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ckknight's Portal : Bug List Sort Options Bug Report RSS Feed
ID Bug Date By Status Interface Reverse Sort Order Comment
2278 Spacing issue 10-07-06 06:30 AM Gregory Unconfirmed FuBar 3.6.5 None.
2291 Modules rearranging arbitrarily. 10-09-06 06:29 PM SkunkWerks Unconfirmed FuBar 3.6.5 None.
2302 Cannot load other profile 10-14-06 04:34 PM yacoob Unconfirmed FuBar 3.6.5
By: Depherios
11-12-06 10:16 PM
2327 MiniMap cluster is re-located to the center of my screen 10-22-06 02:51 PM Ricowan Unconfirmed FuBar 3.6.5 None.
2329 Disapeard when I log in? 10-22-06 04:04 PM Cerenza Unconfirmed FuBar 3.6.5
By: Ninetoes
10-29-06 12:25 PM
2378 Error 11-08-06 12:03 AM Izadore Unconfirmed FuBar 3.6.5
By: Izadore
11-08-06 12:03 AM
3565 Stack Overflow Message 05-02-07 07:00 AM secutanudu Unconfirmed FuBar 3.6.5 None.
3696 Fubar Is Hiding All of the Plugins On Login 06-02-07 08:55 AM seyek Unconfirmed FuBar 3.6.5 None.
2409 FuBar login error 11-18-06 10:53 PM Phunkmeist3r Unconfirmed FuBar 3.6.5 None.
2702 Ace Event failure when logging on 12-14-06 07:21 AM Valzic Unconfirmed FuBar 3.6.5 None.
2429 Options closing too Fast 11-22-06 02:05 PM Daparat Unconfirmed FuBar 3.6.5 None.
2470 How about TOC: Interface 11200 AND 20000 till patch comes out ? 11-29-06 05:09 AM Sloopy_DE Unconfirmed FuBar 3.6.5
By: Sloopy_DE
11-30-06 05:03 AM
2494 ...\AceLibrary\AceLibrary.lua:27: unexpected symbol near `...' 12-03-06 09:24 AM Sloopy_DE Unconfirmed FuBar 3.6.5
By: lebanni
12-05-06 01:18 PM
2557 Cannot find a library instance of Jostle-2.0 12-08-06 12:13 PM Heruwar Unconfirmed FuBar 3.6.5
By: Sliverpix
12-08-06 10:54 PM
2579 QuestFu - AceHook - 2.1: There is a stale hook... 12-09-06 02:31 PM trep Unconfirmed FuBar 3.6.5
By: ckknight
12-09-06 02:40 PM
2583 Can't see party pet frames 12-09-06 04:28 PM haraga Unconfirmed FuBar 3.6.5 None.
2584 Error messages in Compat 1.2's TabletLib 12-09-06 04:51 PM DSanai Unconfirmed FuBar 3.6.5
By: DSanai
12-09-06 09:49 PM
2637 Getting Error and can't access FuBar 12-11-06 06:30 AM OnTheHissay Unconfirmed FuBar 3.6.5 None.
2595 \addons\fubar\libs\AceAddon-2.0\AceAddon-2.0.lua:343: bad argument #1 to 'lower' (string expected, g 12-09-06 08:10 PM yakkatak Fixed FuBar 3.6.5 None.
2627 Auto-Adjust Frames does not adjust Right Actionbars. 12-10-06 07:45 PM argor Unconfirmed FuBar 3.6.5
By: argor
12-15-06 08:00 PM