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Iriel's Portal : Bug List Sort Options Bug Report RSS Feed
ID Bug Date By Status Notes
659 After creating a large number of categories, the browse UI breaks (vertical bars through pages) 04-09-06 04:00 PM Silmalia Fixed
By: Iriel
04-09-06 05:48 PM
ID Bug Date By Status Notes
1531 unexpected 06-25-06 08:30 PM Dridzt Unconfirmed
By: Blissfulpain
12-28-06 03:24 PM
2652 SPELLCAST_**** errors 12-11-06 10:30 PM Navras Unconfirmed
By: Navras
12-11-06 10:32 PM
4159 SPELLCAST errors still occurring 12-28-07 03:30 PM pricklyzipper Unconfirmed None.
ID Bug Date By Status Notes
1613 "Red dot" bug - 1.11 07-04-06 08:15 PM silverwind Not a Bug
By: Iriel
05-28-07 01:47 PM
1681 Red Range and Visor Text 07-16-06 12:40 PM OttoDeFe Awaiting Feedback
By: Iriel
05-28-07 01:48 PM
ID Bug Date By Status Notes
2495 2 errors on new version 12-03-06 10:02 AM fred Not a Bug
By: Iriel
05-28-07 01:48 PM
ID Bug Date By Status Notes
3349 questlogframe.lua:260 & framesresized.lua:79 02-19-07 05:40 PM speak Cant Reproduce
By: Iriel
05-28-07 01:49 PM
3663 FrameXML errors. 05-28-07 01:26 AM Undu Game Bug (Cant fix)
By: Iriel
05-28-07 01:44 PM
ID Bug Date By Status Notes
4021 Wrong Location 10-15-07 11:43 PM Kiirar Unconfirmed None.