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FuBar - HonorFu
ID Bug Date By Status Notes
1104 PvP cool down does not display on bar. as well as PvP server issues. 05-13-06 11:21 PM Lewzephyr Unconfirmed None.
1137 Disable keeps putting HonorFu on the minimap 05-18-06 06:38 PM Aileen Confirmed (Working on Fix)
By: Shark
05-26-06 09:07 PM
1152 "Add info to enemy tooltip" does not work with TipBuddy 05-20-06 12:35 PM Saroz Unconfirmed
By: Saroz
05-27-06 11:38 AM
1188 av and league of arathor reputation tracking 05-22-06 08:55 PM Nytric Fixed
By: Nytric
05-24-06 09:32 PM
1189 BG MiniMap not opening 05-22-06 09:21 PM Bishamon Unconfirmed
By: Tagahre
05-29-06 05:20 AM
1196 stopped working 05-23-06 10:58 AM Shark Unconfirmed
By: kmcdougall
05-30-06 03:51 AM
1265 GloryLib.lua:963 05-30-06 04:05 AM kmcdougall Fixed
By: ckknight
05-30-06 01:56 PM
1273 index field 'data' nils 05-30-06 03:57 PM ploof Fixed None.
1285 Alteric Valley Battleground record not updateing 05-31-06 08:09 AM Baldy Unconfirmed
By: Terefen
06-27-06 06:23 AM
1303 resetbg command produces an error 06-01-06 06:31 PM Nytric Unconfirmed None.
1323 Initial installation shows Rank 0 in FuBar (should be Rank 2, Grunt) 06-03-06 11:54 AM Xplosionist Unconfirmed None.
1368 Bg Minimap won't open automatically 06-08-06 09:59 AM Scae Unconfirmed
By: Flak
06-16-06 03:36 PM
1763 Error on kill and quest hand in 07-28-06 11:05 PM camael Unconfirmed
By: sid67
08-18-06 11:40 AM
1538 PvP cool down does not display on bar. as well as PvP server issues. 06-26-06 01:42 PM Lewzephyr Unconfirmed None.
1551 /honfu resetBG causes error 06-27-06 04:14 PM Piett Unconfirmed None.
2048 Merge with Experience Fu missing? 09-02-06 07:35 AM Vytae Unconfirmed
By: Vytae
09-12-06 11:49 AM
1629 Dates 07-07-06 09:59 AM Redunder Unconfirmed None.
1655 It's been "Today" for almost a week 07-12-06 05:32 PM Aileen Unconfirmed None.
1823 HonorFu no longer loads 08-08-06 11:56 AM tuskers Unconfirmed
By: tuskers
08-17-06 07:16 AM
1683 bonuse weekend list 07-16-06 05:39 PM Grilor Unconfirmed
By: Mindleglalaxy
08-12-06 08:06 AM