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FuBar 3.6.5
ID Bug Date By Status Notes
3376 Nothing shows up! 02-26-07 11:19 PM Grand Poobah Unconfirmed None.
2649 FuBar 2.0 lua errors 12-11-06 04:04 PM Phaer Unconfirmed
By: Phaer
12-12-06 11:17 PM
3145 ShapeshiftButtonX:Show() 01-18-07 03:40 PM vshang Unconfirmed None.
2669 Can't access FuBar menu on right click 12-12-06 10:00 PM Golconda Unconfirmed
By: Isaac
12-16-06 05:20 PM
2680 More on Auto-Adjust Frames not adjusting Right Actionbars. 12-13-06 08:31 AM gizzmoe Unconfirmed
By: gizzmoe
12-13-06 09:48 AM
2735 Error while logging on (can't access FuBar) 12-16-06 07:48 AM Georg Unconfirmed
By: Georg
01-21-07 06:26 AM
2745 opening,closing world map resets frame placement 12-17-06 12:26 AM break19 Unconfirmed
By: break19
12-17-06 12:44 AM
3904 Can't select full size of NPC or players 09-13-07 05:58 AM targ Unconfirmed None.
3914 blizzard ui jumping since latest updates. 09-18-07 02:32 PM Efimerlin Unconfirmed None.
2807 New revisions seems to have problem somwhere 12-20-06 07:20 PM drz Unconfirmed
By: Hevanus
12-21-06 10:17 AM
3726 Unable to click/Overflow not working... 06-12-07 06:39 AM Eldanar Unconfirmed
By: Eldanar
06-12-07 06:46 AM
2918 In Combat UI Lost if Map Toggled. Auto-Resize Unreliable 12-30-06 06:33 PM hetake Unconfirmed None.
2940 Fubar - Skinner Bug 01-02-07 04:59 AM Roheight Unconfirmed None.
2947 One Item Looting 01-02-07 07:25 PM Therum Unconfirmed None.
2956 not loading 01-03-07 01:42 PM Peshet Unconfirmed None.
3575 FuBar does nothing when attached to the top of my screen. 05-07-07 06:24 PM Endarire Unconfirmed None.
2964 Blank Bar 01-04-07 08:08 AM Tieman Unconfirmed
By: gryphonzy
01-05-07 01:07 AM
2973 Error msg when mouseovering on the top bar to get it to show 01-05-07 04:37 AM koleraLS Unconfirmed None.
2988 FuBar.lua line 292 01-06-07 03:56 AM densnugnu Unconfirmed None.
3574 All Fubar plugins missing when loading UI 05-07-07 08:47 AM chocobochicken Unconfirmed None.