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lilsparky's lilportal : Bug List Sort Options Bug Report RSS Feed
ID Bug Date By Reverse Sort Order Status Interface Comment
6157 Error with Inscription: crafting "Minor Inscription Research" 09-25-09 07:05 PM Myrathi Unconfirmed LilSparkys Workshop
By: lilsparky
10-03-09 11:03 AM
6158 Inscription: Some glyph names are left unmodified (in Skillet) 09-25-09 09:03 PM Myrathi Unconfirmed LilSparkys Workshop
By: Myrathi
10-02-09 11:14 PM
5956 error when opening bank 07-12-09 01:03 AM Kharthus Unconfirmed LilSparkys Workshop
By: lilsparky
07-12-09 01:20 AM
8274 Strange bug 01-06-15 04:05 PM Inraz Unconfirmed LilSparkys Workshop None.
8010 LUA error when profession opened: line 1407 compares with nil 07-20-13 04:26 PM gardibolt Unconfirmed LilSparkys Workshop None.