmed
By: TheBlinkingMan
05-24-07 02:42 PM
3541 Error if I play through midnight 04-19-07 10:48 PM laughingdog Unconfirmed
By: laughingdog
04-19-07 11:04 PM
FuBar - PerformanceFu
ID Bug Date By Status Notes
3556 Improper translation exists. "Toggle whether to framerate" is likely misspelled for locale deDE 04-27-07 02:15 AM Lojan Unconfirmed
By: Lojan
04-27-07 09:24 AM
FuBar - MicroMenuFu
ID Bug Date By Status Notes
3448 main menu button bugged 03-17-07 04:00 AM Steil Unconfirmed
By: zapmaster
03-28-07 09:18 PM
FuBar - LocationFu
ID Bug Date By Status Notes
3400 Latest release (29519) missing Tourist-2.0 library 03-04-07 11:07 PM Tarathiel2 Unconfirmed
By: Dark Matter
03-18-07 08:23 AM
3455 version 2.0.29519 Is missing Libs. 03-18-07 08:21 AM Dark Matter Unconfirmed
By: Dark Matter
03-18-07 08:22 AM