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FuBar 3.6.5
ID Bug Date By Status Notes
1194 Not loading with PetInfo enabled 05-23-06 05:08 AM And Unconfirmed
By: And
05-23-06 12:58 PM
1192 plugin positions on bars dont save across sessions 05-23-06 01:11 AM Kevlar Unconfirmed
By: ckknight
05-29-06 02:42 AM
1191 Auto-hide and Texture background when logging in 05-22-06 11:18 PM brotherhobbes Cant Reproduce None.
1186 version 1.2.2052 of fubar isn't loading 05-21-06 10:54 PM Ninetoes Cant Reproduce
By: Mindleglalaxy
05-23-06 06:30 AM
1181 Double plugin entries 05-21-06 07:27 PM jpupz Cant Reproduce
By: drathos
05-22-06 04:35 PM
1179 Auto-adjust frames option not working 05-21-06 04:42 PM jpupz Cant Reproduce
By: brotherhobbes
05-22-06 10:30 PM
1178 Error, will not load Fubar. 05-21-06 04:31 PM Jayblah Fixed
By: ckknight
05-21-06 05:27 PM
1175 Error with latest FuBar 05-21-06 02:15 PM vidarc Fixed None.
1148 Fubar changes scale of default dropdown tooltips 05-20-06 05:28 AM Saroz Unconfirmed
By: Saroz
05-20-06 12:32 PM
FuBar - AmmoFu
ID Bug Date By Status Notes
1193 disabling ammofu makes it disapear from plugin list 05-23-06 01:13 AM Kevlar Unconfirmed
By: drathos
05-26-06 01:39 PM
1166 error with latest fuber 05-21-06 09:53 AM Supernico Fixed None.
FuBar - HonorFu
ID Bug Date By Status Notes
1189 BG MiniMap not opening 05-22-06 09:21 PM Bishamon Unconfirmed
By: Tagahre
05-29-06 05:20 AM
1188 av and league of arathor reputation tracking 05-22-06 08:55 PM Nytric Fixed
By: Nytric
05-24-06 09:32 PM
1152 "Add info to enemy tooltip" does not work with TipBuddy 05-20-06 12:35 PM Saroz Unconfirmed
By: Saroz
05-27-06 11:38 AM
FuBar - RestFu
ID Bug Date By Status Notes
1176 Cannot Enable after Disable 05-21-06 03:25 PM Devla Fixed
By: Mindleglalaxy
05-23-06 11:05 PM
1170 Error on load 05-21-06 11:33 AM Supernico Not a Bug
By: ckknight
05-21-06 11:40 AM
FuBar - MicroMenuFu
ID Bug Date By Status Notes
1173 FuBar 1.2.2052 05-21-06 12:47 PM Pure Cant Reproduce
By: And
05-23-06 05:07 AM
1167 Error with fubar 1.2.2030 05-21-06 10:30 AM Tazmanyak Fixed None.
FuBar - MoneyFu
ID Bug Date By Status Notes
1169 error on load 05-21-06 11:32 AM Supernico Not a Bug
By: ckknight
05-21-06 11:39 AM
FuBar - Top ScoreFu
ID Bug Date By Status Notes
1151 Tooltip not showing since latest FuBar 05-20-06 10:24 AM Alarisha Unconfirmed None.