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ID Bug Date By Status Interface Comment Reverse Sort Order
1019 FuBar_HonorFu\GloryLib\GloryLib.lua:724: attempt to call global 'Deformat' (a nil value) 05-07-06 02:49 AM Shirk Fixed FuBar - HonorFu None.
1020 Nil Error 05-07-06 03:54 AM johndoe Fixed FuBar 3.6.5 None.
740 Naming convention check bug? 04-18-06 11:18 PM SlackerJer Fixed FuBar 3.6.5 None.
741 FuBar moves GypsyHotbar first row 04-18-06 11:34 PM elm Fixed FuBar 3.6.5 None.
966 Issues with all items broken. 05-02-06 06:54 PM Sinaloit Unconfirmed FuBar - DurabilityFu None.
1016 Mouseover PopUp Error FuBar 1.1.1553 and Transporter 05-06-06 11:32 PM dlr554 Already Reported FuBar 3.6.5 None.
980 HonorFu not recognizing AV wins/losses 05-03-06 04:27 PM KamuiGT Unconfirmed FuBar - HonorFu None.
981 Does not save location, data, or enabled state. 05-03-06 04:43 PM elmanthira Unconfirmed FuBar - ExperienceFu None.
1340 When I try to add specific character profile 06-05-06 07:26 AM fred Unconfirmed FuBar 3.6.5 None.
3121 Error on trying to activate TopScoreFu after installed 01-15-07 10:43 AM Izadore Unconfirmed FuBar 3.6.5 None.
1062 FuBar.lua:1675: attempt to perform arithmetic on field `screenWidth' (a nil value) 05-09-06 01:22 PM teedog Fixed FuBar 3.6.5 None.
1077 Wrong class coloring 05-11-06 04:10 AM venRaged Unconfirmed FuBar - Top ScoreFu None.
1104 PvP cool down does not display on bar. as well as PvP server issues. 05-13-06 11:21 PM Lewzephyr Unconfirmed FuBar - HonorFu None.
1984 Error in BabbleLib-Core.lua 08-26-06 06:31 PM Medmed Unconfirmed FuBar 3.6.5 None.
1130 Ignores "hidden" money 05-17-06 01:13 PM Rayyl Unconfirmed FuBar - MoneyFu None.
1131 RollsFu is the culprit... 05-17-06 07:11 PM Gemini_II Unconfirmed FuBar 3.6.5 None.
1140 /expfu report errors 05-19-06 06:26 AM Tain Unconfirmed FuBar - ExperienceFu None.
1151 Tooltip not showing since latest FuBar 05-20-06 10:24 AM Alarisha Unconfirmed FuBar - Top ScoreFu None.
1166 error with latest fuber 05-21-06 09:53 AM Supernico Fixed FuBar - AmmoFu None.
1167 Error with fubar 1.2.2030 05-21-06 10:30 AM Tazmanyak Fixed FuBar - MicroMenuFu None.